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  1. Roxaspartanti
    Not a lower henchwomen..actually...shes part of the leaders..right? Eh..but if you wish that, I will do so. Hench people do more cool stuff then leaders!
    I put a ? there because I didn't know what you were talking about. But, now
    I know, so...

    Avaritia, now being forced to be called that after her entrance to SALIGIA. the thoughts that drove her was only the hate for humans. She was perfectly happy and proud what she did to herself to not be like that pathetic race. Her tongue moved over to her sharp teeth. How great it would be to bite someone with these...not using weapons. Her claws, and teeth. I'd pick up one inferior being, claw it's innards out and throw it down to a hard grave of rocks.
    She was one herself, until she trained herself the arts of demons until she became corrupted and thought maddening thoughts of violence.
    She closed her eyes, of the pleasuring thoughts of war filled her head. To eliminate the keyblade brat, most people called him. A sap, she heard rumours. So..a boy who's trying to trick everyone into there soft side until he can backstab them and ruin there lives. He will be eliminated. I swear to my demonic blood. DIE!
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Roxaspartanti
    Can-Can jumped from the ships crocodile's head, climbing down the tied up skelotons. He landed, and examine the town. "A beach. This is a beach."
    "Yeah cap'n." A pirate said, helping place the boarding deck down.
    "Silence! I did not ask you! Don't tell me dings dongs I already know!" Can-Can screamed, slamming out a knife that appeared? in his hand, and the knife whizzed through the air, striking the crew member, the member falling down, and the boarding plank falling on him.
    "Tie em up to the croc!" Some crew members picked up the boarding plank, grabbed the man, and hanged him..well, he was already dead.
    "Now!?" Can-Can yelled. "Lets go buy some profit!"
    "Watcha mean by that captain?" One pirate asked.
    "I'll teach wizardy-dumb!" Can-Can said, flashing out another knife, and pointing to his forehead. "We..with that ship we just trashed, some profit to our bellies! Beer...candy...rum..and candy! Bwhahaha!" Can-Can said, laughing hysterically. Then his face turned serious. "Lets go." He said. "Hide da ship, and don't show dem skellies. Ich smart dat we don't tell anybody of our crimes! Yah know, better yet, Dump the skelotons in da oceean!" His face turned serious again. "Lets go. Half of you with me, the rest will guard the ship, and we'll take turns like goody little boys!"

    Trace Prowler rode the ship, riding the last wave into the air, and landing into the ocean with a splash. He rode on slowly, and jumped onto the port, the board sinking into the ocean. He'd get it with his powers when the time came.
    He landed, his feet kicking up dust, and Trace walked on, up the road to the train tracks. He paid the person at the desk for a ticket, and the man asked four 1000 munny. He didn't have that cash. Not that type of money, anyway. He traded in some gold dubloons for munny, and got to the train. The train drove slowly, and there was a train for every person who was paid with the munny. So, Trace ended up on a train by himself. Trace lay down onto the train seat, closing his eyes. The ride was over before he knew it.
    He kick-flipped himself up, walking out of the train, the train dissapearing.
    "Neat." He said, looking back to where the train once stood.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Roxaspartanti
    ooc: I don't get you. Never broke a rule in these series, and last time I checked, my characters DIED in the last rp. Well, we best stop quarrelling, cause I suggest..a new start. However hard it can be to put the past behind us.
    Trace Prowler stood on his board, hands in his pockets, himself being a pro at balance, himself riding this board and sailing a ship gotten himself "Sea legs" as a crew called it, he himself being on a pirate ship once. His board, Fair play, was more then just "Sea legs". It could fly also, which was unique about how the boat was made. Trace continued to sail on, placing his energy to his legs, which placed the energy into the board, making it move. He continued to ride on, picking up speed as he put more force into the board. He rode on, cutting through waves or sailing on them. As he looked up, he spotted an island. "Land ho." He said to himself, sneering with a chuckle as he began speeding up even more, energy blasting through the tube in the back of the board. Above, twilight was only seen in the skies.

    Can-Can stood at the front of the ship, at the top of the ships 'decoration' at the front, a head of a crocodile, and on top of it was a railing and a small deck. He stood around, humming his own crazy tune. "Sail on you candy lovers! Can-Can's gonna storm this twilighted town!!"
    Cheers erupted on deck automatically, for if they didn't they could suffer punishments of Can-Can's own personal gallows...hanging from the crocodiles nose. A couple of skelotons were there also, mutineers, traitors, rulebreakers, and new people who didn't know what to do in response to Can-Can's sayings.
    Lets see what lovely adventures this place'll cook up for us...wonder why its always twilight!? He thought in his madd mind.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Roxaspartanti
    ooc: reality.
    Xemnas started to gulp down the water, continuesly, trying to get rid of all the water so he could breathe. Now, his face was blue.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Roxaspartanti
    Seth knew himself he'd think up of angering thoughts why Rayne went out of the cave also, so, to stop, he licked the snow for some water.
    Seth walked around the snow, getting used to the cold on his feet, loving the snow mash together when he pressed on it, and walked around the trees. He didn't go far, but he sure did a good look out.
    He trotted back, showing submission to Rayne, respecting his elders.
    Darn reputation thoughts.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Roxaspartanti
    "Oh, definately. Maybe the leader would suck up to someone so powerful. Hit and run tactics are good. Though, heartless won't work. It's a kickin' plan, but I'm dumb I thought of it. They got no hearts themselves, and they have heartless themselves. A waste of power and time. All we have to do, is send two decoys, while another deaks 'em out from behind, attacking them with their much we got, huh? Five people? They know themselves we got a small team, were only starting..Ah, I'll change plans. That little bugger of a mind reader tells everything. Terminate her. Injure her, in any way. Make sure shes injured." Traxce said, walking away.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Roxaspartanti
    2 more days, now. We have to wait for Destiny Star?
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Roxaspartanti
    Roxas woke up, hearing the sound of laughter. He spat out a...marker?! Out of his mouth, which landed into someones eye, and the person ran away screaming. "My EYES!!" The rest of the group turned quiet, and backed away, knowing this guy had deadly aim. Don't get him mad!
    Roxas looked around the crowd. "Can someone pass me a mirror?"
    No one volunteered to get near him.
    "Ok.." Roxas walked through the crowd, they opened for him. He went to the washroom, and-"Oh my God...It's a me, MARIO!!"
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Roxaspartanti
    A cowardice...this isn't good for...he sniffed the air. Yes, that would be the leaders daughter. That wouldn't be good for the leader, his reputation dwindling becuase of his daughter. Would be good for me though.
    He shook his head, growling. Those aren't good thoughts for me. He quietly trotted outside the cave, looking towards the open forest. I hope we run. I'd like that, and maybe some hunting. He'd want to be the leader of hunting, that would be great for him. Gave him a sense of pride.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Roxaspartanti
    No way...I can't possible write it again!!! GAH!
    This is not the same person I thought of..
    Her powers are lycantropy.

    Name: Monica Avaritia Glutones
    Age: 16
    Gender: female
    Home World: VOID, used to be London.
    Physical Description: Avaritia has a pale, skinny but athletic body. She has hair that is fairly short, which is black, and has a blue band to keep it back, which glows.
    Personality: Cold, fun, hateful, intelligent, active, barely prissy, uses cliche lines, vengeful, tempered, insecure, saddist. Her body has demonic signs around her, and she wears dancers clothes. Still can't imagine it?*:IE-SearchBox&rlz=1I7DACA&sa=N

    History: She was born in an aristrocratic family, and was taught manners and such, and had a great life, filled with knowledge, and even had a boyfriend, and was taught
    She joined SALIGIA of her greed to control things, to train on powers to feel dominant. Her family was murdered by bandits, and so she changed herself to be like a demon to murder humans. She trained herself, and she herself is annoyed how Sora is such a sap, making stories in her head that Sora's trying to trick everyone and backstab. Her own reasons for joining SALIGIA, thats her emotions mostly. She thought with her murderous behaviour that if she's in SALIGIA, then she can punish more humans. Her saddist behaviour also made her join the void.
    Keyblade Wielder: Yes. A keyblade compelled by darkness chose her as its master for sharing similar feelings. The darkness in the keyblade barely reaches her, herself being a very emotional person, blocking out those thoughts of darkness. The keyblade does have a bit of control, however, whenever she calls it horns grow from the sides of her head, her ears become more pointed, and her teeth more sharper. If she extends the keyblades power, she grows wings. If she uses her other weapons, double bow blades which are shaped like bows, the handle is where the arrow shoots
    RP Sample: ?
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Roxaspartanti
    ooc: hmm..mind readers. Time to fire back.
    Traxce did a simple heh witha smile. "They got a mind reader on there side. She can be listening to these tactics right now. And her blindness doesn't stop her. I'll think of something ever so often, and so quickly, she won't be able to think it up quick." Traxce smiled, teeth showing, and tossed the bread into the garbage. "Might as well murder the mind reader first, but since they do have one, they'd protect her real nice."
    "Guerilla war tactics are easy. You just have to be on your feet, nothing to worry about." Roxas said with a huff.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Roxaspartanti
    Axel teleported to Roxas's school, and spotted Roxas sleeping. He took a marker from a box of supplies a teacher was carrying. He shut the teacher up by sending a heartless to chase her down. Unfortunately for her, it was a dusk.
    He put on the marker onto Roxas's face, then placed the marker into his mouth like a ciggarette, and ran away, following the sports team.

    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Roxaspartanti
    Xemnas, now his face purple with no air, he flew around the washing machine again and again...
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Roxaspartanti
    "Sneak attack. We send our heartless against them, then we all appear behind and slam our majour attacks on them, weakening them. All we have to do is prove that were the better organization." Traxce explained, scratching his head, gases flaming out of his fingers. He grabbed a loaf of bread from his jacket, and took a large bite out of it, it being poisoned, sickly grey.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Roxaspartanti
    "Should I be...?" Seth asked. It was more of a challenge, or a dare, or a threat. I'll get my rep out of her, for sure. He yawned, but clenched his teeth to shoot it back.
    Was she a really kind person? Nah, she coudn't be, since kind people to him were people who could stand his losses and understand to keep their distance. The last thing he wanted was people to talk about him. Or she maybe stubborn and refuse to give him pity. He'd hate those people more then the pitifulls. Definately the leaders relative. Obnoxious. He blocked those thoughts from his head as he slammed a rock away with a clatter.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Roxaspartanti
    My favourite character is Sasuke. He's the coolest me.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 13, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  17. Roxaspartanti
    All of them. All the way to 29 I think?
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 13, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  18. Roxaspartanti
    I've read some of it, but the beginning is awful slow so I didn't continue.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 13, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  19. Roxaspartanti
    Sweet. Glad to be here. Yeah, I usually rp every second day.
    Traxce glanced as the organization members talked. "Yo. Today's the day we pummel with a new tactic I thought up of." He said, slamming his fist into his other hand, black poisonous gases flaming on his hand.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Roxaspartanti
    Seth glanced as the new Andrew came to his senses. If my parents were here, I'd say I would have fun like him...I can't even remember my own self. He jumped down from the tallest point, landing quietly, and trotting over passed the new pup, not saying hello, his tail showed signs of dominance. He walked to the end of the cave, and glanced around. No signs of humans..nor animals..
    It wasn't snowing anymore, that he was glad for. The sun shined a bit of warmth onto his fur, which he was glad for in the cold. He stretched again, pushing some snow with his paw into a snowball, then smashed it quickly.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home