Well I didnt get stood up-the date actually went pretty well (we didnt go past talking, but thats because my parents picked me up early :/ ) but yeah it was actually good
Im off to a great start-I believe I've been stood up...
It's been nearly a year so...wish me luck? :)
As someone who had never heard the song before, I really liked how number 4 was done. I am therefore voting for number 4
Hey all! Welcome to yet another voting round for KHV Idol! The theme this week was Tv Shows. The rules were simple: Pick a song from any TV show. It doesn't have to be the theme, it just has to be from the show somewhere. Entrants were asked to provide which show their theme came from just in case they thought they could get away with freestyle :) HERE ARE YOUR ENTRIES!!!!!!!!1From Phineas and Ferb 2 From The Little Mermaid TV Series 3 From Code Lyoko 4 From Adventure Time 5 From Blood+ 6From Romeo x Juliet 7From My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic All entrants must vote You cannot vote for yourself Voting ends in 7 days Happy Voting! :)[DOUBLEPOST=1366287910][/DOUBLEPOST]OH GOD DAMMIT I FORGOT THE POLL! Okay guys, my bad...post to vote...
Hey dude I didn't have enough time to put the entries on youtube, so you're cool with them being on box for this round?
All good. I'll post the thread sometime tomorrow-I'm tired now lol