ehhem yeah they are i just rememberd it andd it was epic
my legs are as smooth as a baby's bottom My arms are as hairy as a hairless bee in autum ~~~keeping it yellow ~~~im the dancing Asian fellow
kairi in valor form and an oblivion and oathkeeper... SEXY
i know its not out yet... but Olivia Munn said it pwns... Ima watch it at 12:00 am!
Very true. but then again, i didn't like assassins creed as much as most people did... but it is a great game. the other review sites just joined the band wagon
My fave color is green... but ima say white... the shading is better while white
Welcome ^ ^ i like chicken what do you like?
*chuckles* a Stalin doll xD How bout a Winston Churchill doll with 7 different action quotes!
Normal- Beatbox Mom- Big Girls Don't Cry Dad- Satisfaction Close friends- Heaven (Remix)~ Dj Sammy Girlfriend- Forever You and I ~ Karma K
IDK man... the still sorta show Johnny Bravo. but the stop showing PPG i love Chowder. My Gym Partner's a Monkey, Squirl Boy, etc is kinda wack
theres a guy under her?
Ehem, Endoplasmic Reticulum Oh and just ftw. not everyone has Japanese encoding on their computers... (IF YOU WANT TO SEE BEHIND THE ???? OR [][][][][] then INSTALL THE LANGUAGE PACKAGE.)
That wasnt the freezer silly goose! that was the oven. your hands are fire proof!
Ow* its hot! (that was the oven)
Cookie dough ICECREAM pl0xerz
You know you're insane if you don't YES!
There was a girl i really liked, so i asked her out. She said yes, and it was an incredibly fun date. We hit it off for a couple weeks until i looked at her myspace, and she had a GF... and i was like *sigh* because. if you seen the piece of crap movie Gilil, girls get jealous, and cut themselves.
kk let me find my sidekick