Don't worry, no way this could possibly- *rooster jumps out* Claurice! You get back here, now! CLAURIIIIIICE!! *chases Claurice all over the place*
Great! I just gotta get some fresh chickens....*goes out and brings a wheelbarrel full of chickens* XD
Okay...I could always make chicken soup in the mean time?
I'm there anything I can do to help?
Hey...saw you were up til 4...are you feeling okay?
*purrs softly in sleep* (yeah...I should've cut her lose when I realized...)
*yawns, curls up again* (it was because of my family that I tried to tolerate it...)
*rests on your shoulder* (I have a grandpa who smokes, so I could deal with it somewhat, so I gave it a try (her and I, not smoking)...didn't...
*licks your cheek, purrs* (I didn't know she was a smoker, starting out. I knew she drank, but I didn't know how much.) (I back)
*purrs, nuzzles* (I hear you, but at the same time, they've been around people who do it, they've seen what would happen, and they certainly have...
*stretches* (Yup. Irritates me.)
*slowly wakes up, purrs* (Then I have nothing against Slash, if he's trying to stay clean. I'm willing to cut people somewhat of a break if...
*tails wags slightly in sleep, purring* (I'm not doubting his ability as a guitarist, it's his person I don't like: he looks like he smokes and...
*yawns again* (I don't really like the guy, either...taking a break?)
*curls up* (go figure, I've heard this one...but yeah, I see how it'd be difficult :/)
*yawns* (oh yeah, before they had censorship for cartoons XP how's practice coming?)
*keeps nuzzling* (lol I just watched cartoons growing up XP)
*nuzzles* (Yup, sure does lol)
*licks your fingers* X3 (lol I've only seen a few episodes)
*purrs, nuzzles* (Picture, if you