Nice to meet you Miss.Lockheart *bows to Tifa* *says under her breath*ladies man what? o nothing Colonel i g2g. bed time. byebye bye *salutes*
nightnight g'night nice to meet you as well *bows* i think his title is Colonel Roy Mustang........ Not sure though. thats what he is on my fanfic anyways.
yupers, roy is my partner
no one beats you Roy.
lol, i would be spasing out if Sephiroth where here, too i feel loved
hi everyone hello
byebye NED bye
thats not good. *blows up the rising dead* thats better
excuse my overly sacastic partner:ff10sora:<yah Sora that is an undersatement, it is still spasing on my comp, though, sometimes.
hello So, how is getting eaten by zombies going
okay. *runs over, gives kh a hug* better?
something wrong?
........hello? so how is everyone?
yesh, i am here lol
hi, i am back everyone.
Name: Trisha Phantom Age:15 Rank:Major Title:Fury Alchemist Specialty Alchemy: Lightning Other Alchemy:the regular transmute with circle type thing Weapon Transmutation:two swords Main Weapon:two swords Accesories: Silver State Alchemist Watch (cannot remove) a black ribbon tied on her left wrist. Biography: Trisha just joined the State ALchemists. Now she is trying to get stronger and climb the ranks.
text:Yami*no*Hime picture: effect:what ever u think looks good colour: dark blue/black Sig THANKS
i never made said great weapon of doom. so i wouldn't know. srry have u tried game guides?
This sounds fun. :) Name:Melany Phantom Gender:female Age:15 Alchemist type:lightning History:She was taught by her "master" (was a state alchemist) who was executed for disobaying orders in the Ishbal Rebellion. She is not yet a state alchemist. Discription: Wears state alchemist uniform late. Can i join?
lol, i haven't even bothered with Sephiroth yet