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  1. Roxaspartanti
    "Daxma. Whatcha want now?" Traxce smiled, spotting his violent headstrong aquaintance. He levitated upwards, and landed- on his poisonous boat. "We can talk later, dude. Lets just take these guys out."

    Roxas stepped to the side, the keyblades missing. "Whatcha say, Daxma?" He said, smiling. He shot a pierce of light at Traxce.

    Traxce sailed forwards, dodging the light. "Here we go.."
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Roxaspartanti
    "Were gonna leave it at this.Guerrilla war tactic, kill Xio off at this very moment. Teleport whenever you like." Traxce said, waving, teleporting away.

    "How'd you get that information? From your oh so wonderful powers?" Roxas's expression changed from anger to amusement. "Ha! You only want to get people in your organization because your not popular!"

    "Slam...Dunk!" Traxce smiled, his fist into an anonimous's members back.

    Roxas sensed a portal apearing behind him, and he jumped up, gliding away. "Guerilla war tactics! Were under attack!" He landed, beside Xio. He slashed out his two keyblades, and the battle began.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Roxaspartanti
    ooc: Nah, no prob, just why do you make so much faith orgs out of nowhere? Bored? Don't rp with yerself, rp with the other people who signed up! Simple as dat!
    "Don't know. This a rogue town?" Trace asked, pulling his bag up more which was slipping.

    "Twilight town! Home of the idiotic nobodies whos hearts go byebye!" He said, then took out a hankercheif, blew into it, and waved it in a goodbye. "Sniff!" He then threw up the hanker cheif, and slashed out his sword, twirling around. The hankercheif then split apart into small threads. It landed onto Can-Can's hands, and he blew it away. "The skies got sometin to do with dere hearts....since its got nothing, nothing it shall be!"

    Trace smiled, grabbing a thread, and punched it away.

    "So..what do you do?!" He screamed, unicycling around Trace. He whipped out a sheet of paper, and a feather from his hair. "Tell me your thoughts on global warming...."
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Roxaspartanti
    Roxas held back his keyblades, Daxma missing them. He flipped backwards, dodging the grab. "Shut up!"
    Traxce scoffed. "I suggest you to stop dissing and arguing cause those don't work on me!"
    ooc: Daxma, thats what Roxas usually does, so don't get offended. (shut up)
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Roxaspartanti
    Think I don't know that, Fearless?
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Roxaspartanti
    ooc: you bring info that I don't understand. Yes, your making my finger itch with your tactics. So? rp's are not supposed to be worth 500 pages always.
    plus, I don't think she'd want Xio to die. You know how people are! Unlike me, who can die anytime. All my previous rps my characters all died. Good bye!
    "Heh. Who hired this freak?" Traxce said, chuckling. "Hell, forget about Dax. He'd end up being the first one killed since he's too impatient. He who slays gets slayed himself." Traxce said. "Now that wasn't shakespear."

    Roxas teleported behind Daxma. Pointing a keyblade into his back. "What do you want, copy cat?"
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Roxaspartanti
    ooc: again with the faith org? like fighting...
    Can-Can unicycled through the town, hands crossed. "Bwhahaha!" He screamed, his pirates flipping around behind him.
    "We need a mug, for some beer, get it, or I'll kick you in the rear! Yyaahaha!"
    They all sang, people on different instruments, different beats all around.

    Trace turned, hearing a strange melody. He saw a large group of clowns singing, flipping, and playing music, following after a unicycler. He snickered. "Heh. Definately a rogue town."
    "Hiiiiyyyy slacker!" Can-can yelled. "What's yer name?" Can Can greeted, holding up three knives that were balancing on three fingers, and waved them about, they seemed to flip around and around, by themselves.

    "Trace. Whats up?" Trace said, saluting the pirate. He liked this pirate. he knew that these pirates would be violent and amusing. They'd buy him some food.

    "You got some spunk!" Can-Can screamed, jumping off his unicycle, it spun around and around. He flipped back on it. "The possessed sky, course! Why the hell is it like that?!"
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Roxaspartanti
    Seth spotted Rayne moving away into the forest. Time to go. He ran after her, but quietly, and the pine needles scent overwhelmed him as he sneezed. He held it back. The scent was nice, and made him yawn. He hoped no one noticed, and so he crouched next to Rayne. He spotted two deer. He'd go for two, maybe. He needed skills. He'd kill one then kill the other. Eat one and share one with the rest of them. He had it under control. He bended his feet, prepared for launch. His muscles hard.
    Jump, bite the neck, claw it. Hop onto it, bite it again, jump to the next one.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Roxaspartanti
    Xemnas I shall be. But remember this: I have a weakness in writing extra long posts. Unless I have four characters, and rping between them...
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Roxaspartanti
    ooc: .....your not making sense.
    "We hired a mutinist here..." Traxce sneered, listening to the crazy jibberish maker. "What do you want? To replace me so you can be in power? We have yet another traitor. Marluxia and Larxene in that org, since its big, that'd be two people, but since were a small group, we can only afford one. I expect myself to give you a castle and you'll take the org from there, and soon, my entire organization will be destroyed by you ignorance." Traxce said, waving his hand around, poison sloshing in many directions, close to reaching the traitor. "You want out?"
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Roxaspartanti
    Xelse staggered, his extent long passed. He coughed up..nothing. He fell to the ground, eyes shut. His guitar dissapeared from his hands. "My final song...was not the final one..." He needed to do this regularly to make him dominant to the other nobodies. He would become...a good musician..he thought, throwing away violent thoughts. His demons poofed from existence. The hall was a mess. He lay on his back, eyes closed, and slept.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Roxaspartanti
    Xemnas rolled out of the machine, just like that girl in Charlie and the chocolate factory.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Roxaspartanti
    Jafar laughed evilly as he saw Alladin fall to his death. There is no more heroes in this tale. Or in this world. He rubbed the lamp, and made his three wishes immediately.
    1. Sultan
    2. Sorcerer
    3. To have all the princesses hearts.
    And he planned not to share it with Hades, or Malifecent. This power was his.

    Malifecent stopped and watched as the sky grew darker. Grey. Swirling clouds whirled around as a body levitated downwards: Jafar. He gave his greeting. A storm.
    Malifecent shreiked as she burned herself away for cover. Mutiny!
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Roxaspartanti
    ooc:Those two characters were KILLED by Dr. Evil. Ask him yourself. A fight in Nothingness. PM me. Don't want this rp to be littered with arguements.
    Trace Prowler walked down the angled alleyways and roads of twilight town. A not very busy town, he examined as he passed only three people each time he went into a different road. He spotted a person pointing a familiar weapon like his to another. Another keyblade...this guy's just like me...
    He smiled as the two exchanged smart but cool remarks to each other, both not scared. He thought he better not interfere, so he casually stood looking somehwere else but still examined the two. In the corner of his eye, he spotted a ninja gracefully jump from building to building.
    I may have ended in a rogue town...

    Can-Can walked, hunched over, through the group of onlookers, gawking at him. "No navy, no police...die for gawking at me!" Can Can yelled, sending his group of pirates onto them. They were mugged and their money stolen. "I can't rhyme, but I atleast chyme!" Can-Can yelled, pulling out a gun and pointing it at the person who sold tickets. BLAM!
    They hid the bodies, and the group continued to walk, clowns on horses, clowns walking dogs in suits, hairy athletic acrobats, men on stilts, and himself on a unicycle. "We are Can-Can's pirates, we make you die like rats!"
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Roxaspartanti
    Traxce talked to the new member which appeared, not even turning to face him. "Better idea. We can go on...with all the torture we can think up, but for now, we lullaby her, kidnapp her, and kill her on spot.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Roxaspartanti
    Hmm, why do they give you wierd titles? Well, it makes you feel awesome when you play the game, and you found out why they named it that, and it matches..and..oh!
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 15, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Roxaspartanti
    2 don't have a psp, so why look forward to it?
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 15, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Roxaspartanti
    ooc: It is like Roxas, actually.
    Traxce. "Sure. We'll do that. And...where would we get that type of injection? The only intelligence with that is Vexen and he's with the other org." Traxce said. Soft hearted fool, the thought, chuckling.

    Roxas continued to walk passed Axel. "They decide to do guerrilla war tactics on us cause they're weak in numbers. Just ask the chanter."
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Roxaspartanti
    I have many things to do in life. For instance, my greatest acheivement I'm striving to complete is become the worlds greatest company that manufactures videogames and electronics, even better then SQUARE ENIX. Boy, I gotta beat them!
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 15, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  20. Roxaspartanti
    ooc: HA! good song! Uh oh..yet another "seer" in the first org. Watch out, seekers, I, the bludgers will knock you out!
    "Yeah. We gotta poison the mind reader, beat her to more like it. That would be talking barbarian..well, we gotta some way form a suitable repuation in this world. Or, we could make some rep out of intelligence. Kill her slowly while they beg to get her back..unless shes useless blind." Traxce said, smiling at the thought of poison. Good man, thinking on my part.
    Roxas walked over to the food table, grabbing a piece of pizza pie. "Well...what else are they planning, oh, wondefull fortune teller?" He said, mocking Xioimara. "Are you going to do some chant?" Roxas said, glaring at the blind girl. "Now now now they they they are are are walking walking walking and and and ordering pizza pizza pizza." Roxas said, downing the pie easily and grabbing another one. "Just put it into a normal sentence. Ever heard of normal school?" Roxas said, walking away with lots of slices on his plate.
    ooc: Yeah I'm trying to impersonate "Shut up!" Roxas.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home