Ehh,not much. Lurking..Chatting..Yah.. You? Also, Namine is at the vet. -facepalm-
Oh ok. Me either. =D
Ello Eastercat! Nice to meet you. This is namine: -smiles shyly- She doent talk much, unless someone talks to her. Shes kinda shy =/
Just okay? Hmm, well, ok. What have you been up to? Ello Darksmile! How are you?
Im good! How are you?
Ello people. I dont think I've met some of you.^^ I'm Artistic Witch.(Artistic,AW,Colby)
Wow....... IDK. =D
Oh well she's my best friend, that "made" me come to KHV.
LMAO. Yah, I don't know very many people here at KHV because I have been un-active and then my friend kept urging me to go on so I did, and I Love it! Do any of you know MadiYasha?
XDD Start naming names! Lol!
From who i've met, they're pretty cool. ^^
Good, I was just looking for people to talk to and then people form here started talking so i decided to get to know my family.=D
Congrats!! -nodnod-
Cool! I guess I'm ok at it. how are you?
Well then we all have that in common!^^
I like drawing also. Thanks, i was aiming for that. I like your username as well. ^^ -nodnod-
Nice to know! Im Artistic Witch you can call me Artistic,Whitch,Aw,whatever...I aslo like KH uh..reading is fun i also like singing and I'm striaght.=D nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. BTW my partner is Namine. =D Hello.
Hello there.
Ello there.