ugh. pairers. I vote Roxas and Xion! Namine?! Why does Namine have to be in this? Its supposed to be Xion...not some memory witch out of the blue.
I'd just like to say that the setting for the void, that I thought up with, is pretty much the same different of Sleeping Beauties world with Malifecent style.
ooc: ....whats stern mean? Hey1 I'll be the alpha male! Or...the head of the pack...or...Kashas father...I'll name 'em John. bic: Seth looked away, not showing his angry face which was filled with temper, as always. Though he may have hid his face, his tail gave it away. He whiped away the tear, and clenched his teeth. Alright....I could've gotten a deer also. I'll be last of the pups...I'm not that hungry anyways... Though his mind shut him off from these thoughts, his stomach made him think differently. He still wanted to be last, though. He got up, and surveyed the cave. All of them waking, stretching away the fatigue in their muscles. He heard the invitation, and looked to the deer. He looked at the ground, placing his paw onto another rock and rolling it up and down his paw. "After we eat." He never played since his fathers and mothers death, but since the new person invited, he'd accept. Though it will never be like it used to. Himself playing with himself before, in the eyes of his parents, but now it will be strangers, a pack, playing with pups his age. Seth sat down, waiting his turn for the deer.
Xemnas, lifted by Riku's heartless, bounced from building to building, burping out some detergent with each bounce. The last bit of detergent he fell straight on his face.
ooc: ay, sirree. bic: Avaritia stood, arms crossed, surveying the landscape. They'd appear in that, not good. Avaritia examined the landscape. She stood on a bridge that was broken, a part of it was broken off, the large rubble peice in the water, smashing the smooth carpet floor which indicated where the river came from. The river started from a wrecked ship, filled with skelotons. Thorns littered the landscape, they seemed to be the only plants there. The sky was an enless blue, and the dirt was thick, moist, and some dead trees sprouted from a few places in the ground. The river, running along through a village of smashed houses, split right through a chapel, which was in the middle of the village. The river started from a few geysers, which, if in contact, rip you to shreds. This was the void. The void, they called it. Avaritia hated the name. Be orginal. Like Twilight town for instance. If she was in charge of naming, she'd call it....She was stumped. I'd call it hell. It was a void. It littered with conclusions of disasters, but had the same scenery. Soft, moist, thick ground, with a few dead trees. It had broken villages, broken villages, shipwrecked ships against some bridges. The world, was divided in half. There would be one-ankle deep river that runs along a marble, maybe some other stone, carpet. Bridges are lined up over the river. The one she was standing on was one of the two that weren't completely destroyed, made into a mess and spread water to different parts of the world. That was it. The place that she stayed at, where all the head honchos lived, was at a grand palace, surrounded by a bottomless pit, which is filled of water. Thorns grew from every part of the castle, feeding on the endless water supply. Drink it, you die. Swim in it, your transformed into something else... She scratched her neck to get rid of the thoughts. She turned around, examing a skeloton in armour, with slash marks littered across it. Humans. She spat at the armour, which hit the bone and burned a hole in it. She hated them. Evil, imperfect, selfish creatures with horrible thoughts. She unsheathed her claws, holding her face. To become not like one is a great honour.... She smiled. She turned, making a scar on her cheek to curse herself not to dillydally, as one of her henchmen once said. That skeloton was him. Our next targets...a destroyed organization and a group of idiots. She stayed unflinching as a wind blew a mist overtop of the land. She had her tactics. They'll go into action soon...
Seth rolled over, staring at the ceiling of the cave. Why? He thought. Why did they have to die? Seth rolled onto his legs, and walked to the corner of the cave, and huddled there, where no one could see him shed a tear. No... No one must die in this pack. No one! I'd spend my life on theres! I'll guard them. I'll train, and protect them. No one should suffer the pain I have. Seth slammed his fist into the ground. No...they'd think your mad about the not being able to hunt, curse them. I think everyone would think that. Damn.
Xemnas kept on rolling....and was attacked by some of Riku's heartless that Roxas didn't destroy.
Roxas double taked, and whenever he did, it seemed like he slipped, and flipped over. His face went into full anger mode, and he formed a plan. "Hack into the schools computers." He got up, placing his organization coat on....which was switched with a mario suit, and placed his mario hat on, "Survey the surveillance system." Roxas got up, walking out the washroom. Some people commented on him, saying he was the new mascot for basketball. He got out his keyblades, which were switched with a baseball bat, "Find out who did this to me.." He whacked them in the head, and they ran away, saying baseball mascot, and he ran through the halls, jumping on everyones head, "Beat the living-" BEEEP The intercom sounded through the halls. "May the new baseball mascot not jump on peoples heads."
Seth got up, trotting quietly away. He licked some snow, since he was thirsty. He reached the cave, but sat away from the other members. The last thing I'd want is someone to take pity on me, he remembered the thought. He rested his head onto the cold hard floor. He examined Andrew. Carefree, lazy, and useless. He remembered a story of someone like that, the two wolf brothers battled it out for dominance over the forest, and the tough, serious one lost. He slammed his paw against a rock in fury. The rock bounced away. Too big of a deer. Too small of a pup. Lazing about. Serious one. No way. He always listened to his nomadic parents's tales. They always had interesting ideas. He wanted to be just like the characters in that story. There was no more ideas of that, since they were dead, and he couldn't remember there stories anymore. He was lucky to remember that one. Unfortunate. He scratched out the last thought. I'd lose to Andrew... Now I'm just thinking competitive. And what about the new girl... I hope she won't be better then me. He growled in frustration.
ooc: No..wait, I can't be Xemnas. would I start with Avaritia?
Seth made a sound through his nose, and plopped down, quietly, flat on his stomach. "I'm watching?" Seth whispered back. Seventh time. He tried. He wanted to give up, but why just laze around? He didn't want to be weak. He'd save the pack from hunters, he'd be sure. Better they take my life than take theirs, which would just ruin there life...not mine. I'd be fine with it. "Could you train me to hunt?" He wouldn't want himself to ask help from others, but he knew it would be a shortcut to hunting, running, and... He thought of Andrew. Howling.
I....WANT OUT! Get me outa here!!!
Hmm...I win.
Xemnas soon rolled out of the laundry room, and bounced down the stairs, and out the window. He soon rolled out onto the streets.
Thats exactly what it is.
Take out a paintball gun and run around in a ninja mask.
Joe. Beat you! Ha!
Dinoco KING! Of racers! BLAHBLAHBLAH!!
Pavurted! Your mom your mom your mom!
aaaaachoooooo! Beat YOU ALL!