That's the way accessory rolls...XD (I'm going out to dinner, getting something to go, but it's at a restaraunt. I don't think I'll be back...
yup yup *huggles* no danger for the klepto tonight XD lol
Not badly; your low is 46, and just rain. Nothing serious.
It will. Just try not overdo it, and you'll be fine.
You'll be fine. I know it. ;3
Yay! *huggles* always good news! XD
lol *nuzzles softly* how are you? You feeling any better? :-(
lol fair enough, I suppose.
Two words: Zombie. Omelet.
One would think, but ya never know...
O.o godspeed, young one...
That thing could eat you, though...which is weird, 'cause my cooking has NEVER done that before...
*something jumps out of the kitchen* LOOK OUT! THE FOOD HAS ESCA- [IMG] O_O; (thankies X3)
*loud bang ensures* (;-; yer pm box is full, klepto XP)
*lots of crashing noises, squid and crab packages quickly thrown out of the way*
Okie doke. I'll let you know when the omelet's done XD
*dumps the chicken into the pot* And now...for...the omelet...wahahahaha!
*chops up the vegetables for the soup, adds the seasoning*...*turns to the chickens*...I want you all to see your inevitable fate...*whips out a...
*points at the styrofoam cone placed on Claurice's beak* hehehehe, don't worry, I came prepared! to deal with these chickens...I believe...
*finally catches Claurice* AHA!