OHHH-KAAAAY! XD (And so modest lol. I'm alright, just tired. You?)
*facepalms* I sound like one of the chipmunks! (lol *nuzzles* that crazy ego of yours has a certain charm to it XD)
*squeaks, squirms* @_@ (*nuzzles* present company is proof X3)
*pokes back* XD (eh, I'll get over it. She's not worth getting steamed over.)
*licks* X3 lol (ran into ex-crush, got annoyed as I left, still am a smidge I guess...)
*purrs* (Thanks...)
One of these days...X3 (I back X3)
Well, worth a shot (I'll brb, going to get dinner to-go)
I figured you could through your ps3. :-/ whoops
-_- I've sent a friend request to your fb page, in case this gets out of hand, this site...
Yup X3 *purrs*
*nods* more like it continued where the last one left off X3
Ugh, it's so close to lunch...I think I'll start studying once I get lunch to go...a pity you're still in class, though; I had that dream again,...
*nuzzles softly* ;-;
*huggles softly* that wasn't your fault, though. You and I both know that things just happen.
*nuzzles softly* if it makes you feel any better, I have faith that you'll pass your finals.
You're fine *huggles back* I just dun wanna do it...I'm tired enough as it is from these finals, I'm running on fumes.
Use an object for bluntness, not wordies T^T
T^T meanie