you see, my cousin has been asked out by a boy that she doesn't like. How does she friendzone him without destroying his soul? See she has asked me for advice, but I have only ever been friendzoned, I have never had to friendzone someone and thus have no idea how to help her. KHV, I seek your infinite wisdom. What the bloody hell should she do?
That's my bad, I haven't updated the OP Anywho, you can choose to do a remake of the song, as original instrumentals are pretty hard to find
You people and your famous people.... I was at The Script concert and I met Samantha Jade (Aus X Factor winner) and The Collective (I think they came 3rd?) took photos with them and everything.
Ladder updated! :) 1. PaW (80 points) 2. darkhorseD (73 points) 3. Amethyst (70 points) 4. Mish (57 points) 5. Janson (55 points) 6. Fearless (53 points) 7. Tummer (43 points) 8. Fork (28 points) 9. Zelda (27 points) 10. Calxyin (24 points) 11. Dinny (20 points) 11. Romani (20 points) 12. HoT (16 points) 13. Odamadillo (14 points) 14. Heart (9 points) 15. Flowergothic (2 points) 15. Moshi (2 points) Looks like the bonus round was a major rank-changer for a lot of people. Be sure to participate every time to keep up your rank! :) Now for the new guidelines: Theme for KHV Idol #11: The 90sRules: Sing any song you like, as long as it's from the 90sOptional: you may choose to send me which year your song is from, but it's not really necessaryDeadline: Wednesday June 26gogogo!!! :)
Hm, I don't like awarding 1st place of a bonus round to so many people, but if that's the final result after the poll then... 1st place, with 3 votes each, goes to entries 1, 3 and 4. Congratulations to PaW, darkhorseD, Mish, Fork, Amethyst and Fearless! 2nd place, with 2 votes, goes to entry 5. Well done to Tummer and Janson! 3rd place, with 1 vote, goes to entry 2. Well done to Romani and Zelda! We hope to see you next time for another round of KHV Idol!
so far we have a 4-way tie for 1st place....
Wow. All the entries were very good this time! My vote goes to 1, great job guys! :)
KHV IDOL #10-BONUS ROUND!!!-VOTING- Hey guys! Welcome to yet another round of KHV Idol, and this voting round is a big one. This is the first Bonus Round Voting! Yay!!! In Bonus round, there are double points, so each entrant will receive at least 2 points. Third place will receive 20 points, 2nd place receives 24 points, and first place receives 28 points! (It looks like an odd numbering system haha). So this could mean a major difference in spots on the ladder! The theme for this round was Freestyle Duet, wherein everyone had to pair up, pick any song they wanted and sing it! HERE ARE YOUR ENTRIES!12345 All entrants must vote. You cannot vote for yourself. Voting ends in 7 days. Happy Voting!
Okay, I have 5 entries. Making the thread now! sorry for the delay :( Here it is! We actually have a very competitive round this time! Have fun voting!
You see, my next singing shindig is on June 23 and I need suggestions for songs to sing, cause I'm fresh out of ideas. So KHV, what the bloody hell am I singing on stage next?
Indeed. I have given an extension so as soon as I get that one the thread will go up. Sorry about the delay :(
okay that is pretty cool!
Hey all! I know I've been really lousy with posting lately, but I've been using this time well to teach myself some more geetar skills. So tell me what you think about these! Independent Woman-Destiny's Child (I am aware I kept screwing up the words, but it was more a guitar experiment than anything else :) ) I Need A Miracle (This song was stuck in my head for aaaaaages. enjoy :) )
PaW!!!! It's only your birthday for another 2 hours over here, so I figured I'd make the thread while I can :)HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAW!!!!!
Ladder Updated!! 1. PaW (52 points) 2. darkhorseD (45 points) 3. Amethyst (42 points) 4. Janson (31 points) 5. Mish (29 points) 6. Fearless (25 points) 7. Calxyin (24 points) 8. Dinny (20 points) 9. Tummer (19 points) 10. HoT (16 points) 11. Odamadillo (14 points) 12. Heart (9 points) 13. Zelda (7 points) 14. Flowergothic (2 points) 14. Moshi (2 points) It appears a few people (myself included) have dropped in ranks. Be sure to enter every time to keep up your score!! Remember that Round 10 is MAJOR points, so get them in!! :)
Omg my bad!!! So sorry guys!! So first place, with 3 votes each, goes to entries 1 and 5. Congratulations Janson and PaW! Second place, with 2 votes each, goes to entries 2 and 3. Well done to Fearless and Tummer! Third place, with 1 vote, goes to entry 4. Well done darkhorseD! We hope to see you all for next round!! :)
My mark for my media project. I must say I am quite happy with that. So thank you to everyone who offered to help me out with my research project!! :) This is my little token of appreciation:$(KGrHqJHJCwE+(+!qSieBP-Tzljs9!~~60_3.JPG Thanks guys :3
Five years...idk does it count as old?? Voting thread is up! gogogo!!!
Welcome to another voting round of KHV Idol! This round's theme was Foreign Language, so you could sing any song, as long as it wasn't English! HERE ARE YOUR ENTRIES!!!12345 All entrants must vote You can't vote for yourself Voting closes in 7 days Happy Voting!