..... Its a REALLY sad bit in this show..... ;~; He has to kill his best friend.. -Is still crying-
-Runs up to Roxas and starts crying- AHHHH Im watching this thing and its so sad.. Im actually Crying.. Im such a baby... ;~;
- Post -
Then I wont go to sleep. Simple ._.
Never ._. -throws away blanket-
Im Not going to Sleep without Sora bugging me to Dx ....-Merges with Remmis-
...I will rape your family WITH A SHOVEL ...My sister wrote that.. o.O ^ ..Wh..Wheres Sora? I cant get to sleep without him bugging me to sleep D:
...-Kills User Name- that Never Mean Roxas~Rox~my~sox.. LIEZ LLLIIIEEEZZZZ Im used to being called cute.. Im called cutr all the time o.O -Gives Roxas Coffee-
xDD Actually Im often mistaken for a Guy ;~; Even when I was Roxas~Rox~my~sox... I mean COME ON.. What type of Guy has THAT for a username!? ....-Looks at Sig-......Hopefully people can read ._. xDDD
Nyeehehhh.... -Climbs onto couch and naps- ...Great.. Shes gonna act like a little kid now :sideways:
Did you know I Had a nobody? O:
Suuuurrree :sideways: Sora still kicked your ass <3 I still love you.. even though I have no emotions.. :blink:
Pfft, Sora is WAY better <3 He kicked your ass Roxas <3
Im NOT cute dammit ;~; Aww, Is widdle Jemxia sadd? ..... ._. But Yea.. Roxas is like.. EMO. Zexion isnt Emo at all. He WAS afraid to die, and he just has awesome hair
<.< >.> Im not cute >.< Lol, Roxas ACTS emo.. Zexion just haz teh hawt Emo Hair <3
<-- Lol, Her when she is "Happy" ( I suck at Mugshots ;~; ) Shut Up.. -.-
... ._. ........... ...your Hair is purdyfulz! It used to be blue.. Now it seems rainbow with all these bows ._.
DF's Eyes are moar hypnotising :3 Leave Me Alone.. No.. -Puts bows and stuff Jemxia's Hair-
Why am I here? Cause I say so |< ...-Leaves-
xDDD -Gives you a cooie- COOKEH <3 -Gives Roxas a cookie- Wheres Sora!? D: