my mom and my sister are sick as well
thanks. soo what you up to
thanks, i going to keep trying to make sigs, then maybe make a sig shop in KH
they are so adorable. I want one, lol. Do u think u can make a bunny Squibble
lol, i didn't make it. i wish i did though. O ,really, i didn't think she has a good side. i wish the butterfly came out more though
someone tell me what they think of this thing. i think it looks scary someone other than Roy
i am trying to make sigs i am watching, and laughing i went to disney, but it was so hot, i almost melted. and when it wasn't hot, it was raining so either way, u would have melted... *glares at Roy*
hihi what are u scared of exactly
hihi DarkSmile *salutes* hi
hello people any1 here?
occ:srry i didn't do anything yesterday, i had to go to work, then the fox, then i had to see my grandma......busy day. so, what did i miss. bic: Melany was in the library, studying for the state alchemist exams. She got her alchemy down pretty well, but she needed to learn more about the history of alchemy. After an hour or so, she got up and went to a shooting range to practise her lightning alchemy.
occ: Melany, the character i am playing. bic: Melany found a restaurant, sat down and ordered food. Looking around, she say two people across the street talking. wonder what they are doing she mumbled with a fork in her mouth.
Hi.....I am Yami*no*Hime. Call me what ever you feel like. And this is my partner Colonel Roy Mustang. Hello. nice to meet u
lol, yah, i son't think i have gotten to really talk to u yet i think u did once mayb..................i don't remember
yah another person, it is going to eat her.
wow, thats alot of people.
OCC: everyone was putting pictures as thier discription, so i found this
hi people do we have new people, or is it just me seems like we do hi new person. I am Princess of darkness, nice to meet yah. You can call me Dark or Darky this is my partner Colonel Roy Mustang hello *salutes*
Melany was hanging around Hq. She was bored. The State Alchemist exam wasn't for a few days. She was currently inturning with some Colonel, but he was off doing some mission thing, so she was left with nothing to do. Before she died of bordom. Melany ran off to find somewhere to eat. OCC:Is Mustang around?