If any of you need things like NPC replacements or status codes (or even target mods / camera mods / weapon target mods) and you can dump it on PCSX2, send the dump to me and I'll hack it for you. I currently have no means of dumping the game myself.
Brb developing time machine.
What came on after Yu Yu Hakusho?
I love this.
Huh. I could've sworn you were this. Spoiler
To be honest, we haven't seen Goofy and Donald really fighting alongside Sora since KH1 and KH2. Considering that that's 2/7 of the games in the franchise, it's not much of a big deal.
Why am I thinking of Han Solo saying "these lifeless keys used to be full of power" with Nimoy's scratchy voice? Oh yeah, because my mind likes to be fucked.
Ridiculous secret bosses must be a theme for this game. =/
Spoiler It could be worse.
I fell asleep RIGHT BEFORE Yu Yu Hakusho. FML ._.
A bit ironic that it was on Adult Swim though, then was kicked to Toonami and now Toonami's on Adult Swim. Paradoxical shit right there.
Must've been pissed off from the lack of screen time.
Big O? Aren't they already showing that on Adult Swim? Hmm. Am I the only one that wants Zatch Bell to come on?
Horrible show or geniusly random?! . . . Eh probably the former.
Code Geass isn't that old, they're obviously showing the waaaay back when classics.
I hope so. From the looks of it they're showing all the classic hits.
Guess Outlaw Star just has that effect on people :lolface:
This. Please let it be this D: