-Looks back with Red Eyes- Remmis didnt do that~ ...Guess who Roxas! -Jumps away-
You looked cold on the floor.. Im sorry if you didnt want it >.<
-Murders Miele- -Walks off with hands dripping blood- Grr..
To Protect the world from devistation? (I think its devistation >.>)
-Appears- Your not in Love with Axel~ Miele is just a fangirl and she WANTZ you to be, Doesnt mean you are~
-Wakez up- Nyyaaa? Roxas.. Thankyou for teh cookie :3 -Puts a blanket over Roxas- ...Dont hide Hod! D:
-Tapes you back together- -Puts on an Org Coat- -Walks off disguized-
Miele Lies. You're not gay ;~; I know your not. Akuroku is LIEZ They're friendz Now Lovers -Shoots Miele- :3 Face teh wrath of mah water gun
-Curls up with cookie and sleeps-
AkuRoku is AxelxRoxas. Which I ha- -Is Brick'd- -Passes out-
Its Fun Glomping you, I ish sorreh. -Sprouts wings and flies off- -Lands near kitchen bench- I ish too tired to fly Its so high D: -Attempts to climb- -Fallz- x.x
-Bricks Miele- No AkuRoku in the presense of Roxeh D:
-Glomp Glompidy Glomp Glomp Glomp- Thankyou HoD, Your too kind xD Cake.. xD
Yes, Ima girl :P Phear meh nao. And Im fine HoD~ -Nomz a cookie- and I <3 it here
Im not a Monster.. Im a God of Death! THAT AINT A MONSTER! :yelling: ...What the Hell is a Homunculus? :blink:
Why did you destroy my cookie I gave you? I made it specially for you. Twas a Sora Shaped cookie.. And Roxas got a Roxas Shaped cookie.. ;~;
Yaoi = Bad Yaoi = Bad Yaoi = Bad Yaoi = Bad Yaoi = Bad Yaoi = Bad Yaoi = Bad Yaoi = Bad Yaoi = Bad Yaoi = Bad Yaoi = Bad Yaoi = Bad Yaoi = Bad Yaoi = Bad Yaoi = Bad :3 Yaoi = Bad! Yaoi = Bad. That ish all -Gives Sora and Roxas a cookie-
>.> <.< -Nomz a cookie- Im used to being called a boy xD >.< -Hides in castle-
Well, if he thinks he's unloved I guess thats him. even though he has like.. HEAPS of fans xDD @ Miele: YAOI = BAD D<
-See's Sora- :3 Shinigami Senses Never Lie! -Captures Sora- Lolhai. :3