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  1. Destiny's Force
    Got it done, Princess. ;)
    Profile Post by Destiny's Force for Forever Love, Nov 11, 2008
  2. Destiny's Force



    ...[insert synonym for WTFFTWOMGLOLROFL here]
    Post by: Destiny's Force, Nov 11, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Destiny's Force
    Nice to know that I'm always running in your mind...

    ...and boy am I tired. :lol:

    Well, we can always talk after I get back from class. ;)

    Either that or someone else will cheer you up before I get back. :p

    EDIT: :blink: Uh, yeah. I'll talk to you about that too. :sweat:
    Post by: Destiny's Force, Nov 10, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  4. Destiny's Force
    *squggles through FD*

    You're not fat, cutie. I think there's just too many cameras on you. You know how cameras add 10 pounds each.

    *kookie brick'd*
    Post by: Destiny's Force, Nov 10, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Destiny's Force
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by Destiny's Force for Shiki, Nov 10, 2008
  6. Destiny's Force
    I can NEVER forget this story. But there's a few reasons why I've updated Switched over this one.

    1. Switched chapters are shorter, easier to handle and update.

    2. This next chapter for Wedding is a 30-on-13 fight. I have to coordinate everyone's movements so it just doesn't seem so splattered together.

    3. I want to make sure this next fight is done properly. In other words, I want to do it justice by making it as chaotic, but organized as possible.

    4. Since I just started in my university, it's hard to find time this semester because I'm taking three English classes and two Writing Intensive classes. In layman's terms, multiple 3-4/6-8/8-10 page papers due every week. I can't afford to fall behind. It's the downside of being an English major. :sideways:

    So, I really, REALLY want to update this, but I don't want it to suffer from a shoddy job. I want to make sure I'm able to focus on this without my academics suffering and do this next chapter justice.

    Besides, it's hard to think of how to continue this story when I can't stop and visualize the countless fanservice that keeps me motivated. :sweat:

    Anyways, thank you for being patient with me. I'll try not to disappoint. ;)
    Post by: Destiny's Force, Nov 9, 2008 in forum: Archives
  7. Destiny's Force
  8. Destiny's Force
  9. Destiny's Force
  10. Destiny's Force
  11. Destiny's Force
  12. Destiny's Force
  13. Destiny's Force
  14. Destiny's Force
  15. Destiny's Force
    Okay. Everyone knows about good, evil and the shades of gray in-between. And almost every storyline today has the "good guys" always going up against the "ultimate evil." However, the "evil ones" aren't always acting immoral even if they're deemed "100% evil." They sometimes don't kick the protagonist when they're down or they allow the "hero" time to recover so they can kick the crap out of them again. An honorable act and in a sense, "good." And if they have any minions, they may not necessarily care about them, but by letting them live and sparing their lives for the time being, they're unwittingly performing a "good" act.

    So, I guess my question is, is there any sentient being fictional or otherwise that is 100% evil? Someone that's not just running on instinct and is completely immoral, unethical and has no value of life?
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Nov 6, 2008, 44 replies, in forum: Discussion
  16. Destiny's Force
  17. Destiny's Force
    Down by the bay (down by the bay)

    Where the watermelons grow (where the watermelons grow)

    Back to my home (back to my home)

    I dare not go (I dare not go)

    For if I do (for if I do)

    My mother will say...

    Down by the bay! :D

    (Don't ask me why, I just felt like it.)
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Nov 5, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Destiny's Force
    *pops out of nowhere and puts arm around Emma's shoulder*

    Yeah. Me too. Wonder where he is? :sly:

    -_- Um. Yeah. We've got papers due. So quit bugging the girls and come on.

    Post by: Destiny's Force, Nov 5, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  19. Destiny's Force
    Oh well...

    Since there's been a lot of name changes and whatnot, I might as well update the list and show our status. If I mislabeled someone's name, PM me and I'll change it. :3


    Episode 1: Obligatory Intro Episode

    Episode 2: Asuna's Confession

    Episode 3: The Love Potion

    Episode 4: The Boob Incident/Forming of the Baka Rangers

    Episode 5: Dodgeball

    Episode 6: Baka Rangers Part 1

    Episode 7: Baka Rangers Part 2

    Episode 8: Chisame

    Post by: Destiny's Force, Nov 4, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  20. Destiny's Force


    True. Why do you have the 246 at the end anyway? Is just "Video Game Nerd" already taken?
    Post by: Destiny's Force, Nov 4, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone