OCC: i am totaly lost so if i am off, oops Yes i passed Melany thought to herself. She had a great score. Well great, compaired to everyone else. Now she had to pass the final exam.
hihi people. waz up ....hi
hihi hello there *salutes* whats wrong with japanese? oops, lol g2g finish my HW. I hate HS, well talk to you all later. byebye
hello everyone anyone here?
Melany had finished the test. She has no idea how long it took to to finish. Looking at her watch she had realized she had been there for two whole hours. She was running through it one last time, making minor corections here and there. She sat back and stared at the ceiling. This is tiring She got up, handed in the test and went outside, passing the man with the silver hair agian. She went outside and sat down on the steps. I hope i made it in. Sensei will be disappointed if i don't. she thought to herself
Melany quickly wrote the anwers for a few questions. this is easy, she thought Then she got stuck on a question. Figures
lol, i am like that well i gotta go everyone g'night everyone
hold a note on what for 20 seconds
sorta, all the Rangers that are going to AWA get to meet Vic. Well sorta, u have to sign up for it
i usually talk on the chat site, but neko likes the forums better
lol, oops. it is by Breaking Benjamin. got confused
lol, the song is called Evil Angel. It is by Three Days Grace :)
Hold it together. Birds of a feather. Nothing but lies and crooked wings. I have the answer. Spreading the cancer. You are the faith inside me. No, Don't, leave me to die here. Help me survive here, alone. Don't Remember! Remember! Put me to sleep, Evil Angel. Open your wings, Evil Angel. (Ahhh) I'm a believer. Nothing could be worse. All these imaginary friends. Hiding betrayal. Driving the nail. Hoping to find a savior. No, don't, leave me to die here. Help me survive here, alone. Don't Surrender! Surrender! Put me to sleep, Evil Angel. Open your wings, Evil Angel. (oohh) Fly over me, Evil Angel. Why can't I breathe, Evil Angel? Put me to sleep, Evil Angel. Open your wings, Evil Angel. (oohh) Fly over me, Evil Angel. Why can't I breathe, Evil Angel? ^my favorite song
technically yes i am a ranger "red ain't afraid to wear the blue" yah Koneko is one 2, she joined about a month before me
i don't know. I am a ranger. I wanted to b a skirt, but koneko talked me out of it. But i can't change the fact that i love Roy, and pwns Ed. awww thats cute *smaks Roy* and i just pwned u so ha
lol, mayb. why, are u
Read Twilight. it is a great book
......ok? why depends on the question
cool i want one, lol and thats why i didn't go to school *gasp* Roy is illiterat, i know i spelled that wrong no, i am self taught? really your the one to talk, you do go to school, yet you can't spell to save your life meanie head
OCC:Yes, exams Melany was walking to the exams. she passed a guy with white hair.is he taking the exam? she wondered. She walked into the exam room and sat down.