lol :D I'm cutomising my profile.Please tell me what you think about it.
you're welcome
Thanks but Ãt's quarter-past 3 but thanks. :)
I won't. Yesterday I went to the beach and I got sunburned.
Yes u can use my blue Roxas pic. :D
What do you mean can you have one? A picture or what?
köszi jól(fine thanks)
szia(hi in Hungarian)
I'm fine thank you.Will you go on a holiday?
Thanks for the comment:D
And you're still on too.That's cool ^^
Well I've made a new album about my Roxas figure.
ohh ok.....
what codes?You mean the model mods?And thanks for the Model Mods explanation but I'm not new at coding :)
I have made a new album about my Roxas figure.If u wanna see it just go to my albums^^
Cool. ^^ ^^^^^^
Yeah I saw it but it's full of trojans.So don't download it.
To Kehidakustány.That's a Hungarian town.And there is a beach there.
I'm talking to you and adamboy7.I'll go on a holiday on Saturday.