-Falls over- Get off me Roxas xD
Yes.. Yes they are @_@ -Stares at Evil DF's eyez and ish Hypnotised-
@_@ -Is Hypnotised- Dammit, Why is that card so.. Cool.. ;~; Evil DF. Why are your eyes so hypnotising? How the Hell do you managae to Hypobtise girls all the time? Isnt Insane Yugi Funny? :D
<.> Phew, No Evil DF Card :D I Be invading your Visitor Messages! :3
Why do my parents have REALLY bad timing? ;~; How often does evil DF try to get some freedom? :3 I haz a spoon. PHEAR ME NAO?
Im not Ryuk! xDDD
ooo..Pretty *.* -Ish Hypnotised-
Hello Mah fellow bunniez :3
Evil DF > DF or DF > Evil DF? What would happen if I started randomly annoying you? :3
AHH! Its teh Evil DF card again, Remmis cannot attack :P -Stares at it- Dammit, Evil DF can even hypnotise girls on a card ;~; -Looks at Remmis Card- STOP BEING HYPNOTISEDD >.< What are some of the anime's/manga's you have read/watched? 83 Is Evil DF's Sole purpose of living just to tickle girls? o3o
Eh.. Meh >.> Im so tired.. But If I try to sleep I wont be able to.. Damn Insomnia [EDIT] Yea, Im gonna go.. Bye <3
<.> Arr! I summon AND xDD Im so Bored...
Nyeh. No offence, but I dont wanna be Ryuk D: This is me~ <333 I read the description~ But nobody can beat Evil DF. Its a fact. :3
No Female can beat Evil DF. Thats a Fact.
Picture: http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/k...zyy/Remmis.jpg Name: Remmis Discription: Every weaker card on the playing field is instantly Death Note'd. If "Evil DF" is on the field, This card cannot attack. Stars: 8 Attack: 2000 Def: 2000 I like that pic. Gwen drew it ages ago. :3 How do you make those? I wanna make one D:
Yea.. More Like Jemxia will.. Shes snapped, she will kill us all ._.
Im a Girl ;~; But Thats Awesome xD
Fair Enough HoD.... Hide under the bed! xD Lol :P -Yawns- -Falls asleep again-
-Sigh- ..Oh Well.. Oh, Thankyou HoD! Your awesome ^^