Before 4kids after 4kids
I like rosexy...
Erm has more posts thatn me oh and cracks balls
no. my sister says it. and my friend Mia says it.
Christian, pray alot, but go to church alot though... going this sunday though
Dude, chillax. I'm just suggesting ways people get around. because most people cant afford buying a car just because gas prices are up... Oh, and carpooling is a legit way to get around, alot of people Carpool, to save gas and money.
You spelled ****** wrong idiot.
Light Yagami B: Death Note throw (comes back like a boomerang) B side: Death Note slap B down: write name in Death Note (Takes Long, and needs to be recharged) B up: Ryuk carrys him (while flying...Kinda like snake) Final Smash: Write everyone's name on the Death Note and everyone flys out... (instant KO depending on damage)
crazy fan girls scare me. oh and this should be in the spam section EDIT: dammit someone beat me
cant people just carpool and pitch in for gas?
when im alone in my room sleeping... i always have good dreams
blind... i would train myself to idk... something like toph from avatar... exept with ears instead of feet
i cant pick between FPS or MMORPGS
i like pandas... when i useto play maple story... i useto be the panda black ranger.
you have to admit. people doing the brain washing are geiniuses because, how do you expect to make people do something soooo bad and not get mobbed. i mean look at kim jong... even steve jobs could kick his ass
no... its Mansex... oh and terra kinda looks like him... if you put white hair...
The ending of most animes... THEY NEVER SEEM TO BE FINISHED! i still want more... oh and the annoying fan girls. who think they can get guys by acting like the girls in the anime... like i would ever like someone who kicked me in the balls.
ok lets make it more interesting... a burning building... you're unharmed. you have to think fast, you dont have much time... you're [insert loved one here] is trapped under something and can't get out without YOUR help or a puppy [any type you want] ~~~ oh and if any situation... I'd still pick a human. I mean... people say animals have feeling! HUMANS HAVE FEELINGS TOO. i have nothing againsed animals, nor do i want to test anything on them. but its either them or us.
I'm still kinda pissed animal lovers... because they're the ones that released the infection in "28 Days Later"
my Hawaii family... im the one in the white shirt ^ ^