Some days I feel like posting some I don't. Took 3 years but it was worth it.
1. Maybe, I don't know if anyone is working on it. 2. I think it's been done, not sure though if its emu-only though.
Just a few more posts... EDIT: Er, wait...
Oh dear Jesus. This is definitely something I need to see...with friends. (at least I hope -_-)
Maybe like, you see someone, and you're like "Oh man he/she's beautiful!" But nothing like actual love for each other. It takes time to develop a love bond between two people, and seeing someone and thinking about you're entire future with him is unrealistic. Maybe it might work out, who knows, but don't count on it.
Emulator only. It's the effects mod that makes it that. unless narutosuperkubii corrects me -_-
You can get Riku to kinda shoot it, but nothing will come out. I can't really remember what exactly powers it, but it definitely has something to do with the UCM.
Not too bad. I like it for the most part though. I can't really make any good suggestions other than hope you could raise the quality a bit.
Perhaps there's already a thread on this, but I digress. Do you think there should be some kind of remake or Final Mix of Days? If so, what console would you want it on and what things would you want it to have?
She just seemed so...bland, like some filler character. She was completely unnecessary and even if she did make another game appearance, what would it matter? She's a failed clone of Sora. I still think Square could've focused a lot more on Roxas and the organization, besides cramming the idea in the last minute.
I've never seen it, though I did hear it was pretty terrifying. What exactly is it even about anyways?
I think it should, kinda for the reasons Machina stated, but also because if we have a death sentence, who would want to keep murdering if their fate ends up as the same as his victims? Basically invoking fear into anyone considering killing someone for a whatever reason.
I really hope they'll be a new song. I am getting sick of listening to Simple and Clean. Hopefully Square or Hikaru won't get lazy on us.
It'd be useful, like logn4 said, for college things, like even able to type up a report of some kind on there. (I don't have an iDevice, but I assume you could do that)
It's only October. ;-; I won't be getting snow until like February.
You are loved by all, Daxa. I'm the one no one loves.
Come at me bro.
Saw this coming even since Nintendo released the 3DS. Nintendo seemed to be holding all of their system's hands with first party release, which is a shame.
I'm guilty of this. I love blasting music on my headphones, though I don't do it to let other people to hear what I'm listening to. N00btubes: Now, I'm probably one of most mainstream people here. I love playing Call of Duty and such, and I absolutely hate it when people use n00btubes, which are Grenade Launchers. People asking someone to repeat themselves: I guess this is only certain to one person, but I still hate it when someone says "What?" over and over again. Not referring to the member What?.
inb4lock .