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  1. Magick
    Teliana glanced over where Zack's eyes had wandered. Her face tightened momentarily as she noticed the city guard entering the camp. Yes, it was definitely a good thing they were leaving. "I had very little choice." Zack told her, crossing his arms over his chest. "They offered their protection for the camp, and with their families here, I'll be more assured they will protect it better then they did the city they owed their allegiance to. They'll also assist me in taking back the city. But I don't like it." He sighed, and took her hand, gently shaking it. "Gods be with you."

    "And with you." She murmured in reply, pausing until
    Vyle and Zephyr appeared at her shoulder. She looked back, and smiled a little. With them, she was safe. She would be fine. She briefly relayed Zack's message to them, and Zephyr disappeared, she assumed to take the doppler up on his offer. That left her alone with Vyle, who didn't say anything and now seemed as anxious to get moving as she was. They still managed to wait for Zephyr to finish up his errands, and to the kid's credit he didn't take very long, before setting out.

    The city burned on the horizon, and Teliana felt her eyes frequently drawn to the destruction, before tearing them away just as quickly. They had a choice in directions, and somehow by the god's own luck they picked the right one.
    Vyle spotted the witchers before Ana did, pausing at the edge of their camp just as they heard the male, Vyle's friend, tell of Witch Hunters. "If you're going after them......" She hesitated, stepping towards the witchers after glancing back at Vyle. Normal Ana would never have walked so trepidly, but this new Ana had reason to be so.

    "If you're going after the Witch Hunters, I'd like to go with you." Unconsciously, her hands clasped, her fingers running over her nearly healed injuries. "I've a score to settle."

    Veera felt some of the pain alleviate as Alastar came to her defense, and then Derrick. Despite all she had apparently done to him, he didn't wish for her death. That only left Veceslav....she glanced at the prone form of the witcher, still asleep. He's getting old. It was something that hadn't occurred to her often over the years, but with each passing cycle it became more evident. She could count on one hand the amount of peaceful deaths witchers had been allowed by the gods, but the number would only make her heart ache, even more so considering what she had just put him through. I could have killed you all and never known.

    She had to pay penance for her crimes....She had to do something. Later. Her mind whispered as strangers approached the camp. Veera recognized the mage woman, and the
    kid as well. The man....well it could be none other then Derrick's acquaintance. The woman stepped forward, the evidence of torture still healing on her arms and hands as she twisted them, proclaiming she would like to follow Derrick after the Witch Hunters. Veera herself.....she pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her arms on them, pushing away the agony of what she had done for a later date.

    She would deal with herself, yes, but right now she had to make sure nothing happened to her family. And if
    Derrick was going to pay a visit to the king, then that meant she would be following him there, if only to make sure his head remained where it was. That was a start to repaying the debt she had caused the two closest people in her life. But what of Veceslav? She lowered her head, waiting for Derrick to notice the strangers. She would have to consider it.

    Treasa relaxed as both Derrick and Alastar denied Veera's execution. To think that anger had driven someone so far....It was almost worth investigating what had happened to make her so full of rage. But that would bring the risk of returning Veera's memories, and with that, the person she had been. What happened to someone who lost their old selves and became someone new, only to have them combine? She shuddered, collecting the newly whittled arrow shafts as she reached into a pouch at her side. It sounded horrible. What would I become if I could remember nothing of what happened to me? She wouldn't know what to do with the skills Alastar had taught her, for one thing.

    She was quite proud of her proficiency with the witcher signs Axii and Quen despite being unable to become a witcher herself. It hurt her, to know that she would age and grow old and
    Alastar would simply go on as he did for another hundred years, surviving her death. If she had no children, he would be left alone...She glanced up, tensing as three people approached the camp. When neither Veera nor Derrick moved to attack, or seemed alarmed, she let the wariness fade and returned to the task of sharpening the arrowheads, one at a time with her stone. What would she and Alastar do, after the Kaer? She wasn't even sure they had made plans to stay with the group, but remaining in one place for a time seemed...welcoming. Almost like a home, though she wasn't sure she would ever have one again.

    She glanced at
    Alastar, wondering what his thoughts on the matter were. She had always assumed that witchers didn't travel in groups for long, and wasn't sure how he felt about the matter, since they had rarely ever even come across another, let alone stayed with them. But perhaps it would be nice to stay with a group for a little while.

    Zack watched the two mages and vampire walk off before returning to what was now a small council table. The elderly doppler from before, Rael, the captain of the guard, and a woman who had lived in the richer section of town gathered around a map of Oxenfurt. "We need a safe place to sleep." The old man admitted, his hands on his walking stick. Zack stood between him and the woman as he looked down at the map, brow furrowed. "We need to send people in, first." The captain argued, crossing his arms across his chest. "People who can get in and out without being caught by the necrophages or gangs that are still roaming around."

    Zack felt inclined to agree with the captain, but he tilted his head to the side, waiting for Rael's counsel. "Small groups." The doppler agreed with the captain, his eyes raising to Zack's. "Three at the most; a healer, an archer, and a fighter. People who can use the rooftops." Or what was left of them. By the looks of the orange blaze on the horizon, the fire had spread now from the church. Without anyone to stop it, the nearest barrier might be the river at the edge of town. "We might be reclaiming a pile of ashes." Zack sighed, rubbing his hands through his hair.

    The woman cleared her throat, her voice a musical lilt. "But it's our pile of ashes."

    "Hear hear." The old doppler agreed, and the captain nodded. Zack drummed his fingers on the map, then nodded. "Very well. Groups of three, as many as we can spare, with healing potions and their preferred weapons. No more then three hours gone, though. Rael, will you and the captain begin assigning the teams? And you..." he turned the the woman. "Lila." She introduced. "Lila, please make sure they will be well equipped. Gregory, make sure they either know their way around the city or have the means to understand it quickly."

    He looked around at the small council, and felt a grim smile break upon his face. This could be the start of something. Rael smirked as the captain uncrossed his arms. "Hell, if we do this right, we won't need a king." The words hung in the air, and Zack wondered if this is how most rebellions started. Something small, a word spoken out of turn or a meeting of the right persons.

    "If we do this right, we'll take our city back." he gently admonished, careful of wary ears. "But after...." his eyes glinted. Lila had fire in her eyes and even Gregory looked ready to bash a few heads. "We could find ourselves on the king's doorstep, and not for afternoon tea."


    Tessa gratefully let her shirt fall over her back once more, cautiously getting to her feet as Seth's conversation with Sigmund seemed finished. She wanted to ask him what the old mage had said, but it wouldn't be appropriate, here....she kept her eyes on Seth as he approached, turning away from his own examination in order to give him some of the privacy he had afforded her.

    "We....I have lived in Oxenfurt for my whole life." She said softly to
    Matilda, her hand reaching back to clasp Seth's uninjured one. "I was under the care of my brother, after my parents passed away. We didn't have much, but he would take me walking in the afternoons so I could feel the sun on my skin, and buy me candy. When I became old enough, he acquired an old building and turned it into a bar, watching over me as I worked, then teaching me how to take care of myself when I couldn't. He was...." He was my everything. She swallowed hard, squeezing Seth's hand for strength. "He was a merchant, and sometimes helped people in trouble find new lives. He was a good person." That was how she wanted to remember him. Not the sorrow in his eyes or the cold, burning silver on her back or the rush of blood or the way he had left her to die.

    No. She wanted to remember the brother she had grown up with,who had tucked her into bed every night and woken her up every morning with the same gentle smile. "Things happened, and Oxenfurt wasn't safe anymore, so we came here." She smiled at
    Greg, watching him play. "Not very exciting, I'm afraid."

    Post by: Magick, Mar 20, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Magick
    Tessa shook her head at Adelina's offer and shifted the small child in her arms so she had room for one more. "I'll give you both a break." She offered with a small smile. "I never get to see them and you just hog them to yourselves all the time." Zack shrugged and handed her Zelina, careful not to wake her before taking the plate of food and settling back down next to Adelina. Tessa smiled at them both before turning her attention to the children in her arms.

    "They just get you all to themselves, don't they?" She whispered, kissing both babies on the forehead as she rocked gently back and forth to keep them sleeping. "They never let Auntie Tessa see you, no they don't." In truth, she had been far busier then she would have liked, to spend time with them. And the other part of that truth was that it put a small ache in her heart that at the end of the day she had to go home to an empty house. Tessa, you need a cat. She scolded herself, shaking off the sadness and cooing to the little boy and girl instead.

    Zack watched Tessa for a moment, a small smile on his face before turning and kissing Adelina on the cheek. "We should remember to take her up on babysitting more often." He murmured as he dug into the food eagerly, letting his leg touch Adelina's. He didn't try to be overly clingy, but even just being near the fairy put him in a better mood. "This is great." he complimented his girlfriend, nudging her gently before returning to his meal.

    Afterwards, his thoughts wandered from his food to the house he wanted to buy, to worry for Tessa, and then to
    Adelina and how he would like to have a night alone with her again. Maybe Tessa wouldn't mind taking the kids for a night, when she didn't have to work. He would bring it up to Adelina later, when they were alone.

    Chrono, liking it in the kitchen?" he asked, trying to be more social then just obsessing over the not so subtle love of his life.
    Post by: Magick, Mar 19, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Magick
    Brianne paused. Here was another Downworlder. Though she spoke kind words, Brianne felt the hair raise on the back of her neck. Paragon had been nothing but helpful, and Valister had shown no ill intent, but she was well aware the odds were heavily out of her favor now. "My friend was taken away by his...." What was Ash to Rhett, really? To her he was nothing more then a temporary ally, someone who held information and was paid for it in kind. It was not, strictly speaking, activity sanctioned by the Clave, but if they didn't find friends in those around them, who would they have when it came down to demons versus the living?

    "He was taken away by his family." She spoke finally, reflecting that it was probably the closest to describing the bond between
    Ash and Rhett. "I'm sure he's safe. Now really, if you don't mind I'm going to make my way back to the Institute. Back home. "I don't want to push my luck any further then it has been." By the Angel, today was just not her day, was it?

    She glanced at the three before her before turning back around. "You're all welcome to accompany me back, where we may speak more, but I refuse to do so out in the open." Where it isn't safe. Unwilling to look back to see if
    Paragon, Valister or Jenny followed her, she squared her shoulders and walked back on the path towards the Institute. Hopefully Roxanne and Hendrick would beat her back, so that if more then Valister did come back with her, she wouldn't have nearly as much to explain.

    Morrigan leaned her back against the wall as she listened to Cin speak. There were no half truths or evasions leaving the fairy's lips. It was all of what she had told Ash, with a little more insinuation as to what direction her future would take. She kept her eyes on the line where the ceiling met the opposite wall, biting her lip as she wrapped her arms around herself, as if to protect her body from the implications her future brother-in-law laid down.

    "Twenty four hours." She had heard the hollowness of Cin's threat to fight, but there was nothing short of a promise in the words he spoke now. "If you stand in the way, you will find it difficult to remain so calm." A small gasp left Morrigan's mouth as she shut her eyes, her head leaning back against the solid surface of the paneling behind her.

    It wasn't until she heard the door slam that she let her body shake with the fear it had withheld, driving her nails into her sides to keep her eyes from shedding the tears they so desperately wanted to release. Twenty four hours. And then he would come back, and unless the entire wrath of hell was there to stop him, she would be dragged back to the Court. Her control snapped, and she bit through her lip, tasting blood in her mouth as she imagined exactly what sort of things her parents were capable of.

    Of course, without the last few doses of antidote, she would die. Would it be too much to ask that it could be sooner rather then later? She lifted one of her hands from her waist and raised her fingers to her lips, pulling them back to examine the crimson liquid. I won't run. They'll find me eventually, no matter where I go. She couldn't hide behind
    Ash forever, either. The blood on her fingers, her own, became Ash's for a moment as his broken body flashed through her mind. No. I'll have to...She swallowed, the metallic tang causing her stomach to roil as she pressed her tongue against the wound on her lip, trying to stop the bleeding.
    Post by: Magick, Mar 19, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Magick
    Have sex with every single one of them and then use the evidence to blackmail them all into paying you money so they don't find out they all slept with you.
    Post by: Magick, Mar 19, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Magick
    Name: Brianne Lightwood
    Sex: Female
    Age: 25
    Species: Setesh
    Appearance: Boop
    Rank: Commander (because Arch said so)
    Division: Security
    Bio: Brianne was born and raised on a small farming colony in the outer reaches of space. Her home was attacked by illegal slavers that killed those she loved and captured the rest. Brianne raised a small rebellion of slaves to escape, stealing an escape pod from the bandits. They were picked up by air traffic, and taken back to safety for evaluation. Most were rehabilitated into new homes and lives, safe within military patrol, but Brianne wasn't satisfied with a safe life. She wanted to keep what had happened to her from happening to another.

    Brianne joined the Coalition Corps as she soon as she was able, and rose through the ranks quickly, gaining attention with her proficient use of skills and talent. She was promoted before thirty to Commander, making her one of the youngest in history to be given such a title.
    Other: N/A
    Post by: Magick, Mar 19, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Magick
    Morrigan glanced up as Ash motioned for her to stay put. She narrowed her eyes, waiting until he had left before removing herself from the bed and creeping to listen by the door. Before the usual mask had slid over his face, he had looked startled, perhaps even apprehensive. What, or rather who, would cause the warlock to look that way?

    She knelt down, her hand touching the wood of the floor to steady herself as she tucked her hair over one pointed ear before stepping out into the hallway She had to nearly hold her breath to keep from making noise as the door opened below, but what she heard next sent her heart racing, one of her hands reaching up to cover her mouth to mute any noises she might make.
    Cin. The name fluttered through her mind with fear, nearly sending her into a mad dash to hide under the blankets like a small child.

    Ash spoke in a low tone, and whilst she couldn't make out the words, it didn't take a huge leap in logic to understand that the two knew each other. "Oh Goddess." She whispered, silently creeping out the door and into the next room. The clothing she had worn before, the jeans and t-shirt lay on the bed. With a grimace she slipped into them, hating the feel of the rough fabric over her sensitive skin. The bruise on her throat barely showed above the collar, and she yanked her tangled hair in front of it, keeping it from view before creeping back to the stairway, peering around the corner.

    "Now." Cin said, his tone one of anger. The sound of it was foreboding, and her instincts told her to run, hide, anything to get away from what his voice promised was in store. She had a terrible feeling that she knew exactly who Cin was here for. "I see," Ash murmured, turning to look up the stairway. She froze, thinking for a moment that he had seen her. What are you doing? Then he turned and smashed Cin in the face.

    She cringed, biting her lip as she pressed a hand against the wall. Her heart was torn between running, and escaping while she had come on the chance, and jumping to
    Ash's rescue. But it wouldn't be rescue, would it? You'd only get in the way. Just wait. He wanted you to stay away. Just wait.
    Post by: Magick, Mar 19, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Magick
    Veera listened to Derrick's words, her heart aching with each sentence that passed his lips until finally, she wasn't sure she could feel at all. I dragged Aaron with? How did I convince him? If she could have cried, she would have. The shame and grief rocked her body and her mind as she forced herself to pay attention. It felt as though it was a nightmare, as if this was some horrible joke, and Derrick would laugh at the end before trying to Axii the memory from her. Yet, as she looked from his pain stricken face, to her damaged sword, to the ground, she found she could not doubt a single word he had said. Some part of her knew he spoke the truth, and it only made her feel worse.

    "Why would I..." her hands were shaking as she clasped them together, her face feeling frozen. "Why would I do that? Why would I hurt them? Dopplers aren't human but they're..." she pressed her fingers to her lips, preventing herself from saying anything for a moment. The consequences of her actions, still unremembered but clearly not unknown of, were vast. She had started a war, but why, she could not say. She had killed dozens of people, some perhaps innocent of any crime other then what they were. Her head began to ache, then pound as the headache that had been stowed away returned with a vengeance.

    Veera shut her eyes, trying to block out the light as she let her hands reached to her temples, trying to massage the pain away as the headache turned into a migraine. Why can't I remember? If I could just know why.
    "The punishment is death." Her voice didn't sound like her own as she spoke once more. "That's the law, isn't it? I...." It felt like someone was slowly driving a nail into her skull, but it didn't block out the thought that was slowly repeating through her mind like a morbid nursery rhyme. "I'll be executed."

    For something I can't even remember. Perhaps this is the gods' punishment. But who would do it? Veceslav? She could see the old Crow, face torn between duty and grief. Derrick? She couldn't even imagine what Derrick would do. Especially given she had already tried to kill him. No, it would be the stranger. "Why would I do that?" She whispered to herself. Why?

    Treasa listened to Derrick's tale with mounting horror, but it was nothing compared to the effect it seemed to have on Veera. To do all of that, and not remember any of it? She couldn't even imagine. Is this what anger does? It didn't matter the cause, she would never have turned on her brother. Ever. What could possibly have forced the woman in front of her, broken as she was, to go to such extremes? To lose herself to such madness? Treasa didn't like any man more then the next, but it could be reasonably said she was fair with her dislike, putting her prejudice against males of all races.

    Then Veera's lips dropped the word, "execution". Treasa bit her lip as she glanced at
    Uncle Alastar, unsure. Would the witchers truly execute one of their own? Given the extremes the woman's actions had caused, it seemed just on one sense but...She glanced back at them. But they had already lost one of their own at the hands of another. What would losing a sister at their own behest do to the small group?

    "It doesn't have to be that way, does it? Perhaps she was magicked, or Axiied. Perhaps there's some sort of mistake. She doesn't have to die, does she?" Treasa wasn't sure why she felt the need to stay this woman's death; this woman she had never known. Perhaps it was just because, in a day filled with so much sorrow, and in a life where death was all she had known, Treasa wanted to find that somewhere, there was forgiveness instead of justice, and peace instead of vengeance.

    If this is what anger does, then I need to let mine go. Uncle's right, the men who hurt me, who killed them...they're no longer among the living. And we sent them to a death they deserved. If this is what holding a grudge will do.....She swallowed at the thought of being driven mad with anger, of Alastar's face as he swung the axe, bringing her down before she could harm another. It seemed an impossible scenario but....but nothing is impossible.

    I certainly would never had imagined my life leading me here.
    She turned, waiting to see what the others would say.

    Tessa nodded her head in response to Matilda before cringing as the thread was slowly removed from her back. It wasn't excruciating, but it was far from comfortable, and she clenched her hands, holding the shirt so Matilda could work efficiently. "How bad was it?" She asked quietly. She could hear Sigmund and Seth talking, but as much as it concerned her, her place was here, right now. She could talk to them after Seth was looked over too.
    She hadn't looked at the scar, couldn't bear to do more then run her fingers over the stitching every now and again when it ached.

    She didn't want to stare at the reminder of what the only man she had ever considered family had done to her. Instinctively, Tessa's eyes flicked up to Seth, watching him for a moment as her face tightened when another strand of stitching was removed. Perhaps she would be able to still have a family. Not the same as it had been, but a little different. She hissed as
    Matilda touched a sensitive spot, then forced herself to relax. "Sorry." She apologized. "It's....hard. To be touched where it happened."

    Considering that her few memories of being healed involved extreme amounts of pain, she wasn't surprised her body reacted instinctively to being touched there again. "Have you lived here long?" She asked, trying to keep her mind off her own sorrow, her eyes switching to that of the
    little boy.
    Post by: Magick, Mar 19, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Magick
    Alarick sighed, and followed, getting into the seat next to the driver, leaving one of the seats in the back for Sien. "Do you know how to get to the Institute from here"? Alarick asked Nick with a raised eyebrow, settling uncomfortably back into the seat. Very inferior to a horse. He thought to himself, ignoring the seatbelt and crossing his arms across his chest. "I'm uneasy." he admitted, glancing back at Masque in the backseat. "Something doesn't seem quite right, with any of this."

    Normally, Downworlders who had killed so many were executed outright. Fairies and warlocks who had been less far gone then Masque had been sentenced to much worse. So why this treatment? Alarick rubbed his temples, grimacing. He knew, all too well exactly what the Clave was going to ask. He just hoped for once, he was wrong. "All right back there
    Sien?" He half turned to look at the warlock, whom he presumed had stepped into the car by that point.

    Brianne smiled at Paragon's words. "You are most kind." She accepted the offer of his accomplice's number. "I'm sure my friend will be most appreciative as well." And it gives me the excuse to call on you, when I have more questions. She then turned to Valister, inclining her head. "It's Shadowhunter business, I'm afraid I can't divulge information to those who were not involved." She said, though her mouth dropped into a small frown. "Though I'm sure the word has spread already that Grayson Kellar, former Alpha of the Albany pack, is no more." She pressed a finger to her lips for a moment before letting the hand drop away. "You're welcome to accompany me back to the Institute, where we can discuss the matter further." She murmured, her gaze flicking to Paragon. "It's not safe for Shadowhunters to be on the streets for long, these days."

    She didn't think he would be one to join them, but...."If you would like,
    Master Paragon, you may join us as well. Or, if you choose not, you can always find me at the Institute." She suppressed a grimace. But I suspect you already know that. "Shall we?" She asked the two standing in front of her before turning and walking away, leaving piles of ashes behind and a bad taste in her mouth. They had won...but at what cost?

    Grayson tensed at the word "testing". It was not a friendly thing for any creature of fur, regardless of the permanency of that fur. "What are you-"
    His sentence was cut off by sudden, teeth shattering pain. Grayson clenched his jaw shut, feeling the muscles strain and jaw crack as his neck arched, his body fighting the foreign substances the instant they were injected into him. He refused to scream, but a muffled groan made its way out of his throat as flashes of light dissipated before his eyes.

    He waited for it to end. It had to end, right? The pain always had to end.
    Post by: Magick, Mar 18, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Magick
    Teliana watched the "meeting" from a short distance away, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed across her chest. It seemed that Jayce hadn't been happy with the progression of the battle, but since she had been...occupied, she couldn't say what she felt on the outcome. Disappointment, obviously, and worry for Rose, but other then that?

    She grimaced as her stomach growled quietly, resisting the urge to punch it. Because that would hurt her, and she didn't really need that right now. Not when she was supposed to be listening. Her attention was refocused as someone mentioned
    Rose. Well, not by name, specifically, but how many other assassins did they have in their company? And how many would get Jayce's attention like that?

    She half smiled to herself, before stepping forward, letting her arms drop as her eyes sharpened, her expression returning to one of businesslike solemnity. "I'll volunteer for the mission. That is, if the
    Scorned One will have me along."
    Post by: Magick, Mar 18, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Magick
    Alarick glanced at Nick, frowning at Cin's departure. The fairy would be back later, he knew. There was a slight ominousness to Cin's voice that he didn't care for. "Give him the mask, and the paper. The pencil...." The Shadowhunter hesitated. "Fine. But make sure to stay clear out of stabbing range, alright?" He glanced around the apartment, running his fingers through his hair before sighing.

    "Let's just go, I think we've lingered long enough." He had a bad feeling about the future, and not just because of
    Cin. Trouble was brewing, somewhere.
    Post by: Magick, Mar 18, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Magick
    Veera limped to where Derrick was sitting, staying close to him in case he decided to bolt. She couldn't shake the effect his words had taken on her; I tried to kill him? Why? Why would I....She listened to Alastar, her face blank as she tried putting strange names to blurry faces, to make sense of what she couldn't remember. "It couldn't be that doppler, Bryce?..." The name brought a swell of anger with it, and she took a deep breath to bury the emotion once more. "We saw him die. Your...friend," she glanced at Derrick, "he killed him. But do we know that it was actually Bryce he killed? Or for that matter that Bryce was the one to actually kill.." She swallowed hard, her voice shaking, "Aaron. He could have come across his body, and..."

    She pressed her forehead to her knee for a moment, recollecting herself. Why can't I just remember?

    Treasa turned her body towards the group, looking at each of them in turn, her eyes falling on Veera, and then Derrick. "He had a woman with him. She was nice. They were nice. I do not think they killed your friend." She murmured quietly. "The man looked far too shaken, and if he had done it himself I doubt he would have told us about the crime. I got the feeling that he was regretful, that it was painful." She looked down at her arrows for a moment. "He was no witcher," she seceded to her uncle, "But neither was he a threat."

    "Not today, anyway." She shrugged, her fingers moving quickly along the edge of the wood even without her eyes on her work. She knew the craft by heart, it took more then simple conversation to cause her to make a mistake. Her eyes eventually turned back towards Veera, and she frowned. "If you are family...why did she try to kill you?" She asked
    Derrick softly. It felt as though one wrong word or comment would bring the tension and disruption back to the small though she was treading on broken glass.

    And by the looks of the three witchers they had rescued, there was little left to them after that glass had shattered. Veera remained with her forehead pressed against her knees,
    Derrick looked exhausted, and Veceslav was still sleeping. They were the picture of defeat, and it saddened her.

    Post by: Magick, Mar 18, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Magick
    Veera slid underneath the Dark Ball, raising her keyblade to cut what would have been the belly before following up with a slash from behind. She used her momentum to take out another Shadow before tripping slightly, turning to face the unending horde. But what kind of margarita? She wondered, readying herself as the Shadows approached. I don't really feel like lime...but strawberry is too sweet. She frowned as she considered the issue at hand, ignoring the small yellow orbs that served as eyes as they watched her, the Heartless twitching as they considered their next move.

    Heartless Kill Grand Total:
    Shadow: 145
    Dark Ball: 18
    Shadow 1: 1BP

    Total Experience Gained
    Veera: 775 EXP (55 Shadows, 5 Dark Ball)
    Xara: 745 EXP (52 Shadows, 5 Dark Ball)
    Aislinn: 770 EXP (6 Dark Ball, 50 Shadows)
    Post by: Magick, Mar 18, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Magick
    Veera stood up, her head ringing but her eyes ablaze with fire. "Derrick, get your ass off that horse and in front of me. Now." She glared at him, eyes narrowing as the light made her headache that much worse. "Please." she amended, a little more softly. I need to know what I was doing here, why Aaron was here, why I let him die, why my sword is so badly damaged, and why you looked at me like that, and why would I try to kill you.....She turned, her hands clenched at her side.

    "You." She hissed at
    Alastar. "Derrick made a mistake, but your actions were not warranted. You are a beast of a man. If you can't wear the label proudly, then don't listen." She pointed at herself. "I've been called too many names to count, and yet I ignored them all. If you can't resist the comments of a single person, then you are no better then a teenage boy preening in the mirror. We are witchers, we don't care what people call us, be they peasant or one of our own."

    She turned to Treasa, her frown deepening. "Your comments were sexist and unnecessary.
    Derrick may have a reputation, but he's my brother and comrade in arms and I'll not have you or your uncle slander him further. We didn't ask you to rescue any of us, in fact you insisted upon it yourselves. If you can't get along with us, then perhaps you should leave."

    She sighed. "We're safer together. I'm sure that dopplers escaped the city, and there still could be undead roaming around. Please, can't we just make this work until we get back to the safety of the Kaer?"

    She turned back around to
    Derrick, her stance firm but her eyes soft as she wordlessly begged him to come back. "Sorry." The voice startled her, and she turned to look at the brunette archer, kneeling on the ground.

    Treasa kept her eyes on the rudimentary arrows, her eyes burning and her cheeks flushed. "I'm sorry." She clarified to Derrick. "For my behavior. It wasn't fair. I let the past dictate my actions. Veera is right. We shouldn't separate. It's too dangerous." She spoke in a halting tone, each word having the taste of acid. But wasn't it better to admit her mistake then to keep admitting it?

    "I'll take first watch." She repeated softly, lowering her head. Regardless of whether it was the right thing to do or not, it didn't feel good. "Please don't leave your comrades on my account." She swallowed past the ache in her throat. Veera had called
    Derrick her brother, and it created a strange parallel though for Treasa. If her own siblings were still alive, she would never have let them leave unscathed. "Don't leave your family." She whispered, bending over her arrows, hunched and small. "We don't get a replacement once they're gone."

    Teliana smiled at Zephyr's response. She started to lean her head against Vyle's shoulder but stopped herself before the action could be completed. He wasn't ready for that, yet. She herself wasn't the clingy type, but physical touch kept the thoughts of the witch hunter out of her head....Shaking away the darkness, Ana stepped forward, looking back at the two. "We'd best get going then, before the witchers get too far ahead." She murmured, heading out into the open air with a brave face.

    She couldn't stay scared forever. She had to find herself again.

    Tessa smiled at the little boy in front of her. "My mother used to do that for me too." She leaned in closer, ignoring the protestations of her wound. "I think it's a secret only mothers have though." She whispered conspiratorially to Greg before slowly getting to her feet. "I don't...." she hesitated, looking at the small child. "I don't know if he'll want to see this." She whispered before kneeling, her back to Matilda as she reached back with a grimace, pulling up the simple shirt to reveal the her injury.

    It was a haphazard mess of stitching and torn flesh. The healing woman hadn't had much time, and so she had done a quick job, perhaps intending for Tessa to get the wound resewn later. However, the woman's healing potion, used in desperation, had left little room for any sort of remedial work. The wound itself was jagged, starting at the middle of her back and ending in her lower right side. It was swollen and inflamed, her body beginning to reject the thread that had held itself together while the flesh itself was knotted and ridged, some parts overlapping overs. Where the sword had actually cut her was a pink line, forever discoloring her skin.

    Tessa hunched over on herself, biting her lip as she felt tears gather. It was ugly. It marked her. It would forever remind her. She was a freak.

    Zack looked up, seeing the mage woman emerge. She didn't look quite herself, but...she looked better. Whatever the vampire had done, clearly it was for her benefit. Perhaps he wasn't such a bad person after all. Zack got to his feet, walking up to her as he brushed his hands off. "Leaving?" He read the intention on her face. "And your friends too?" She nodded and he smiled a little. "Well, best of luck to you. Feel free to ask around for any extra supplies we may have." It was the least he could do for failing to get her and Zephyr out of the city. "I hope we meet again."

    I as well." She replied, a little of the sparkle returned to her eyes.
    Post by: Magick, Mar 17, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Magick
    I can't tell if you're insulting your age or mine. Regardless, I'll take those juice boxes.
    Post by: Magick, Mar 17, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Magick
    Alarick got to his feet the second the mad doctor had mentioned "fighting", His first fear was that the fiend had finally lost the last of his sanity and decided to pit them against each other. The girl, Delia, was the first in the cage, swiping at one of the robots that circled her. Colton helped her out, but the robots started towards him in the meantime. Well, Alarick just couldn't let that stand. Not that it looked like Colton would be able to for much longer. He moved swiftly, grabbing the other man's arm and pulling it over his shoulder with his other arm going around Colton's waist. "Hang in there. I don't fancy the idea of spending my nights alone in that cell."

    He snapped the fingers of the hand around
    Colton's waist, creating enough friction to send a small spark towards one of the robots, shorting its circuits for a few moments. "I see the good doctor decided to hinder me." He muttered, snapping his fingers once more to create another ball. There was very little electricity in the air, something that would change if one of the robots was downed. If he could get his hands on it, he could soak up the electricity....but he should probably let go of Colton before then.

    "Take one down, if you can. Or help her. I'll watch your back." Alarick told
    Colton, holding the small ball of crackling light at the ready.

    Ana rolled onto the roof, taking a moment to catch her breath as she surveyed the city. She debated breaking through one of the windows, just to startle the occupants in their apartment home, but it wouldn't be worth the reparations if she was caught. Or there might be something bad in there. Like a body. She didn't want that. Shaking her head at her own folly, she turned and started to climb the drain pipe, vaulting over the edge of the upper platform to gain speed before taking off at a run. She didn't have any current jobs, and she wanted to practice some new moves she had thought of whil she had been eating.

    "Try and catch me with this." She murmured, jumping over a ventilation system and darting towards a system of platforms used for construction workers.
    Post by: Magick, Mar 17, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Magick
    Bryce followed the interactions between the three people, his leader and the two strangers, with focused attention. It seemed that two of their group, the Citrus God and a strange woman who could have been the Feather God, were being called away. Sanderson seemed content with this, and though Bryce was still thoroughly suspicious of the man's side burns, he could only agree that it made sense to try and spread their forces to a greater distance.

    "We should prepare." He advocated, reaching up to adjust his helmet before lowering his hand, realizing it was gone...."I have no helmet." He added, a little sadly. "And we should make sure we have bandaids and healing juice for everyone."

    Kara slid down the wall a little, her hair pushing up behind her head as she listened. Ren's voice calmed her heartbeat, and made her smile as she was held in rapture of his tale. She opened her mouth when he had finished, but before she could speak the spider approached, the purring sound reminding her of a cat. Had it liked Ren's story too? She couldn't help but laugh a little a that, before cautiously sliding away from the wall, leaning forwards to read the writing. "My name?" She asked, impressed that the spider could spell so well. "My name is Kara. Kara Webb. Probably not related to you, but," She laughed a little, "I suppose anything is possible, right? Do you have a name?"

    If the
    spider was going to be friendly, she might as well make conversation with it. Perhaps they could come to an understanding, and further violence could be avoided.

    Tessa clasped her hands behind her back, her eyes drifting from Rayyad to the rest of the room as she waited to hear his response. Hopefully he could manage something, and the person wouldn't think it was so strange that they would try to kill the messenger.
    Post by: Magick, Mar 17, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Magick
    Veera stiffened at the criticism, but bowed her head before walking out silently, eyes focused only on the path ahead of her. Where that was going...she sighed and stopped, pressing her forehead to the cool wall as the outside air blew her hair off her shoulders. "Bowing to someone like that." Alpha's snarl whispered through her mind. She smacked it firmly against the solid surface before turning away, her eyes falling on Requiem. "Anthem isn't back yet?" She asked, somewhat surprised. "Do you want company while you do your...thing?" Which seemed to be trying to examine his injuries.

    Kala smiled a little helplessly as Timothy turned to offer tea to the strangers. Her eyes roamed over the robot, taking in the dents and scratches he had aquired...recently? Her memory was blurry, but she knew there had been a fight, and....And he didn't leave us. He stayed and protected us. If Timothy thought this was a good idea, then she would trust him. No one had tried to attack her yet, and....if she didn't say what she was, if she kept it hidden, then it could hardly be a problem, could it?

    "I'm Kala." She murmured to the group, tucking her hands inside the cloak and wrapping it around her naked body to keep it hidden from sight. She didn't think anyone would be able to tell, as long as she kept the opening closed. "I um...I don't know how any of this works." she admitted, shrinking back into the cloth a little more. "I haven't been around people in quite a while." she copied
    Timothy's mannerisms. "Humble greetings." She said.
    Post by: Magick, Mar 17, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Magick
    Veera threw one of her gauntlets at Derrick, slow enough that he could catch it easily. "You should open your eyes more often, it helps to see things more clearly." She commented before going back to working on getting the kinks, or what she could, out of her swords. The silver one would have to be replaced after all. "Have you noticed the way she keeps her uncle out of the corner of her eye? She did mention he was her uncle, by the way." She graced her comrade with a small smile. "I would guess he's all she has left in this world, and if something terrible did happen to her, as you suggest, then it's not a surprise that she sticks so close to him."

    "Besides..." she flexed her fingers, working out the cramps before resuming her work with the sharpening stone. "She's probably just pushing you two," she jerked her head at
    Veceslav, "away, before you can hurt her. I did that too, remember?" She lowered her voice as Treasa returned, the girl's arms full of wood. She sat apart from both of them, clearly ostracizing herself from the group.

    Veera raised her eyebrows at
    Derrick, and then lowered her head.

    Post by: Magick, Mar 17, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Magick
    Now if only I could find someone to drink with me...
    Post by: Magick, Mar 17, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Magick

    Alarick acknowledged Nick with a nod of his head before turning to talk to Sien when....eyes flashing, he stood between Masque and Cin, blade and bow drawn. "Get out." His voice was icy and soft. "I gave my word that the warlock would not be harmed. You have made me break my word. I will not tolerate any more."

    He could hear
    Nick berating him or something in the background, but he didn't turn his attention away from the fairy in front of him. "Sien, I hate to ask more of you, but if you could help Nick take Masque down to the car, I'll be along in a minute. I promise you that I'll pay you back in kind." Quid pro quo, after all. He pointed towards the exit. "There's the door. Go find your missing sister. It seems she may have more need of you then we do." he told Cin, eyes gone hard with anger. "When I make a promise, I keep it. I'll still help you. But in this, our partnership is ended." He would have to deal with Nick later, as well. Alarick did not appreciate being questioned by anyone. In that, he and his sister were alike.

    Brianne tapped her fingers on her stele as Paragon appeared once more. "Two." she said finally, turning away from Valister but keeping a close eye on him. "What did you do to Grayson? And how can I contact you? I suspect I have an...acquaintance, who would like to speak with you." Not that I know the first thing about her, but she doesn't seem the type to hang around Ash. If anyone can help her, this guy is probably her best chance.

    She paused, before bowing her head slightly. "And thank you, for your assistance, you helped me save the life of a friend. I appreciate it greatly."

    Grayson swallowed, his mouth dry. "No offense, but I like them younger." He answered the doctor in a slurred voice, his mind not quite yet to the waking point. "My name is Grayson Kellar, and I am...was the Alpha to the Albany pack." Their original territory, even though they had eventually converged on New York. He wasn't sure there was much more left of a finger of the New York pack. Well....maybe not even that. "So, any way I can get more comfortable?"
    Post by: Magick, Mar 17, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home