already finished what?
I am ze uberman
Anyone bought it? , awesome game and awesome engine ....i just love physx (Physx is only for PC)
Colors are screwed up , so forget about that spot.
Oh man , i so adore your drawings~! :3 Nice job!
Thanks. : D
Awesome pixel art you got there. man , i wish i can draw some more pixel drawings...but pfft. D:
Hehe...i think i messed up the hands , but oh well. (Oh shi- furries!)
You still didn't get your laptop? oh that kitty from steam wasn't you.
Just did this , then converted it in The video is from the Left 4 dead's intro just FYI. Check it out if you are bored , in the mean time I'm gonna play L4D with custom maps.
"Gentlemen." -Spy , Team fortress 2.
Yeah , i was about to leave kh-vids .....because things didn't go well in my life. Ya' know what i mean?
I never wrote something down....but i tried to do one. *ahem* "Life isn't easy , you choose the path to find...either good or evil. No matter what , but still.....Life isn't easy." So whaddya guys think? i suck at this "writing" thing...but i tried. :T
Dude , you're CPU is 3.2 Ghz ...mine is 3.0 Ghz.
"I used to rule the world Seas would rise when I gave the word Now in the morning I sweep alone Sweep the streets I used to own." Viva la...
I ain't gonna leave , because people will miss me and my drawings. = D Thank you people for the support! , you guys are the best. <3
Thank you kitty. You know what , I'm gonna gift you some games on Steam. (like i gifted you HL2 . remember? )
Forget it , people DO miss me...and they don't want me to leave kh-vids. But although my Drawing shop will open after 1 week....It's because i need a rest. Edit 1 : forget it , I'm not leaving this site until i become Prem.