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  1. JorrellVsRoxas
    1) Just tell your parents... who gives a rats ass if they disown you... because thats all they can do to you. and your mom, if she like my mom, she would be happy if your happy. Your dad on the other hand, if he's the type to hit you call child protective services. They would believe you, he cant talk his way out of it. NEVER threaten him by telling him you'll call them, thats just stupid. Just call.

    oh by the way, if you can't take your parents yelling at you... just commit suicide.

    2a) Just keep in touch with your old friends but keep the new one. Oh and if you really want to kill yourself make sure you record it and do a flip . I'm sure everyone wouldn't care...
    You can stop thinking of yourself. you're not the only one who had to leave friends. Why would you think of suicide in the first place? do you know how it feels to loose someone close you?...idiot.

    uhg... w/e
    Post by: JorrellVsRoxas, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: Help with Life
  2. JorrellVsRoxas
    i may sound cruel but if all the poor people died off now, there wouldn't be any poor people...
    Post by: JorrellVsRoxas, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: Debate Corner
  3. JorrellVsRoxas
    and your vodka walmart goes great with that vicious hat
    Post by: JorrellVsRoxas, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  4. JorrellVsRoxas
    aren't we suppose to be smoking pot posting pictures?

    Post by: JorrellVsRoxas, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  5. JorrellVsRoxas
    lol... boycott 4 kids... i watch from funimation and stuff...
    but you know whats funny?
    japanese "Air Gear" boobies are censored
    English they arent

    oh and in Yu-gi-mon ... Yugi and blue eyes white charzard... i mean in yugioh tea and yugi had a date and 4 kids censored that...
    oh and wen people hand guns... it just showed the guy pointing...
    Post by: JorrellVsRoxas, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  6. JorrellVsRoxas
    um what kinnd of question is that... people say its a moral thing to do... and where does it say its a sin to kill animals... in the bible people killed sheep or somthing... so that god can forgive them...

    but idk if anyone kills an animal (if the animal attacked first)... its either them or us

    i hit my dog if he growls/bite... now he's a good dog
    Post by: JorrellVsRoxas, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  7. JorrellVsRoxas
    Dammit i want to believe in ghost.. but sht nothing scares me

    EDIT: like i keep my eyes open in the dark and stare at the mirror on the closet waiting for somthing to pop out... i REALLY want to see a ghost.
    Post by: JorrellVsRoxas, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  8. JorrellVsRoxas

    EDIT: im actually coloring right now... ^ ^
    Post by: JorrellVsRoxas, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. JorrellVsRoxas
    December 10th 1992!!! my social secur.... jk
    Post by: JorrellVsRoxas, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. JorrellVsRoxas
    ehm. im no global warming tard, but if we used private transportation less and public more, the gas price will go down, and green house gasses will umm idk... we will lesson the well you det the picture..
    Post by: JorrellVsRoxas, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: Debate Corner
  11. JorrellVsRoxas
    english spanish and tagalog(filipino)
    Post by: JorrellVsRoxas, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  12. JorrellVsRoxas
    OMFG I HAVE IT!!!! but you'll need to burn it on a cd first... and its rs so it may tak a couplle of days... but you need to be specific... is it v1 v2 or v3
    Post by: JorrellVsRoxas, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  13. JorrellVsRoxas
    thanks it took me a good 5 seconds to fix it ^ ^
    Post by: JorrellVsRoxas, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  14. JorrellVsRoxas
  15. JorrellVsRoxas
    goes on youtube
    Thread by: JorrellVsRoxas, Jul 11, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Music
  16. JorrellVsRoxas
    he can also shrink to the size of an ant...
    and so can the wasp.... she shoots energy bolts known as he stings.... (thank you wiki)
    Post by: JorrellVsRoxas, Jun 18, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  17. JorrellVsRoxas
    SAI WUTTT!... i was in that phase too. but my friends allowed ppl to do sht on the site while it was hacked. it was a pr0n site and we just put on the side (were the ads were) and said sumthin like PORN IS BAD. and scripted annoying loud music. so that when they watch their vid... they cant hear the vid
    Post by: JorrellVsRoxas, Jun 18, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. JorrellVsRoxas
    yo im jorrell... and a REALLY good friend of mine is named skyler.
    Post by: JorrellVsRoxas, Jun 16, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  19. JorrellVsRoxas
    *Chucles* purple.
    Post by: JorrellVsRoxas, Jun 16, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  20. JorrellVsRoxas