I cant believe most of you guys didnt see it! I mean... Why do you thing Brock's eyes are always closed!?
OMG... goo dead.. i love air gear... so Name: Itsuki Minami, Ikki, Crow, Babyface..etc Age: 15 Gender: male Apperance... google it. Power... Rides AT's like a GOD Bio: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itsuki_Minami
This is sorta what my friends and i do at school... exept with dragons... and we're dragon slayers... xD to see what we are about go to freewebs.com/elods xDDD
Can he see through them or does he swing his weapon blindly (thats sounds kewl)
OMG nobody said it yet... -King Mikey x Queen Minnie -Donald x Daisy -Goofy x Pooh... THOSE ARE THE BEST COUPLES IN THE WORLD!!! oh and Tularim, ask Arcantress were he/she got that .hack// render ^ ^
So does my dad 0.o but its type 2 ... so its his fault
Umm i like to think of it as evolution if this keeps up diabetes will be wiped out in a few hundred years! (i know that was mean) But the prayer thing... i am a christian... i just want to point out, thats not how prayers work.
Maple doesn't give virusus xD its the websites u go on... maplestory gives 2 ads only... 1 in the beginning and one after you exit the game.... none of which gives viruses/spyware to your computer xD
Here is a little song I wrote You might want to sing it note for note Don't worry be happy In every life we have some trouble When you worry you make it double Don't worry, be happy...... Ain't got no place to lay your head Somebody came and took your bed Don't worry, be happy The land lord say your rent is late He may have to litigate Don't worry, be happy Lood at me I am happy Don't worry, be happy Here I give you my phone number When you worry call me I make you happy Don't worry, be happy Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style Ain't got not girl to make you smile But don't worry be happy Cause when you worry Your face will frown And that will bring everybody down So don't worry, be happy (now)..... There is this little song I wrote I hope you learn it note for note Like good little children Don't worry, be happy Listen to what I say In your life expect some trouble But when you worry You make it double Don't worry, be happy...... Don't worry don't do it, be happy Put a smile on your face Don't bring everybody down like this Don't worry, it will soon past Whatever it is Don't worry, be happy
I used toothpaste to fix the scratches on my KH2 game ^ ^ aand it worked...
Air gear aye...try to blend the back of Agito's head with the background because the yellow outline bothers me ^ ^