I'm going to head to lunch to get it to go. I'll brb
Wanna talk about it? (yeah)
I didn't know that. (the kids, Grandma, everyone XP)
*stays where I'm at* :/ (for the whole family XP)
*tries to revive you* I sowie. He won't be back for awhile. (Yeah. Going over the various species now.)
*Brian disappears* (at 2)
*jumps on you, gives hug* XD (*hugs back*)
*Brian tries to hug you* (*nods*)
*Brian pops beside you* (Yeah...gonna be fun...today's should be the hardest though, I can get developmental much easier. I'll have to go over...
*Brian waddles after you* (Kinda; I've another test tomorrow that I need to study for XP)
*Brian tries to tickle you* C'mere! (*yawns* >.<...crud, I'm falling asleep)
*Brian waddles towards you, stretching out his tentacle* (*rests head on your shoulder*)
*squeals in joy from the pain of the slap* HAHAHA! I just came from the blender in the kitchen! (*nods*)
>.< *mutters random Looney Toon and Teen Titan insults incoherently*
*calls out* Oh, BRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNN! *Brian comes by* Hallo! (*huggles back* ;-; )
...why do I get the feeling you're really responsible for this? :-/
You know what this calls for... (Thanks <3 I'm gonna need it...T^T)
I see you've informed Myuki...traitor. XP (About the only thing keeping me awake right now is the preparation of the test for today...it's gonna...
*looks at Ashe* Traitor. -_-
-_- shaddup, yoo! lol