welcome. read the rules and follow them. make friends too ;D
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu i didn't even see it. I think i just shead a tear at its lovelyness ;D
you fucking win.
:'D you should upload it for me
i found it on photobucket, and then it got removed or something ): lol i posted this on my profile too *deletes*
sora donald and goofy crash landed there in the game :3
:lolface: maybe..... I had a profile picture, then I removed it and never put anything else in its spot xD
Good I found an old avatar I never used before :'D you?
a zero can cancel out any card, even sleights, but any card played after a zero can cancel it out. It works well, you just have to get the timing of it right.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu you actually did it :'D
:o Skittles returns from the darkness?
About time Famous... or do i call you haley now?
i try my best :'D
'D'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww' my big brother and my best modern pirate friend :'D
pretty good. love your avatar btw :D
if you didn't post one then why should we?
your username stretches my contact list :'D
I wonder if I posted a question about kingdom hearts in the spam zone, if it would get more responses? Probably not. :<
i like it :'D o: hurry up and get to 1000 already.