I'm fine.Adamboy7 is your friend too?Cool:D What are you doing?
Well i'm ok. i tried a lot of those codes u sent.I mean links for the codes.And Roxas looks funny with some of them.I've just got home.
Hello.How are you today?
HEllo.Well it's half-past six here.but thanks.How are you?What are you doin'?
hello i'm fine.And you?
Thank you very much :D
Well nothing's new.
Could you send them what are 'close' to it. :D
i'm fine thanks. And thanks for the code thingy too.:D
Hello.Could you ask that guy u mentioned for the Roxas model mod please? How are you?
thank you.bye
yeah maybe. Well It's late night here so I have to go.Will you be online tomorrow? It was very good to talk to you.see ya tomorrow.
My fvourite type of music is Rock. And my fav band is Aerosmith.(actually)^^I wrote a fanmail to them.But they still don't answer. :(
Where did your grandparents live?