yay, i am alive, but i have desided that school sucks.........ALOT hehe
lol, wb Darksmile. *returns salute* o, i wanna try *salutes*
well, y were you hanging upside down?
hi peoples hello
g2g everyone byebye
hihi baka-neko that wasn't nice so
lol, i'll get them to you once we go. the convention is not till next month
funny thing is, If i went as Kanda i would be so out of character. I want to go as Lavi but i have to convinse my other friend to go as Kanda.
picture time ^lavi yup, she is going as Allen. ^Kanda
an anime convention is coming soon. should i go as Lavi/Rabi/Ravi (same person, he just has a million names) or Kanda? both characters are from D.Grey-Man.
i am so bored *smashes head agianst the wall* okay all better another million braincells die. u keep this up and your going to have none left shut it
runaway before you drown, all the streets will bring u down, fallen leaves fallen leaves fallen leaves on the ground....... ok we get it
lol .......whats wrong with spelling names right
something wrong?
hello KH, how is everyone today i am alive..... i guess
hello.........meow? so whats up
so, whats up
hello everyone
OCC: i am lost, are we going to do the state alchemy test yet or not Melany roled out of bed and got dressed. She fixed breakfast, ate it, then went out side. It was a clear sunny day.
Melany went home, she felt the day had been a waste, and just wanted to get some sleep. Tomorrow was the state alchemist test. she was sure she was ready for the written test.