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  1. Roxaspartanti
    Seth caught the scent. Ears up, and he growled. His tail showed his frustration. can't be.
    Seth got up, and stepped a bit more closer to the cave entrance, but never close to the packleader. He also went farther.
    No, He snarled.
    He scratched the ground, in anger-but maybe fear-no, never fear, never ever fear, he told himself.
    He wasn't hungry. He was pumped. He needed to move.

    John noticed Seth's anger. He eyed him sternly. "Go in line for the food."
    He wanted mainly the pups to be ok. They must eat...for the long day get away from the poachers. The unlucky thing was that the humans smelt of other animal blood. They were professionals, and the pack would have to veer off many times to lose the trackers.

    Seth widened his eyes, backing away, whining. He growled to cover it, and stepped more further back, and closer to the deer, but not close to Kasha. He wouldn't want to start a fight with a pack member. He hoped that they would forget everything. They would. He reassured himself. Older people always do that. He put his head down to not show his sneer.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Roxaspartanti
    Could I be Cat?
    Name of Character: CAT
    Played By: Roxaspartanti
    Appearance (NO PICTURES): Skater hat with baggy black jeans, has no shirt but has a black tattoo on his back in the shape of a cat head with large whiskers, reaching away, to his ribs, and linking around his neck. Has a bling necklace, and has blue tattoo scars across his forearms. Has gloves with finger cut offs. Reebox shoes.
    Bio: The legend of trends and grafitti, few know who he is. Picks no sides, simply helps both. If one is failing, he helps that one, and so on. Never is there in the final battle.
    Psychs: speed, invisiblility
    Reaper/Player: Reaper
    (If Reaper) Noise Form: Cats
    (If Reaper) Position: Harrier
    (If Player) Entry Fee:
    Age: 21
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Roxaspartanti
    Avaritia reached the castle in the blink of an eye, and heard all the towers, graves, or trees being destroyed in her path. They split apart, and fell to the ground. The mist settled in...and...she closed the door. A whirl of wind could be heard, the doors being pulled opened. She turned around. Now, it looked like Hollow Bastion and all the cliffs. Pathetic void. Never knows when to stop being mysterious. Without knowledge of the void, you can go madd with all the changes. The least worst thing to happen to you in the void is when your standing on a bridge, and the scenery changes, and your suspended in the air. A fall is the least of your worries.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Roxaspartanti
    hey...I made this type of rp already. The life of organization 13! Its still alive!
    But...since its aloud in the rules...ROXAS!
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Roxaspartanti
    Trace loaded his gun. He didn't want this clown to get him. If he ever shows a good fight, or a good spell he learned from the keyblade, that clown just becomes more desperate to have me in his crew...He turned over, firing at the clown.

    Can Can dropped to the ground, and fired two guns at the boy.

    Trace twirled back, as the bullets shot down the chandelier which seemed to still rock by the explosion. The white room was now black, and was littered with bullets, flames, and splinters.
    Can Can pulled out a club. "He takes the bat...and-!"
    Can Can shot a normal bomb.
    The bomb, flew up, the rope not lit.
    It was a trap. Trace would throw it, light it, and he would bounce it back.
    But there was something else in that plan...

    Trace spotted the bomb. He also spot the clown with a club.
    Not falling for that...he slipped the bomb into his bag. In the corner of his eye, he spotted another bomb flying.
    He took his gun and fired the bomb. It exploded in the air, shattering the second floor windows.

    Can Can laughed hysterically. "Be heard! I shall reasure you, too! Bomb's are nice, but dangerous! Make sure they don't hit your spouse!"

    Give him a taste of his own medicine.
    Trace thought, lighting his index finger and lighted the bomb. He waited until the rope was three quarters burned.
    Trace tossed it then, the bomb careening towards the clown.

    "Wha!" Can Can yelled, as the bomb exploded, he flew backwards, head over heels.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Roxaspartanti
    Avaritia closed her eyes, and summoned all her power to her legs. She bended her knees, crossing her arms over her head, lowering them, and released her engery. She whisked away, and black illusional thorns apeared every few metres she ran. She was agile, and superhumanly fast. But she could only attack if she stopped, or if she extended her powers over the limit. She'd need her demonic powers with her, and some blood. Lycanthropy. She studied it for three years, and soon was a 'student in training' for it. She ran, jumping over rivers, and running along the trail. Some trees were felled by her speed, they toppling over, and where she ran was a flurry of splinters.
    Supreme power to kill all humans.
    She snarled.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Roxaspartanti
    Seth waited his turn. He didn't care what part he ate, as long it was some part of a leg.
    He watched as the leader simply ate much politely, and most pack members gave him room. He hoped he'd be like that someday. Proud, strong, respected. He still sat, waiting for Kasha to be done. He wouldn't of cared if he was even last eating.
    So we'll play tag...hmph. Seth thought. It would be a good exercise. He wouldn't care if we'd get brutal and fight. That would be some exercise. Seth's mind was always clouded with his dead parents, lieing on the ground, the ground stained with blood. He growled, but swallowed, the wolves would get the idea that he's hungry.

    John sat at the entrance of the cave. They could hurry up. Grab a peice and leave. We need to move.
    There are poachers coming.
    He caught the scent when he was passing where the deer herd was. He heard faint gun shots, as the deer was ambushed. And the humans machines. Though they had small time, he would let them eat.
    He would not let them get Kasha.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Roxaspartanti
    Xemnas stopped in front of Siax, still staggering and made many hand guestures. "Find me that waiter...hic*! Which got my that twendy hic*! Drink...wha-hic*! t.t.t...was that dwink any hic*! way? It tasted hic*! Good.."
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Roxaspartanti
    John noted all the birds, but barely took in any scenery.
    So now I have to take care of Kasha? He thought. It will be easy. Her mother did too much time with her. Too much. He could easily use his authority as an excuse to make taking care of her easier.
    John spotted the cave, and spotted the smell of blood in the air.
    They've already done a hunt. He trotted over to the cave, and in the corner of his eye, saw Kasha with Andrew. Making new friends. He also saw Seth, but he was a few two metres away from her. Too serious like me to be interested in friendships...its the seriousness thats got me far too, but Andrew too was a hard worker too, he could see. Kasha...he didn't know. A bit of a fair medium in work. Shy to try new things.
    He noticed the lie she made, but noted it as being kind, and formal.
    John kept on walking passed the wolves in the pack, not saying any hello. He simply sat beside the deer, and ate his share, and walked away. His tail didn't show any dominance too. He had a medium respect to all of them.
    If anyone would greet him, he would grunt back.

    Seth was fine without eating. The snow, acting as water, filled him a bit up but also made his mouth not water at the sight of the deer.
    He simply placed his head down, his tail showing that once the leader came in, that the leader was in power, that he was dominant. He bowed his head in greeting and in respect. He turned over, looking at the snow. His eyes, even though they hurt by the light of the snow, he had good eyes.
    He simply closed his eyes a bit, listening in to the conversation of Kasha and Andrew. He caught the scent of the leader though. The exact same. A definate match. They were related, which proved the point what Kasha said.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Roxaspartanti
    Avaritia noted the surroundings. The void was known of its storms. The onyl safe place was the castle, and even there is a bad place to be, with wind blowing in through the windows. But, at least there wasn't any earthquakes to reach them, or thorns, in the matter.
    Sometimes, an earthquake would split, and everywhere was a fault line. If you didn't fall through, thorns would sprout out, they attracted to any moving thing, to move with it. Aka, bleed it to death.
    Avaritia thought that the other members were stupid to ressurect a dead organization just so that they could kill them again. The less the people, the better, she thought.
    She also noted the asteroid belts that would rain down. In some places, small meteors would pelt the earth and continue. Anyone in that storm would soon be bruised all over. Your lucky if you had small meteors.
    She summoned heartless guarding every road. There would be sorcerers floating on trees, neoshadows underneath bridges, and dragoons guarding the roads.
    Pathetic tactic, it was the most stupidest thing she thought up of. Silly, natural, obvious, and normal. She had to clear her head. Soon, the mist would settle in, and this illusional landscape would fade out and another would take its place.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Roxaspartanti
    oh, true. what, then?
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Roxaspartanti
    ooc: was the first. *both thumbs up*

    Trace saluted for the help. "Thank ye for help, sir." Trace muttered, ducking down as bullets crashed onto the wall behind him. He summoned his keyblade, and yelled, "Flametornada!" spinning his keyblade for more action, and thrust it at the clown. The keyblade turned into a flame tornado, spinning around and around. The keyblade sprang back, like a boomerang.

    "Hey! No fair!" Can Can screamed, rolling out of the way. Where there was grass, was now a 'u' of black dirt. "You fight dirty, you know that?!" The brick gate behind him collapsed where it was hit. "Holy cow! Your a good fighter! You MUST MUST MUST MUST JOINJOIN JOIN MY CREEEEEWWWW!" Can can yelled, becoming frantic.
    A guy like that would be cool in a clowns to name his attacks. Act 1! Redy tornado? He sneered at the thought, flipping backwards. "And for you," Can Can yelled, pointing a gun at Nero. "I'll handle you later." He put his gun to his lips, blowing away the smoke.

    Trace caught the keyblade, and dismissed it in a poof of light blue flames and black smoke. He put his bag down, and slipped out a gun. He snapped it back, and pushed energy into it. He jumped to the side, risking getting shot. He aimed in the air, and fired, rolling to the other side of the wall.
    The bolt flew, and hit Can-Can's pistol.

    "A warning shot?! HOW DARE HE?! NOW HES GONNA JOIN MY CREWY DEWY FOR SURY!" Can Can screamed, ignoring the dropped gun, and taking out a bomb. "Here's the punch line!" It was a double hitter bomb. "Double hitter!" He tossed it in the air, and shot it once, the bomb flying towards the mansion. "Have a nice flight!"
    The bomb hit the wall Trace was behind, and the bomb exploded. The table split in half, splintering against the backwall.
    The wall crumbled, and chunks flew everywhere.
    "Hoohoohoo! Thats how you deliver a joke!" Can Can laughed.

    ooc: a quote from one peice grand adventure, credit doesn't go to me. If given any.

    Trace saw the bomb, not falling for the same thing. "DeflectReflect!" He muttered, spinning around, and soon a tornado formed, blue flames. The chunks of building were blown away or destroyed upon contact with the spherelike tornado. He flicked his nose, like it was a switch. I hope this clown doesn't have any other tricks up his sleeves...Trace thought, not wanting to learn again by experience. He saw other fights behind Can Can. More keyblade wielders.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Roxaspartanti
    "Already got myself a crew." Trace said, pulling the bag that constantly slipped.

    "what?!" Can Can stopped, then waddled behind. "You should've told me! Grah! You the captain? A solo one?"

    "Yeah." Trace responded, and kept on walking. He saw an alleyway.
    Hmm...this could be a rogue town...maybe theres something there... He did a bit of a jog, and soon got into a clearing.

    "Well then...classical ways of joining crews in fight!" Can Can screamed, thrusting a knife out.

    Trace widened his eyes, dropping to the floor and rolling away. The knife hit a gate behind him. He turned, looking at the gate. It was unlocked, and behind it, a mansion was there. I could get away from this clown in there...
    "Hey..if you want me in your crew, why are you using blades? You don't want to hurt a valuable crew member!" Trace said, pulling the knife out and placing it into a sheath made up of ivory and wolf furs, that he bargained for money.
    He was waiting for a chance like this when he could get a knife.

    "Your right!" Can Can said, snapping his fingers, crossing his arms, tickling his armpits, and slipping out bombs. "Au Revoir!" He tossed them at him.

    Trace rolled out of the way, and the gate exploded.
    Oh shoot...
    The gate wobbled, and with a couple of creaks, the gates fell. Bricks toppled over from the gate. The smoke rose over top of the trees.
    Trace jumped over the rubble, holding his bag tightly.

    Can Can slipped out a club, and a bomb in his mouth. "Tage me outadaballgam.." He hummed, spitting out the bomb, and slamming it against the club. It flew over and fell to Trace. "Your mistake! Your coming with me whether you like it or not, whether your awake or not! Join my crew!"

    Trace slammed his foot against the bomb, but at that time, it exploded. He flipped over, head over heels, crashing through a window. Ngh... its the second hit on them...a soft bomb... He landed onto a table.

    "And the weather forecast is...hailing bullets!" Can Can yelled, taking out five pistols, one in each hand, one in his mouth, and one on each foot. The fired again and again, repeatedly, showering the window he crashed through with bullets.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Roxaspartanti
    I haven't died yet..
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Roxaspartanti
    Xemnas was staggering around, drunk from detergent. Very clean.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Roxaspartanti
    Roxas ran down the street, and soon attracted attention from Princess Peach. "Are you busy tonight? Are you busy tonight?" Roxas tried to get away, but she hung on to her umbrella and floated beside him. If he tried to swat her away, she floated out of the way.
    Axel ran to the grocery store, buying a large turkey. He ran from store to store, getting the right ingredients.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Roxaspartanti
    seems theres a debate on stern...hehe..
    Ok, well, thanks for the info. Alright guys, back to rping.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Roxaspartanti
    Xemnas groaned, but got up, looking for a waiter. "Waiter...can I have some more detergent in my glass? Waiter?!"
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Roxaspartanti
    ooc: evening. where I live..
    "Global warming? Heh, I can't talk right now. Cya.." Trace said, walking away.
    He had no time for these talks, especially with a rogue clown, by the looks of his skills with the blade. He walked on, pulling his bag more onto his back. He jumped out of the circle where the clown was going.

    "Heyhey, babey, we gotta talk. Join my crew, or I'll soak you in dew, whenever you cry moo!" He jumped off the unicycle, secretly placing a bomb onto it.
    The unicycle landed, and exploded. "So..whatayah think?" He turned around, and pretended he had a hook fro a hand. "Alright ye land lubbers, yer dismissed! Get really really fat!" He ran around Trace, putting an arm around him.
    The crew cheered, jiggling away.

    "So...your going to follow me?" Trace said, pulling the bag that kept on falling. It was like a hobby, the bag acted as a way for him not to get bored.

    "Bribe you into my crew. Theres...jokes! Lots and lots eh jokies." Can Can yelled into his ear.
    This guy seems cool...he could stay cool...and be extra hot in battle against my enemies...lets see what skills he got! Can Can thought, picturing him swallowing a knife.

    ooc: misunderstanding. I didn't want to leave. And I don't want anyone to say anything about this matter.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Roxaspartanti
    ooc: oy...wheres Roxas's money?!
    Roxas found out that those weren't students. His ultra evil grudge glare had gave him bad sight. They were janitors. That were cleaning up since it was Thanksgiving.
    Roxas double taked, falling down the high school steps.
    I have to donate 3000 cans! Its my schools project!
    "Xaldin!!!" Roxas yelled, running down the street, jumping on cars, looking like mario. There were so many people glancing his way.

    Axel, since he was so occupied in putting stuff on Roxas, ended up in the janitors room. He looked in the calendar. "ThankSGIVING?!" Axel double taked, and when he does that, something burns up. It turned out to be the calendar.
    Post by: Roxaspartanti, Oct 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home