The other threads seemed real old sooo.....Anyone playing GR2? :D
Anyone read series from this wonderful place?
So basically I just wanted to see some opinions on this. KHDDD revealed and arguably altered lots of things but there was one thing it stated, nobodies CAN GAIN hearts. They can literally get what they wanted in KH2 with enough time. What I wanna know is how you feel about this. And don't give me some speech or rant about what the other games insinuated or hinted at for years. We ARE NOT arguing about the validity of this fact. What I'm asking is how you FEEL about it. ---Example--- For instance, to me, it felt a bit....hmmm I dunno. I think every story has things it should confirm and others it should leave to wonder. In this light I feel this was an aspect to leave to the imagination. Kh2's plot already feels like "What was the point?" since several villains are back and now more important as humans than they was as literal heartless monsters. One of the best aspects of the series, to me, was the question this raised. Like the Roxas having a heart or not debates of old and so on. The ambiguity of the nobodies and their nature is what gave them their characteristic. So to me this kinda feels like devaluing them more. Not only was they pointless as villains when nobodies but now the striving force of every nobody, even the minor ones, is moot since they can get it just by acting as normal people would. They have no reason to be enemies basically.
People on here have been rather nice and responsive to my junk so I wanted to share my last theory. I used to do theories a lot but as the series has went on and got more convoluted, patchworked and so on I've lost the drive to bother. This was and is the last one I made since I felt most if any other things were talked to death or exhausted. It's quite long so if your bored give it a go, hope you like it. :) Spoiler: Long theory Spoiler: Extra stuff added since I played 0.2 It’s just a small thing but Aqua -somehow- talks to Terra while wandering the Dark Realm. Granted we know that Xehanort is trying to use the situation to find Ven ANNNDDD granted we don’t know which version of Xehanort it really is since Terra mentions she only sees him how she wishes too- BUT!!! The fact remains that while one or more Xehanorts, who have Terra bits mixed in, are running around the worlds at this moment. I.e, this means that this is more in-game proof of Terra being in multiple places. Some version is with the Lingering Will armor, part of him is in at least two to three Xehanrots and then we have this version here talking to her in hell The Dark Realm.
After a slow go thanks to prioritizing school I finally got to where I can put a final thought on KHDDD and 0.2 Figured I'd share. Looking back I dont really have any entries on 2.8 that I feel I'll play again. 0.2 was beautiful, the Master of Masters in BC amusing, but there isn't really anything there to make me wanna go back. How was everyone's final thoughts on it?
Anyone remember these? Kh2 was fun for small things such as "Kairi's Pantsu" or Bleig. lol It still makes me laugh a little that 2.5 only fixed the Kairi one- then again that would be the first one to edit I guess... Anyone else got any KH2 missteps they noticed? :)
I got some pretty decent replies to this on tumblr so I'll see how you guys feel on it. I remember times when interviews weren't needed and a time when they were taken too seriously so it's interesting to see opinions on the subject after all these years.
Okay before anyone flips, this isn't a rant. It's a decent video with a decent point. Remember criticism doesn't equal "herr herrr rant vid f*ck this and it's creator who spent hours making it" no. Give it a go, see if you agree, be mature. Enjoy...I hope. :D
Can I just say this sites ability to paste tumblr blogs is freakin cool!? I dont have to worry about editing or nothing! Granted there's some parts I should probably edit in this but I wanna see an opinion so meh.
Since the reblog of this is what brought me here seems fitting to post me anyway. >3>
Lots of threads are dated 2015 so I'm unsure what I can bump or not. So I'll just start one. I made this after watching the Back Cover movie.