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  1. Dravoo
  2. Dravoo
    Why is the Sora one so angry!? x'D hahahahah
    Post by: Dravoo, Jul 15, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Dravoo
    Thread by: Dravoo, Jul 15, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Dravoo
    A kinda divisive game yes. I disliked it for mostly gameplay reasons but there's one story issue I kinda had. Did anyone else feel similar?

    Thread by: Dravoo, Jul 14, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  5. Dravoo
    I don't really think ya need evidence. There's no rule saying there can't be more than 7. Granted there has to be AT LEAST 7 for the whole xblade thing but no rule says the 7 can't have other allies beside them. If anything, given the threat and plot convenience of Xehanorts plots it'd be wise to have as many allies as possible.
    Post by: Dravoo, Jul 14, 2017 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. Dravoo
    Thread by: Dravoo, Jul 2, 2017, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  7. Dravoo
    Almost forgot, my friend made another sketch I colored:

    Post by: Dravoo, Jun 30, 2017 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Dravoo
    Thread by: Dravoo, Jun 29, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Dravoo
    I don't know. I merely colored her design. :)
    Post by: Dravoo, Jun 26, 2017 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Dravoo
    So a friend of mine helped me make an au and even made a design for me, all I did was add some color but I quite love the design she made me so sharing here. :D

    Thread by: Dravoo, Jun 24, 2017, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. Dravoo
    Polymega gave me odd hope.
    Status Update by Dravoo, Jun 22, 2017
  12. Dravoo
    I just realized...I should've made this part of the Data theory, it'd theoretically help Terra just as much as the others.
    Post by: Dravoo, Jun 20, 2017 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. Dravoo
    :'D Awww You're the one!? Thanks, I wish I could've showed ya when I made them more frequently. The Data and Terra theories are the last I've made in a looonnnnggg time.

    Thanks for liking my long posts. ^__^
    Post by: Dravoo, Jun 19, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  14. Dravoo
  15. Dravoo
    I don't know which one of you lovlies running the tumblr did it but thanks, due to your reblog I was reminded to add this~



    So in this clip from the trailer we have Xemnas being all cryptic as he is. That whole spill of bringing Roxas back when he wasn’t meant to exist in the first place.

    What I noticed however is that while Xemnas is trying to (I presume) turn into a heartless again, these guys are standing in front of the twilight town mansion.

    Guess what’s in that mansion, ANSEM THE WISES COMPUTER! Roxas broke the one in the digital Twilight Town but the REAL one is still there. Perhaps Sora went there to explore more data or look into DiZ’s ideas for bringing Roxas back.

    My friend @blackosprey also brought up the idea that Sora may be in the town to try and stir Roxas’ heart awake since he’s so fond of that world. Stirring his emotions or what have you.
    Post by: Dravoo, Jun 18, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  16. Dravoo
    The KH1/2 gameplay has me hopeful for gameplay side at least. It seems drives are now kinda like a style change, interesting combination.
    Post by: Dravoo, Jun 11, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. Dravoo
    I need a Yoko Taro KH game.
    Status Update by Dravoo, Jun 8, 2017
  18. Dravoo
    I saw the OVA, can't wait for this.
    Post by: Dravoo, Jun 7, 2017 in forum: Anime and Manga
  19. Dravoo
    You mean for him to be the most important overall? If so I think you won't have to worry, I doubt they'll ditch Sora. After how much length DDD/BBS went through to show him having one at all was abnormal, I think that Nomura also tries to keep some aspect of that true.

    No matter how one words it or how much I vent frustration like in the OP, there's no taking away that Sora became one through circumstance rather than some divine choice....well for now at least. (it'd take something really story damaging to take away the fact hat Sora claimed the keyblade of another as his own by his own efforts)
    Post by: Dravoo, Jun 6, 2017 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  20. Dravoo
    I never said Riku lost his keyblade due to darkness. I did however love his development with darkness.To me, throwing that aside to give him a keyblade back made him less unique than he was prior. I will admit that my major issue with this is him getting a keyblade off screen. I stated I don't want them just given out but earned, so to this extent I disliked Riku's change.
    If Riku had gained a new keyblade at the end of KHDDD after going through that final stage of development I probably would've considered it much differently because it was no longer him being given one off screen just cause but rather me seeing his development lead toward it.

    I found BBS very homogeneous among the cast personally. They had some commands and styles unique to each player but overall they had access to a majority of the same spells, styles and even keyblades. I understand they couldn't give them different things entirely but I don't think BBS nor DDD anywhere near show substantial difference. You could argue combos are unique in BBS but they're so clunky and slow that I rarely use them due to aggravation.

    For DDD specifically, I find it hard to count that at all. Sora and RIku were already established with unique specialties prior. In DDD they had access to most of the same spells, dream eaters and keyblades. How they used the dream eaters was different and each had a unique spell or two but I find it hard to add to this since it wasn't really adding to what was already displayed nor was it putting enough new/different between them.
    Like Rikus dark firaga spell and aura are abilites he's had since KH1. Dark dodge was new but his dark barrier was a copy of Aqua's default guard. Sora had spark spells but his salvation (can't remember if DDD Sora had Faith) was something Ventus had.

    I'm very conflicted on the transformations myself but there is possibility there for some unique flare but until I see it I'm skeptical. I'll also admit Kairi can still have some unique flare if she utilizes something more close to her like perhaps light spells and attack variants. Given the unique kinda being she is, I'd find it a horrible shame to yet again never touch on it. Regardless of how much screen time she's given.

    I also wish Kairi had done something to earn the keyblade as well. I know that's hard to do since they've ignored her for so long but her gaining the keyblade by accident just opens up a huge can of issues for me. Both in terms of writing as well as my issues with the Ceremony and 'True Master' concepts BBS introduced.

    To make a tangent here, I do wonder how much of a mind of it's own a keyblade has now. It could easily be argued that they simply react to their wielders will. Like how much of it's moments of self action was it doing something it deemed it needs to and how much was it simply opening the way for it's wielders desires? (like how Sora & Riku got into the Realm of Sleep, they wanted in and the keyblade let them once a way opened)

    I can kinda understand what Zgermanguy means but I've never really worried about Sora having the only one either since KH1 basically ended with Mickey showing up with a second one, I do dislike the weapon being some promotion device for a character or to be handled in lazy fashion. I do find it really hard to agree that each wielder is unique but I'd wager this is a matter of opinion of which would be hard to find middle ground with many. (love hearing opinions though)
    Post by: Dravoo, Jun 5, 2017 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts