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  1. Dravoo
    You have just made my day. How did you even-? Why is this adorable!?
    Post by: Dravoo, Apr 20, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. Dravoo
    Don't wanna spam but I'm nearing the end of the game and there's way to many to paste here. So I'll leave this one and post a final one when I finish~

    Post by: Dravoo, Apr 19, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. Dravoo
    It certainly has more intrigue and legitimate mystery than the rest of the series.
    I just don't like mobile games, I don't like touchscreen gameplay. Could Chis story fit into a console game? I know it's story scenes are spread out quite a ways among it's missions.
    Post by: Dravoo, Apr 17, 2017 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. Dravoo
    Sadly, it's importance is as spot on as you get the feeling it is. I don't like how it's become so relevant but I do think it's had the best writing since KH1 so I wouldn't mind a console edition myself. *doesn't like the phone games gameplay-wise*
    Post by: Dravoo, Apr 16, 2017 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. Dravoo
    Oh oh! I have two friends on tumblr that showed me this one before. It's good.

    One of my favorite ideas was similar but simpler. It was making Kairi lead but changing Sora to Kairi's younger sister or replacing Sora with Namine so she could act as the 7th Princess of Heart as well as be a focal point for Kairi and Riku/Sora in the story. Kairi's sister, but someone Sora/Riku wanted to save.

    Basically KH1 but with slight alterations. Basically like this idea but with even less changes. In either case, I love ideas like these since it'd be a fun AU they could do for games but also let us see how Kairi would react to Sora's journey.

    Another one of my more favorite ideas was an art I seen on tumblr. I can't find it but the idea was basically Aqua comes out of the Dark Realm during KH1 and then the games become her series instead.
    Post by: Dravoo, Apr 16, 2017 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. Dravoo
    You could even apply the parallel universe idea to this option. Like, KH1 could've been a point in which many possible paths branched. The current story being the result of Xehanort's and the Master of Masters time f*ckery. The alternate world being the result of this never happening.
    Hell you could even use the current story as an excuse for this. Like, perhaps, the Unchained Realm in Chi's season 2 created an alternate universe in which Xehanort never surfaced.

    KH1 is the most solid storywise, but it's also the simplest. They didn't know if a sequel would happen at the time so Kh1 had a more solid foundation in contrast to the current story that is retroactively building a mythos. Plus it'd start over without losing entirely everything, Sora would still have Riku, Kairi, his disney friends, etc. :3

    I will admit though, ideas I've seen on the net for KH1, but with Kairi as the lead, have had interesting ideas as well.
    Post by: Dravoo, Apr 14, 2017 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Dravoo
    If we were to be technical, it's what an actual reboot or a soft-reboot is. It's just another kind of soft-reboot came to mind when you mentioned it. xD
    Yours works too though, a new cast could work so long as it doesn't tie itself to the things that made a mess before.
    Post by: Dravoo, Apr 12, 2017 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. Dravoo
    That's more of a fresh start than a soft reboot. I'm not arguing the idea though, this would be a fantastic and simple way to begin fresh. It's hard to go wrong with a new generation or lead imo. I'd love some new characters not based on a previous ones model, with actual build up as a character. It still kinda saddens me Chi is the first in a while to have such things with their Ephemer and Skuld...

    There'll always be people that don't like something but the beauty of your idea is that they can just stay with the old universe and it's stories. A parallel universe could work well, you could start over or you could even do what the Godzilla films in Japan do. You take the first entry (in this case KH1) and start a new line of story from there. Several parallel universes, each just have the same starting point.

    What do you think of a soft reboot option? If done right, these can clean clutter but keep established things. Sonic Comics done such a thing a while back, Universal shift, but main cast remembers. Granted that wouldn't work for every story but creative ideas like that are the plus of soft reboots, you inject new to keep what's left of the old going.
    Post by: Dravoo, Apr 12, 2017 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Dravoo
    Now there's an opinion I hardly ever see! Perhaps the best compromise yet. How would you perform this soft-reboot? I know both Marvel and the Sonic Comics have done it to varying degrees of good to bad.
    Post by: Dravoo, Apr 12, 2017 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. Dravoo
    @DigitalAtlas Is it on the PS4 PSN?
    Profile Post Comment by Dravoo, Apr 12, 2017
  11. Dravoo
    It's late, I finished a thing, hopefully I see something interesting. Goodnight. ewe"

    Thread by: Dravoo, Apr 12, 2017, 11 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. Dravoo
  13. Dravoo
  14. Dravoo
    ^ So a console game taking place during those Chi games?
    Post by: Dravoo, Apr 11, 2017 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  15. Dravoo
    *adds a few more* >3>

    Post by: Dravoo, Apr 6, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  16. Dravoo
  17. Dravoo
    I got the PS4 remixes, there's a screencap button, indulge me people ;w;
    If ya got'em share'em.

    Thread by: Dravoo, Apr 5, 2017, 7 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  18. Dravoo
    Since the remixes are on pS4 now, glitchy or no, I figured it'd be fun to see what everyone's play record is.

    Like how many times you beat critical? Lvl1? Etc.

    .......Beginner; once
    .......Standard; lost count in 2002
    .......Proud/Hard; also lost count in 2002
    .......Lvl 1; only got to Agrabah

    .......Beginner; never that I can remember
    .......Standard; probably around 4 or 5 between 2005 and now
    .......Proud; lost count in 2005
    .......Critical; around 5 I think counting remixes and mid 2000s importing
    .......Level 1; I've tried twice, the furthest I've reached is Mulan

    .......Beginner; never
    .......Standard; once maybe twice
    .......Proud; 3 times
    .......Critical; the one I default to for BBS so lost count
    .......Level 1; once for Aqua, once for Terra

    ........Beginner; never
    ........Standard; once
    ........Proud; once

    Re:Coded: You could tweak the level in this game at any time but I beat the majority on critical.

    Chain of Memories:
    The original GBA had no options but for Re; Standard twice, proud once.

    ........Beginner/Standard: never
    ........Proud/Critical: once each

    .....Standard, once
    .....Proud, once
    .....Critical, once
    .....Level 1, I got to the last boss but had to turn leveling on. (which made it my critical run)

    For fun, how do you play in general? Harder modes? Standard?
    Thread by: Dravoo, Apr 5, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Dravoo
    This happened.

    Hilarious joke. xD A shame though. I think short stories on most characters would help.
    Post by: Dravoo, Apr 1, 2017 in forum: Anime and Manga
  20. Dravoo
    The other threads seemed real old sooo.....Anyone playing GR2? :D
    Thread by: Dravoo, Mar 27, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming