Oh God, I was staring at Evil DF for AGEZ. For no Reason.. He looks cool there .-. I looked at the other ones then stared at Evil DF for a while >.< Nyaaa~ He looks awesome there xDD
Why are pineapples all spiky? If you could adopt ANYONE on the forum, who would it be and why? Whats your favourite Lolly? What Shampoo do you use? xDD
Yea but the kit-kats were inside.. Probably hot inside too :P How come most people say *Insert Action here* and yet, some people like me say -Insert Action here- ??? 83 Whats with ALWAYS brining up the Roxas Plushie? o3o Sis my sister most likely steal my $20? Cause I got the the fete and I was $20 Short :blink:
My pool is as green as Well Cared for Grass, I cant go swimming :cryinganime: Why did mah kit-katz melt? D: Why the hell did my friend try and get on the Pony Rides? O__o Why did people abandon such a cute teddy bear? ;~; (Lol, I couldnt resist, It was the end of the fete, and free toys! Its cutee >w<)
Why is it always so freaking HOT in Spring? Dx Why is the slushie line always so long? AND IN THE SUN? ....xDD
Omfg, I just came back from the fete, Im so tired x.x It was soo hot and fun and nyaaaaaaa... -Falls alseep-
Im going now :D <3 Final Questionz for now :3 Do you like Waffles? Do you like Pancakes? Do you like French Toast? Why is our font so alike? :sideways: ...xD
In that case, I might sing for you later xDD Why do I keep asking you questions? Do you think my friend who was meant to meet me 20 minutes ago is gettting bored? (Cause mah parents arnt ready Dx) Why are my parents so SLOWZ D: Why the hell is there a stickly patch on my floor? o.o
What sing would I sing if you were to put it in the series? I cuddle with my Plushie every night ;.; He still hates me xDD How come Mega Man invaded my dreams last night? Why arnt mum and dad ready to go to the fete? D':
sSCHOOL FETE TIEM YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Something not In caps for caps attack
How old do I sound? Do you wanna hear me sing? o3o Why is my room ALWAYS messy? D: Why is Roxas plushie staring at me, not evilly, not lovingly? o.o Arr. Am I a Pirate? 83
Where do you work? :3 Whats your favourite Juice? Chocolate or Strawberry? What computer do you have?
-Gives you a cookie-
-Poke Pokidy Poke Poke Poke-
-Pokes you randomly-
Have you heard 'bout Ned Kelly? Do you think he should of been hung? (I personally dont :P) (Random Aussie-ish Questions! Yay!)
Mobile = Cell xD -Noms on sleeve- Evil DF, can you get up to the shinigami realm? Why does my Roxas plushie stare at me evilly at night? D: Is my Roxas plushie alive? Cause one night I put him on my desk, I woke up and he was in the living room O__O Bang!? How was the worls made? Why does the Magic 8 ball hate me? Dx .......? Whats your take on this, Black Hole Machine?
............<.> Yes. Yes I Was. -Runs away-
Hey! somebody added the tag 'Lets Tickle Amber' Like I did last time xDDD -Randomly Adds tagz-
If you had the chance to come to Australia, would you? (Yay! My Country :3) What time is it where you live? Where the hell is my mobile? I cant find it D: Random Guess Time: Am I drinking Apple Juice, or.. Chocolate Milk!? .. Choose Wisely! Thats all for now xD