I guess I should say what brought me here. Senpai noticed me:
It's been said already but it wasn't some grand epic to begin with. However when asked if it was ruined I take it to me if it was ruined from it's best point or it's own standards. In this way I'd say yes, if not only because the series is now a big bag of wasted potential in my eyes. Something I saw back when I bothered to follow game Journals or Nomura quotes. That in of itself is a major problem I think. So much story isn't in the narrative itself it's buried in game files or in interview quotes. That's just not a good practice to have with a game series. Due to this I honestly can't help but roll my eyes when I see someone defend the series like it's some flawless epic of a story. I especially dont like seeing people jump a person for not knowing something or choosing not to bother with such things. I've also quit bothering since things are beginning to contradict. Like Nomura said once there was no death but the KH2 game journals state bluntly that death exists and how it even occurs. Sure you can work around this or establish a headcanon but in the end that is just making a headcanon to patch a contradiction. Plus I remember several times in older quotes Nomura mentioned wanting fans to use their imaginations or create their own interruptions. That seems to be when the story is at it's funnest or when fans are the kindest so I just ignore it all now. Someone who replied to my tumblr said it best I think; I dont think any one game ruined it. If anything I'd say it's been a steady fall personally. Starting with KH2 and onward. Not that these games were horrible themselves but I do think each one after was of a lesser quality than it's predecessor. The writing just seemed to go all crazy with each go forward, each "new" character was somehow a shoehorned tie to Sora, etc. KH1 wasn't flawless or perfect but if I had to compare it to it's sequels then I'd give it the best rank. I personally don't think there is a way to fix it now and I dont think any fans will let it be fixed due to their attachment to characters. To me the characters so far are repetitious, either Sora or Xehanort, and hollow. It's like the only somewhat original people we got in a decade was Aqua and Axel. However I know that is personal and that most of the fanbase, which lets face it is a good portion of hardcore fans than anything else, is very attached to them. We've all seen how quick a criticism can be deemed a "hate rant" I'm sure. So in my view there is no way to fix it. Fans wont let it change because they wont let criticisms or issues to fix be known. Fans buy it as he sells it so Nomura has no reason to fix anything and the cycle repeats. I've made lots of tumblr lists or rants over my years of small tweaks and so on that could be done to fix the story. In fact it's kinda surprising how many ideas I've seen from a select few that could keep the story the same, yet improve it, by tweaking small things. I'm rambling. If I had to fix it I'd do so by throwing out the entire narrative. I know this will never happen, I'm no fool, but if asked that's the answer I'd give. In it's place I'd make a new series, which uses KH1 as it's starting point, or I'd just remake KH1, in the KH3 graphical engine, and add an alternate secret ending that wraps it up as a standalone story....which I know KH1 was made to be standalone at the time but it left some in case sequels were greenlit.
Anyone enjoy the finale?
I dont mind so long as they aren't overpowered and optional. Granted balance in KH games since KH2 has been...iffy. Between command deck+shotlocks and drives I'd pick drives though. I do think drives should be more limited this time around. Like two or three at most. Preferable two which you can level up a small degree so that they change as you go. Like new abilities or color changes, etc.