Search Results

  1. T3F
    Hey all!
    So I'm thinking of having a logo for my youtube channel, which is for my singing.
    I'm asking if anybody would like to make it?? :)
    It doesn't have to be anything fancy, It'll show up at the beginning of the vid, and then throughout the vid, sorta how "SmileysAndSuch" appears in this vid:

    It also should only be just text, but you can include a music note here and there.

    Also, it must have a transparent background

    Most importantly, the words. Either "Kat Hilellis" Or "Kat Hilellis Music" If you can fit it. Be creative with how you put all the words together.

    I'm really not too good when it comes to logos, so I need your help. Anyone interested?? :)
    Thread by: T3F, Jul 16, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  2. T3F
    YAY THE CHORUS IS BACK! And just in time too, cos I'm getting a new mic!
    AAAHHH You have no idea how happy I am right now Jayn!!!
    Post by: T3F, Jul 14, 2013 in forum: KHV Chorus
  3. T3F
    Uploaded a video cover of My Immortal. Enjoy! :)

    You reckon I should actually grow some balls and put this on Facebook for my friends to judge too? I'm quite nervous when it comes to that....
    Post by: T3F, Jul 14, 2013 in forum: Production Studio
  4. T3F

    More like a song with multiple male vocals. Think Nsync, Backstreet Boys, One Direction, Westlife, The Collective and so on.

    EDIT: Major fail with the deadline, it's Saturday the 20th :P
    Post by: T3F, Jul 14, 2013 in forum: Production Studio
  5. T3F
    Theme for KHV Idol #12: Boy Band Songs
    Rules: Sing any song you like, as long as it has been done by a Boy Band. It can be an old song that the boy band has re-done.
    Deadline: Saturday July 20
    Post by: T3F, Jul 6, 2013 in forum: Production Studio
  6. T3F
    Ladder Updated!

    1. PaW (91 points)
    2. Amethyst (79 points)
    3. darkhorseD (73 points)
    4. Janson (66 points)
    5. Mish (57 points)
    6. Fearless (53 points)
    7. Tummer (43 points)
    8. Romani (31 points)
    9. Fork (28 points)
    10. Zelda (27 points)
    11. Calxyin (24 points)
    12. Dinny (20 points)
    13. HoT (16 points)
    14. Odamadillo (14 points)
    15. Heart (9 points)
    16. Flowergothic (2 points)
    16. Moshi (2 points)

    I would post guidelines up now but I'm late for work, so I'll post them in a few hours! :)
    Post by: T3F, Jul 5, 2013 in forum: Production Studio
  7. T3F
    Results are in!!
    Equal First Place, with 2 votes each, goes to entries 1, 3 and 4! Congrats to Janson, PaW and Romani!
    Second Place, with 1 vote, goes to entry 2! Well done Amethyst!

    We hope to see you next time for another round of KHV Idol! :)
    Post by: T3F, Jul 5, 2013 in forum: Production Studio
  8. T3F
    1. What?-I actually envy your smudging skills. All that blending is absolutely gorgeous, the sharpening is, too! You managed to create a really good flow with the sig, and the shape is gorgeous!
    2. Hayabusa- It looks like a really hard render to pull off a great sig with, but you did an excellent job! Loving the effects you put, and while I'm not a huge fan of having one block of text on one side and another on the other side, I think it works really well here. Good job!
    3. Plums-I think it's a little too monotone for me, but it's so sparkly! I love all the little effects you put in, and I really like the text. well done.
    Post by: T3F, Jul 4, 2013 in forum: Competitions
  9. T3F
    Well, because I kept moving schools, I always had a group of friends, but I was always falling out with them. I graduated high school with a mad bunch of friends though, even though the rest of my grade was just horrible.
    Post by: T3F, Jul 3, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. T3F
    gonna update soon with decent stuff, I swear!
    But I need some suggestions...anyone?? :)
    Post by: T3F, Jul 3, 2013 in forum: Production Studio
  11. T3F
    Eh, I'll enter this one. Why not?

    Post by: T3F, Jun 30, 2013 in forum: Competitions
  12. T3F
    this little bugger is actually my favourite thing in DDD so far:


    Also made this one:


    I just got photoshop up and running again, so I'm VERY rusty. Cnc pls and thanks :)
    Thread by: T3F, Jun 29, 2013, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. T3F
    Voting thread is up!
    Post by: T3F, Jun 28, 2013 in forum: Production Studio
  14. T3F
    Hey everyone!

    Welcome to yet another round of KHV Idol! The theme for this round was The 90s, where people could sing any song they liked, as long as it was from that time!

    Voting ends in 7 days
    You can't vote for yourself
    All entrants must vote
    Happy voting! :)
    Thread by: T3F, Jun 28, 2013, 6 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  15. T3F
    was there a movie?? I'm going nuts I'm sure but I believe there was a Power rangers Movie that I used to watch when I was a kid.

    Also, I think I only ever saw Mighty Morphin. All I remember was the pink one, and her name was Kimberly. that's it.

    I really have to start watching this show again!
    Post by: T3F, Jun 27, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. T3F
    So I met this guy, and we shall call him K. K is a great guy that I have everything in common with. We listen to the same music, we play the same games, watch the same sports (even though he goes for a different team) anyway long story short, I kinda sorta like him. But there are a few problems with this:

    1. I refuse to date this 'type' of person. As my friends have described, K is a bit of a douche. He kinda treats me like a second option, if that makes sense. I don't expect him to go out of his way to hang out with me, but its kinda happening the other way around, like he's blowing me off to hang out with other girls. Granted, I'm pretty sure he's related to these girls so there is no problem. When we're together though we have a lot of fun. We drive around, watch movies and whatnot, and he's overall just an awesome guy to be around. He did have the nerve to call me a loser publicly over Facebook, but that was a joke and really nothing.

    2. As much as I hate bringing him up, I'm afraid I must. He has been a huge part of this whole process (including being the first to see that K is a douche). It is none other than my best friend M, and if you have read Boy Troubles 1, you would be fully aware that M is also my ex-boyfriend. On talking about K, not only did he call him a douche, he also said "he seems like the kind of guy who could hurt you." I trust him a lot, because we're quite close. About a month ago he started liking someone, and I cringed so much at the thought of him going out with another girl. Now, I've been having regrets about breaking up with him...pretty much since I did it, and I know we can't go back to how we were. As it turns out that girl didn't like him back, and as a joke I texted him saying "her loss. Don't worry, I'll kick her butt soon." M and I are really close, and I fear that pursuing a relationship with K could ruin everything in our friendship. At the same time, going out with K could most certainly get rid of any lingering feelings for M once and for all.

    KHV, I believe I have a dilemma on my hands. A little voice named M is telling me not to pursue a relationship with K, but maybe I'm just over-thinking K's actions because of what M has told me?? Anyway, I need an opinion, should I give K a shot?
    Thread by: T3F, Jun 27, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  17. T3F


    Hmm...well I'm the youngest in my family and around the middle in my social circle. I have always gotten a lot of baby jokes, mainly because my siblings are about a year apart from each other and my closest sibling is 5 years older than me. So a lot of the time I get 'you're too young' and that pissed me off. In my social circle, I used to be called the 'cougar' because the guy I was dating was 3 days younger than me. It's all in good fun though. When I finally turned 18, I could turn around to everyone and say "Ha! I'm an adult now!" And now they all make old jokes at me. Meh, at least I'm part of the crowd. But no, I never intentionally rub in the fact that I am older or younger than anyone unless I'm joking around.
    Post by: T3F, Jun 27, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  18. T3F
    Hey guys,
    voting thread will be up soon, there was a problem with one of the entries. Once that person gets back to me I'll put up the thread. thanks :)
    Post by: T3F, Jun 26, 2013 in forum: Production Studio
  19. T3F
    As Llave pointed out a few posts ago, the issue has been resolved

    But while we're on the subject, what worked for me was the guy telling me he liked someone else. He didn't specify who so I couldn't fb stalk her or anything. After a few months of calling him an ******* I just gave up, and accepted it wasn't going to happen.

    Somebody earlier, I forget who, said that friendzoning someone gives them hope. That's actually kinda true, I mean, I had a guy tell me he just wanted to be friends about 5 years ago, and I wonder if I can ever get a shot at him again.

    Eh, just some thoughts there.

    Btw Space Gandalf, I really appreciate your advice and I get where your coming from, but I think it's just a little too extreme for this situation, as Boy Wonder said.

    Thanks for your help, everyone.
    Post by: T3F, Jun 24, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. T3F
    I told her to say she's just not interested, and apparently they're all good.

    As for the actual term 'friendzone', don't get me wrong, I actually hate the word. Maybe I should've just said it as 'rejection' so that's my bad. But thanks for the advice everyone. Having never actually faced with that problem it's awkward trying to give advice like that to someone else. Thanks guys :)
    Post by: T3F, Jun 24, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone