xD I can't seem to find a good one. http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?p=2764141#post2764141 .-.
great 8D I'm looking for a sig right now. you?
And you're going to miss my birthday too >: Have fun and all that jazz :D
If there hasn't been a post in a month consider the group dead. Most don't tend to stay too active though.
overall 5/10
He was originally supposed to be a female character, so of course he looks somewhat feminine. Questioning if he is gay or not is a rather stupid question probably made for the fact that the most noticeable color on him is pink, but like ICSP said pink does not equal gay.
bye bro, see you when you get back (:
bye miele. I'll never forget you (:
yes, and besides few members (including myself) use the about me section seriously, and those who do can keep within the limit provided.
what did it look like?
then how do you know you're being watched?
watched by who?
how? .
what goes in the stars?
[IMG] opening minds.
LoLoLoLoLoLoL I have no idea what we're laughing at .-.
hahahah I found it on photobucket too, I typed in reading rainbow xD
Yes, it was a summer assignment. *looks at avvy* I couldn't tell :'D
I loved the storyline in Chain of Memories, mainly because it focused on both Sora and Riku in their own separate stories. I didn't care for the card system at all, and hated the whole concept of it, so the game play wasn't too exciting. Kingdom Hearts II had the best game play because of drive forms, limits and such even though the game was quite easy. Sora did seem to get off track of the main focus a lot though and if it weren't for Donald and Goofy he would have probably had no solid storyline at all.