*nuzzles soft* Give it time, this may pass by really quickly.
*huggles soft* What's wrong?
Gooooood morning X3
Hey. I'll brb, I'm going to go get some dinner.
lol s'alright XD
Oh, ok XD I wasn't sure if you meant that or not.
Anyway, what were you saying, on yahoo? About it not being much longer?
Yeah, but still, means more work and planning XP
*nuzzles* Ugh, my final project is proving more difficult than I thought; I've got too much I want to put in...I'm going to have to make a booklet.
*huggles* And I'll be here to make you feel better <3
Oh yeah, you're still in high school...what is it, evens on Thursday, odds on Friday?
lol when're your finals?
*huggles back* worst of my week is over X3 just need to do the pamphlet, and then I can start cleaning and packing.
Nah, it's okay *nuzzles*
I'm going to head to lunch, to go. I'll be back at 11:15-ish. Bye for now.
It was at 9. I think I did okay on it, though there were roughly 14/50 questions I didn't know. :-/
Yay! I'm glad to hear that X3 *purrs, snuggles*
lol go figure. I'm good, how are you? :3
Hey. I'm turning in so I can wake up early tomorrow to study a little more for my test. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight.
Ok (picking up where I left off. I'm somewhat okay with trees, it's grass and shrubs that I'm going to have trouble with.)