The manga itself, yes. It has 14 volumes, a conclusion and an epilogue. Questions are answered, relationships are formed, and the clumsy spaz becomes a chick magnet. :p
"Love" is kinda strong though, don't you think?
Well, get to it. I'll be here waiting for you. :glomp:
Heh. Nice to see you're pairing up as well. :p
Wow. Congratulations! <_< >_> *remembers that he has class in half an hour*
Aren't you supposed to be in school? :p
I'll catch ya later. [IMG]
:nono: Aww... You know you're too cute to be missed. :o But yeah. You know we'll all miss you. ^_^ If you do come back, take some pics of Japan for us, 'kay? :D <_< >_> *gives goodbye tickle glomp*
Close your eyes. And listen. Imagine yourself standing on the overhang of a great waterfall. This hidden waterfall cascades down into a beautiful, sparkling lagoon below you. As you stand there, you feel a gentle breeze playing across your body. Take a deep breath in. Smell how clean and crisp this air is. The sounds of tropical birds can be heard over the crashing waters that flow beside you. You feel the cool, sprinkles of water drizzling the surface of your feet. From your perch, you can see the sun peeking over the horizon. It can be dawn or dusk. It doesn't matter. Lush greenery extends as far as the eye can see. It gives you a sense of privacy, security and yet familiarity as if you had lived there all your life. You are shaken from your thoughts as a familiar voice can be heard echoing over the raging falls. You peek over the edge of the cliff and down into the calm waters of the lagoon below you as you shield your eyes, searching for the source of the voice. Your eyes scan the water's surface until they draw themselves onto the familiar figure. His entire upper half can be seen poking out from the pool as he cups his hands and shouts your name again. You can't help but smile shyly. There was always something about him that made your heart beat faster whenever you were in his presence. Suddenly, you see him waving you down, beckoning you to come and join him. A pang of slight fear makes you gasp. You realize that he wants you to dive from your perch. A flitting thought of taking the path through the trees behind you crosses your mind, but you immediately discard it. Although it's a long way down, you can't help but feel yourself getting excited. You give him one last connecting gaze before you begin to take your first few steps back. In the back of your mind, you realize that you want a running start to give you more air time. As soon as you feel that you've got a good distance between you and the edge, you take one last cleansing breath. You can feel your heart beating a good rhythm and your breathing begin to quicken. But this is your moment. There's no reason to fear. After reassuring yourself that you'll be fine, you let in another intake of breath and break into a dash. Your legs pump faster as you close the gap in a few short strides. And then in one final leap of faith, you jump. As you feel your feet break contact with the ground, you can tell that you made a perfect jump. Time seems to slow down as your body flies through the air. A sense of awe and amazement washes over you as you realize that you're actually suspended, hanging in midair. You imprint these few moments into your mind as of right now, you are completely weightless. However, all new and exhilirating experiences must end as you feel the gravity finally manage to catch you. As you begin to freefall back toward the lagoon, your body immediately reacts to its instincts as it begins to position itself into perfect diving form. In the next few seconds that you have to yourself, your eyes scan the water's surface for the boy that called you, but to your surprise he can no longer be seen. As the pool begins to rush toward you, filling your view, you feel yourself take in one last intake of breath... KASPLOOSH! The shock of the water swallowing up your entire body feels so good against your skin. You try to make out your surroundings underwater, but your vision is literally swimming. All you can make out is the stream of bubbles that erupt from your mouth as you let the captured air out slowly. It gives you a peaceful and pleasurable feeling being weightless for more than a few seconds. You spend a few more seconds underneath before you realize that you need to breathe again. You rapidly flail your arms and legs heading back into the open air. As your head bursts through the water's surface, you instinctively gulp in some fresh oxygen into your lungs. While your lungs take in the air, your eyes take in the scenery. You find that you're positioned right behind the waterfall as the water cascades in front of your eyes like a shimmery, transparent curtain. The sight is breathtaking to say the least. Then you remember. Your head whips around back and forth in search of him, the one you feel passionate towards. With your hair dripping wet over your shoulders, you wade around behind the water curtain, looking for any sign of your dream boy. Doubts begin to form in your mind. Did I really see him? Was he really there? Where is he? You begin to wonder if he really was down here... Without warning, you feel cold, yet gentle fingers tickle your ribs from behind, forcing a shriek to burst forth from your lips. You panic slightly from the surprise tickle attack until you turn your head to see his head erupt from the water. You almost wonder if he intends to tickle you even longer. To your relief (or disappointment), you feel him remove his hands from your ticklish spot and instead wraps his arms around you, pulling you in closer to his body. You can feel the blood rush to your face as his bare front comes in contact with your exposed skin. Even though it's cold, your body feels so warm and tingly that you don't even notice. With almost no effort on your part, you intertwine your fingers over his. His warm breath panting on the nape of your neck sends an involuntary shiver down your spine. You can feel goosebumps forming all over your sensitive skin. You feel comfortable in his embrace, as if you were always meant to be together in each others arms. He brushes some wet strands of hair from your cheek and sets them behind your ear. As he leans in toward you, his gentle breath tickles your ear slightly, sending another involuntary shiver to travel throughout your body. You can't help but blush as you feel embarrassed and at the same time, aroused. "There's something that I've wanted to ask you for a long time," his voice whispers. He leans in closer until you can practically feel the warm aura of his face almost make contact with yours. Your heart hammers with anticipation as he takes in a deep breath as if to steady his nerves. After what seemed like an eternity, he finally says the words that you've been waiting your entire life to hear... Spoiler "What does the scouter say about his power level?"
Well, he wouldn't even name his dog "Pluto." He said so himself. :p
:blink: Wow. I never did understand the Sailor Moon storyline. And Pluto's not even a planet anymore. :p <_< >_> ._. Nope. Evil DF's still hibernating. :lol:
<_< >_> O_o Too easy. :sly:
*shrugs* I dunno. "Bajoingas?" I always thought it was funny.
Uh-huh. Sure. Whatever you say, cutie. :sly:
Anytime, Princess. [IMG]
I would've guessed that you just love dreaming about Evil DF cookies. :sly:
I'd doing good. Just thought you would want to meet someone new. :3 How about you?
Done. ;) Used up most of my creativity power to finish it off. :dead:
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :p