Hey *huggles* I'm heading out to take the exam. I'll see you in a couple of hours. Bye bye.
Thanks *huggles* I appreciate the confidence X3
Yup. I just need to show that I'm competent and learned something....the REAL challenge lol. X3
Eh, from what the teachers told me, it's supposed to be easy.
I'm alright, just trying to get stuff done. Got a lot to do, today.
*huggles back* Good to be back X3
*nuzzles soft* I'm back.
Ugh, sorry, I'm headed to the caf, but I'll be right back; before 11:30, honest. Bye bye for now.
I know, but I know you're having a tough time, too. I don't like putting you second like this.
Sorry, my replies are going to be a little slow; I'm trying to get things packed for home and making runs to my car.
Hey, I'll brb
Hey, I'm going to take a quick shower. I'll be back in about 15-20 minutes. Bye for now, I promise I'll brb.
Do you wanna? X3
*nods, nuzzles softly, purrs* X3
I now have what I want... ;3
*frog tackles you* MINE! X3
*jumps like a frog behind you* MEOW!
Don't make me do my frog impression on you...I'll dooo eeeet...
*jumps after it* Hey! (I back)