And it irks me when something small like this is taken a bit too seriously. Yes Sora didn't literally mug Riku and steal it but he did take it from him. You can dig in the commentary but we've all read them at this point. Sora gained it by accident in the brief exchange on the night Destiny Islands fell, Sora claimed it for real when he gave his friendship speech in Hollow Bastion. It's covered in the KH1 Ultimania while the KH1 Journal notes Riku was the one originally chosen. It choosing Sora is it going from Riku's ownership into Sora's, it was taken from Riku in the manner in it's own volition. (which I referenced already by getting to see Sora earn it two posts up) Please contribute to the topic rather than nitpicking small things like this.
Kinda. Sora's keyblade was originally Riku's. That's what made it so nice. Sora literally did what lots of villains tried, he stole someone's keyblade. lol My gripe is why so many have keyblades now rather than there just being lots in general. I got to see Sora truly earn his which was great, TAV were set up in concept as wielders and Chi covers the keyblade war so lots of keyblades are default. I however hate to just see them granted. Like, Riku's new one (WayToDawn) was granted off screen and then Kairi's was explained as a literal accident. I don't like that kinda thing, it's lazy.
You only get that after the headache of writing one of these.
Sorry. The comment of kissing kinda threw off that impression. Made it seem like a shipper comment when I wasn't really supporting a ship, just trying to analyze the shipping view. I apologize.
I got one song from that one. Not too bad.
I get the distinct impression you didn't read the post.
Just bought Gorillaz music...halp.
So I made this after dissecting relationships with friends yesterday. Didn't turn out as well as I hoped but I put the work in so minds well see what y'all think. I'm not sure how to clean it up any better either, with this kinda topic I kinda expect one of two responses anyway. ^ ^"
haha I forgot about the micro! That was a weird year.
So a new model? I figured the handheld section would slow down or have something new with the Switch which is both console & handheld.
Didn't say ya did. lol Tell that to other fans. I like it but some treat being in anti form as a death sentence.
Every form changes depending on world to a degree. Like SantaSora's minor details change, HalloweenSora's mask changes, TronSora's colors change, etc. It's really cool to see them all in both limit form and anti form I think. Limit form is really neat in Trons world to me. I think Anti's best variant is HalloweenSora due to his already creepy outfit. Anti also places limitations on you. You can't pick up HP orbs, your magic is sealed, you don't gain experience and you can't deactivate it while enemies are around. On easier modes this can make it very fun since you'd be typically overpowered.
KH2 only had two real problems. Whoever wrote the dialogue was high and it was too easy. Sadly the writing and even mistranslated parts are forever, but the final mix fixed the too easy part. Even despite those issues it was still a fun one to play. Sometimes people rant just to whine I think. Granted I've done a lot of complaining as the series went but I always try to give a detailed reason as to why. KH1 & 2 in particular, despite what anyone says, gave you options. If you wanted to be a "striker" you could. If you wanted to be a master mage, you could. If you wanted to mix things, you could. Everything thing had a use if you gave it one. KH1 even went the extra mile and rewarded you for testing other features with it's tech point system. If you guard something right, counter or exploit an enemies weakness (like ice heartless hate fire) then you got extra exp for it. For that reason I don't get the drive form complaints. You literally don't have to use it. Anti was my fave form as well. If not only for how silly it could be. Even the way it hangs from ledges is hilarious.
What a nice post. :D I have lots of gripes with the direction of the series itself but KH1 will always be a favorite to me. It's still my favorite to be honest. It wasn't flawless itself but to me it still feels like the most "solid" entry. Even if other fans disagree, I think everyone can admit KH1 felt different from the rest of it's series.
I couldn't agree more on the colors. I do NOT like the final mix recolors. I know it's disney, but it makes the heartless more cartoony than shadow monsters should be. The issues isn't just understanding the aspects but the aspects themselves. I also understand but I hate them since most quite frankly exist because Nomura wants to "surprise" people. Among other issues. Of course many also feel confused by it and dislike it for those reasons but some also hate them despite understanding I feel.
If you have any posts to add don't be shy though. :D
So a glitch? I should play around with heartless Sora more next time I get to that point. I had no idea of these things.