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  1. Magick
    Bryce nodded slowly, frowning as he considered what Sanderson said. The concentration didn't last long, as he needed to focus on what his hands were doing. Which, at the moment was tying one of the pack strings into terrible knots instead of untying it. He sighed and sat down, working stubbornly at the strings until it finally came undone. Next was actually pulling the tent and setting it up.

    Bryce thanks the gods, whatever and wherever they were, that he had experience in this area. It had already taken far too long to even get the cloth out of the bag in the first place. "Whoever packed this needs a lesson in tent packing." He muttered, conveniently forgetting that it had been him that had done so.
    Once he had wrestled the tent together with several curses and promises that the clothed home would never prevail, he rested in front of it, running his hands through his hair several times.
    "What exactly do you want me to do for watch?" He turned, eyeing
    Sanderson's sideburns with suspicion once more. "I suppose, over here is a good spot." He would have to let the strange facial hair plot in peace, for now. The more immediate threat was the drakes that were prowling around. Or the mountain cats. Or the elephants. Did they have elephants here? He wasn't sure, but they were dangerous creatures, not to be trifled with.

    As he stood at the edge of camp, peering into the darkness, he felt his hand reach for the grip of his weapon. "Even if the facial hair escapes, I'll defend this camp to my last." he murmured softly, recalling an oath from long ago.

    Post by: Magick, Mar 26, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Magick
    Character Name: Clarity
    Age: 122
    Gender: Female
    Race: Ifrit
    Appearance: Bleep

    Backstory: Clarity was born with the curse of a warlock's appearance, but none of the magical abilities. She was fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, in her case, able to understand her predicament from a young age, and seek out help from a warlock, who cast glamours over her in return for services. Clarity was trained by the best to hunt and find her prey, in addition to reading and writing skills that are somewhat rudimentary. In her nineteenth year of life, her mother passed away, allowing Clarity to use the woman's body to find the identity of her father.

    Clarity began to hunt for the demon who had sired her, having only a face and a name, leaving it to become her sole purpose in life. She's nearly reached her target, only to have him slip away. With each passing year, Clarity grows more desperate to attain her goal, for no one can assure her how long an ifrit has to live. This desperation has caused her to form alliances and friendships with various people. Clarity can be persuaded to do nearly anything, for the right price. And where her father is concerned, there is no action that cannot be done.

    Weapons: A single katana, along with some throwing knives hidden in various places on her body.

    Magic: N/A

    Other: Clarity has blue skin, because of which she moves around only at night, or with the help of glamours purchased from warlocks.
    Post by: Magick, Mar 25, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Magick
    Morrigan shut her eyes and leaned her face into Ash's touch, trying to build walls around what was left of her honor as Ash requested one more thing from her. She wished she could say no, but to be honest, she had never tried. None of the fey had tried. It wasn't forbidden, but to spy on the Mother....She tried for a smile, but her lips simply trembled instead. It was fear, and trepidation, and she knew it. Ash would know it. But she would do as he asked. He had risked everything for his dream, and then for her. Now it was on her to return the favor.

    Duit amháin." Taking his hand, gently threading her fingers through his, she let go as she turned away, walking back once more to the work station. This time she grabbed as pare bowl from the counter, the water inside still left over from Rhett's surgeries. It was a little muddied, but clear enough she would be able to see. She whispered a short prayer as she placed either of her hands on the counter, peering into the murky depths. How do you scry someone you've never seen? She wondered, biting her already wounded lip. It reopened the injury she had caused earlier, once again in fear, and Morrigan reached up instinctively as a drop of blood fell from her down-turned face, forcing the water to ripple.

    Shapes began to move, and Morrigan lowered her fingers, her nose nearly touching the surface of the liquid as she stared into the depths. She saw lights, colors, faces that were blurred beyond recognition. Her own face blanked as the magic took its hold on her, drawing her deeper and deeper into a strange place. She didn't recognize the lights, nor the people that danced and swayed to inaudible music. They were mere shapes, inconsequential as she focused on the regal form.

    She had the face of the Queen, with eyes as sharp as knives. She was gardening, ignoring those around her as she tilted her head, her dark hair falling in natural ringlets. She was the most beautiful thing Morrigan had ever seen. With a practiced hand, the Mother snipped off a rose bud and smelled it, pressing it to her perfect nose, before handing it to someone. When she turned back, her smile was gone, and those eyes. They pierced into Morrigan, looking into her soul, latching onto her with an intensity that caused Morrigan to cry out, trying to pull herself away. I see you. I see your heart. The voice rang through her head, and Morrigan felt like a rabbit caught in the clutches of an eagle. The Mother then nodded, and the fairy felt herself released. Come find me, little one. Come test your courage.

    And all at once, Morrigan knew. She sobbed, and dropped to the floor, pressing her hands against the headache that invaded her temples. "Mogadishu. She's in Somalia." she whispered, shutting her eyes and cradling her head as she saw those eyes, staring into her.

    Brianne watched Hendrick's movements, her eyes never leaving the Shadowhunter as he spoke. She shifted out of the way as he took one of the jasmine flowers, her mind processing the words, the tone, the subject of which he spoke. It....had implications she hadn't imagined. "How does one ask questions after hearing something like that?" She asked with a sigh, getting to her feet. "It gives me much to consider. And..." she hesitated, glancing at the flower that Hendrick had held in his hand. "I can't say that I would have acted any differently."

    "But this threatens everything I know. Everything. The honor of the Clave, the vows I took, the mere though that Alarick.." She turned away, frowning as a headache began to pound at her temples. "Alarick would have reasons for what he did. I must ask him. He's my brother." She turned to look back at
    Hendrick, her gaze almost as pleading as his was. She wanted to understand, truly, but her brother had shared a womb with her, been born with her, grown up with her. If it wasn't forbidden by the Law, they would have become parabati themselves long ago. "I'm sorry. Truly, for what you lost."

    She hesitated, gently wrapping a hand around
    Hendrick's and squeezing it. "And I'm sorry that it's been such a hard path to lead you here."

    She opened her mouth to say something else, something she probably shouldn't say, but was saved by the intense throb of a headache. Someone was trying to get through the barrier. Brianne spun on her heel, dropping
    Hendrick's hand, and narrowed her eyes. "Someone's here." She dashed out of the room, not bothering to take her time with the elevator as she vaulted over the banister.

    Nearly snapping her ankles in two, she bit back a groan as she strode down the stairs and quickly made her way to the door of the Institute. Opening it, stele drawn, she sighed, and relaxed against the intricate woodwork for a moment before carving a Rune into the air, lowering the barrier so that
    Rhett could come in.

    "How did you sneak out of the house without Ash dragging you back?" Brianne asked the werewolf, sitting down on the steps to massage her ankles. It kept her eyes off of his painful stance. Judging by the way he was hunched over, she would guess that the wounds had barely healed, if at all. "And what.....what are you carrying?" She asked, straightening up as she pushed herself back to her feet, a small smile on her lips. Despite his current condition, she was happy to see that Rhett lived, that she had something to show for her arguments and frustration.
    Post by: Magick, Mar 25, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Magick
    Veera sighed, leaning against the wall as she crossed her arms and stared at the ground. She had always assumed those in her pack would react the same way she did; with evident emotion when something, or someone happened. Her old pack would hug and shout with joy when one of their members returned, and weep with sorrow when one was lost or injured. These two, Anthem and Requiem....She muttered several words under her breath as the two began to speak. She couldn't read them, couldn't understand them...and Ashleigh was no better. The woman could use words instead of notes, but Veera didn't understand her any more then the two next to her.

    "Find a new pack." Alpha whispered. She cringed as the voice caressed her mind, numbly following Requiem and Anthem into the building. "You wanted to hunt that girl. Perhaps find where she went. Watch her. Study her. Strike when the time is right. Others will follow. Your strength will draw them." But she couldn't just abandon the Order, could she?

    "What's stopping you? Unrequited loyalty?" Good point. I'll think on it. Veera promised Alpha as she continued on after the musical soldiers. I'll consider it.

    Kala looked from Reitan to the Andaran Prince to Zaharial, the last of which she tore her eyes from forcibly. Something about him whispered to her. To a different, darker part. She shoved it away, and tried for a smile, hoping she succeeded as Timothy returned to her side. "Thank you." she whispered, her hand reaching out to touch the cold metal of the robot's elbow. "Um..." she shivered, and flushed. She was the only female here, and something told her this was significant....somehow.

    "Um...I need more clothes." She said softly, ignoring the urge to hide behind her
    robot protector. "And...." She blinked, peering back at the cloaked figure. "Are you staring at me?" Reitan didn't seem so bad, kind Is that even a word? Yes, okay. He's cool. The Andaran Prince hadn't revealed anything, and had been kind, in his own way. But Zaharial, well....she didn't like the way her eyes inevitably drawn back to him, the inexplicable whispering that told her to take....take what? She didn't like it.

    "He called you Lancer." she turned back to
    Reitan, her eyes flashing with curiosity as her mind jumped away from the uncomfortable feeling. "What does that mean?"
    Post by: Magick, Mar 25, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Magick

    Morrigan looked down at her hand, dwarfed in comparison's to the warlock's. She gently squeezed his fingers before slipping from his grasp, and turning to the work station. "Tabhair dom maithiúnas le do thoil." She whispered, dashing away the single tear that slipped down her cheek before pulling a piece of paper towards her, a pen as well. Her back to Ash, she slowly wrote down the name of the one that Ash sought.

    "None came before her, and none will follow that are more powerful." She whispered, turning around with the paper clenched in her hand. "
    Ash.." Her plea was silenced as she stared at the floor, recalling his words. "Your life is more important then any vow." And my honor? . She stared at her enclosed fingers. She wouldn't tell him, couldn't tell him what this meant. And she hoped to the Goddess he would never know what this small, almost insignificant word was going to cost her. Stepping closer once more, she blinked away the tears and looked up into his face, her face arraigned into one of calm.

    "No one has seen her in nearly a thousand years. I don't even think her own daughter knows where to find her anymore." Morrigan took
    Ash's hand, pressing the piece of paper into his palm. The paper, held between their two palms, held only one word. Gaia.
    Brianne turned and strode back up the stairs, heading towards the elevator. "I assume, since I've neither been told about what brought you here, and you haven't told me yourself, that you would like this to remain private." She pressed the button on the elevator, waiting for it to arrive as she folded her arms across her chest, glancing at Hendrick. "And we still need to discuss your lack of respect for my command." The words hurt her more then she let on as the elevator arrived, and she stepped inside the doors, turning to press the button for the top floor.

    She remained silent now as they ascended, before stepping out. This hadn't been her most frequented area of the Institute, but through
    Hendrick's care the plants bloomed still. It had been a dead wasteland when he had arrived, and now flowers were available year round. She would see pots of them around the Institute, the scent filling the halls and rooms with a sweet smell. Her particular favorite was the spicy smell of jasmine, and even now there were some in the right corner. She gravitated to that side of the green house, letting her fingers trail along the green stems as she bent to smell the flowers, the gentle brushing of the petals against her face calming her.

    "Let me be clear, and let me get this said. Then you can explain." She turned, her eyes cold and her face solemn. "I expect you, and
    Roxanne, to follow my order. I was given command of the Institute, and for nearly three years I have managed to keep it from falling apart just fine. Even if my methods aren't likable, they get results. Even if you disagree, I expect to hear about it in private, not in a public place and certainly not in front of others. Should it happen again you'll find yourself going on less missions with my person or any other Shadowhunter."

    It wasn't a threat, it was a promise. She couldn't afford to have someone at her back who spent precious minutes questioning her orders when they could be following them. No one had died under her command, no one had been seriously hurt, and while not everything always went according to plan, that was the rule of battle.

    "Now then..your explanation." She perched on the edge of the stone that housed the jasmine plants, waiting.
    Post by: Magick, Mar 25, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Magick
    Teliana narrowed her eyes as Kalak met her gaze. No fear, hm? We'll see. They always changed their minds after watching what she could do. Although in the company of gods and demons, she wasn't so sure she was as intimidating as she had once believed. At least the Hammer kept other people from thinking she would be easy prey.

    "Don't ruin the surprise for everyone." She responded to
    Kalak with a sly smile. "It's always a beautiful thing, watching someone watch me for the first time." It wasn't. At all. But she had always heard, if you wear your flaws like armor, then no one can touch you.

    She turned to
    Sophia, the distaste obvious on her face. This woman asked too many questions for her liking. "We'll find out what's there when we get there. And yeah," her gaze turned to Jayce. "This is probably a trap. But then we'll show them why they shouldn't mess with the Order of the Hammer. I'm sure one of them has heard where they're actually keeping Rose, if she isn't with them." She smiled grimly. "I'll be able to get the information."

    "So, can we get going? I've got a date for dinner and I'd so hate to be late." She raised an eyebrow, waiting for
    Kalak to give the order. He may be commanding this mission, but he would have to earn her respect.
    Post by: Magick, Mar 25, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Magick

    Morrigan's heart nearly stopped as Ash picked up the iron. She took a step back, then another, her instincts screaming that she put as much distance as possible between her and that cursed metal. Her eyes flicked from the poker, where it rested, up to Ash's face as she tried to discern his motives.
    "A strange question for a warlock to ask." She replied, her voice light and devoid of emotion, though her gaze eventually returned to the iron. It would burn her skin, not with the hot blaze of natural, true fire, but with a chill that would rend her soul.

    "There is only one." She continued, wrapping her arms around her waist to fend off invisible scars and toss back the shadows of her mind. "Only one that I've ever heard of. Our Mother. Our Creator." She shrugged. "I doubt she is the Angel the stories make her out to be, but the humans long ago learned to worship her as a deity. Some of our people still send her offerings through the sacred ponds when the day of her rebirth is upon us."

    "But to speak her name to one not of the fey, to unleash her secrets even here, in this home..." She paused, eyes glancing up to meet the jet black of
    Ash's stare. "Would you have me forsake all that I am? All that makes me a fairy? These are secrets that have not left the lips of any of my kind in the presence of a stranger, ever. I know of warlocks that survived the ages long enough to remember our Mother's face, Her name, but even they would not reveal it. Do you even understand what you ask of me?" Adding betrayal and treason of my people to the list isn't so far a leap in logic. I've already broken my vows and the pride of my family name. I've already disobeyed my Queen, and plotted against her. I've betrayed my family and my Queen. All that's left is to betray my people, and commit murder. A discomfiting thought.

    Brianne sighed as Roxanne ran off, dragging a hand through her hair once more. If she wasn't careful, she would yank it out by the time the week was over. "Well as can be expected. We've got a new friend as well." She replied to Hendrick, her teeth chewing on her lower lip as she thought on her feet. Alarick would be back with Masque soon....this was good news, but also caused a pit in her stomach. The sooner he returned, the sooner she would have to contact the Clave with Alarick to find out their next series of orders regarding the warlock.

    She could only remember one other time she had been part of capture mission, and it had ended with the werewolf being sent to the Clave for further questioning. Alarick had promised to oversee that as well, but whenever Brianne had asked for the welfare of the girl, her brother had deftly changed the subject or given her a simple response. It was enough to raise her suspicions, but Alarick would never do anything to harm her, of that she was certain. Her older brother may have his priorities of life a little skewed, but everything he had ever done had been for her benefit, or his own.

    The warmth of distant memory turned cold with paranoia as she frowned, before turning back to
    Hendrick. "I'm glad you both made it back safely. And thank you for retrieving her." She sighed. "I don't think I'm equipped to handle Roxanne. I thought so at one point, but that violence.." She sighed. "I don't know. But if Alarick is truly close to the Institute, then he'll expect me to help him detain Masque. There is also the matter you wish to speak about." She rested a hand on Hendrick's shoulder. She wanted to forgive him, but her mind would not let her forget the sound of his voice as he challenged her orders, questioned her in front of Roxanne, and then ignored her command. Those would not be forgiven, could not be forgiven that easily.

    Thinking quickly, Brianne made up her mind. "Text Alarick, tell him to have
    Nick support him with detaining Masque." She turned way, eyes on the front door of the Institute. "You and I should talk."

    Post by: Magick, Mar 25, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Magick
    Teliana closed her eyes for a second before pressing her palms together and whispering a short prayer to the goddess to watch over them. She hadn't attempted to portal so many people before, and it wouldn't be easy. She wasn't even sure it was doable. But still, she would try. She could do this. She had to do this. Letting her palms spread apart, Ana let the flow of magic fall from her fingers and cover the air in a blanket that shimmed, and turned into a whirling vortex that rose from the ground. Unfortunately, she could only raise it to Vyle's height, and murmured an apology to Alastar, who would have to duck his head to come through.

    In the meantime, a last
    character had entered their party. Ana watched Olivia warily, but shrugged when Derrick spoke. She would be happy if she never saw Oxenfurt again. Turning, she took Vyle's hand, and then Zephyr's in her other. "No matter what, do not let go." She whispered to them, her fingers twinging with pain as she clenched them tight enough to hurt. She took a deep breath, and then stepped in, feeling the inky black wash over her skin like cold rain. She always closed her eyes when she stepped into portals, and did so now, feeling the whirling colors distorting and nauseating.

    One, two, three steps, and she felt the sun warm her face. Opening her eyes, Ana looked up to see the stone walls of what she assumed was Kaer Morhen, breathing a sigh of relief. It worked.

    "We're home." She heard Veera say, the amount of happiness in her voice only reinforcing what she had suspected. We made it. Teliana let go of Vyle and Zephyr's hands, happy that both of them had made it through with her. But as she turned, the portal slowly shrinking and then vanishing, her heart slowly began to beat faster. Where is everyone else?
    A message from your Overlord RP Manager

    Teliana's portal worked.....but not in the way intended. While Teliana, Vyle, Zephyr, Veera, and Veceslav have made it safely to Kaer Morhen, the rest were rather....unlucky. Treasa and Derrick haven't moved at all. Olivia and Alastar have been placed in the center of Oxenfurt, in front of a terrible new nemesis. This is also the introduction of a new portal system. All portals will be rolled for to see whether the portaling character ends up exactly where they desire or...somewhere else. May the odds ever be in your favour.

    Veera limped to Veceslav and pulled the unconscious witcher to his feet, swallowing the last of her potions with her other hand; a Thunderbolt, to increase stamina. I have you to thank for this, old man. She thought, wrapping his arm around her shoulders as the potion bolstered her failing stamina. She stumbled back towards the portal, giving Derrick a quick nod. "We're finally going." She murmured, before squaring her shoulders and following Teliana through the portal. It only took a few steps, thank the gods, and she was breathing in the crisp mountain air of Kaer Morhen, the sun beaming down on her face. She took a deep breath, the edges of her vision brightening and flickering as the potion kept its hold on her body.

    Vyle, and Zephyr were ahead of her, and she sighed, sagging slightly as she supported Veceslav. But then Ana turned, and the mage's eyes widened with shock. Veera turned as well with a little more difficulty, and felt her heart stop as the portal vanished into the ground. "But...but what about..
    Her eyes narrowed. "Could they be on the grounds somewhere?" Veera turned to demand of Ana, who could only shrug, looking as though her own heart had broken. This was enough to tell Veera the side effects had not been premeditated, but it wasn't enough to still the panic. "They could be anywhere." Teliana admitted, her voice soft and scared. "They could be here, somewhere, or in the mountains, or...or they might never have left."

    It was the uncertainty that Veera was sure would kill her. She hoped
    Veceslav would wake soon....she wasn't sure what to do. And the old man had a lot to catch up on. "Derrick! Olivia!" She called out, her voice ringing along the stone walls. When neither answered, she shut her eyes for a moment, then took a deep breath. "First thing first, let's go find the bedrooms and get cleaned up. If Derrick or Olivia landed nearby, then they'll know how to find us. Hopefully Alastar and Treasa can do the same."

    Treasa waited until Veera and Veceslav had gone through, before gesturing to Olivia and Derrick. "You two go on." she murmured softly, squeezing her uncle's hand. They were the last two to walk through, and she took a deep breath, her eyes trying to follow the whirling movements of dark and light. "Well, first time for everything, right Uncle?" she asked, before walking through.

    If this was portaling, she did not care to do it again. Winds tore at her hair and clothes like hands, and she clung to
    Alastar's hand tightly as she tried to walk through the gale force winds. She tripped, and her fingers were torn from Alastar's. She screamed his name as she fell to her knees, landing on...grass. Looking up, she could see the city, Oxenfurt in the distance. Over to her left, the imprints in the grass where the witchers had sat. The forest behind her, the river sparkling to the east. She hadn't moved, and Alastar was gone. Overcome by panic for a moment, Treasa pressed her face into the winter grass and screamed, her hands digging into the dirt as she struggled to control the fear that slowly crawled up her spine and towards her brain.

    "You told me you would never leave me." She muttered, pulling herself up after a moment to wipe the tears from her face, leaving dirt smudges. "You promised promised promised." she wasn't sure if she was angry at herself for being so weak, frightened and panicked, or grief stricken that her last family member had been torn away. "But if I ended up here..." She took a deep breath, pressing her nails into her palms, "Where did everyone else end up?" Getting to her feet, she spotted
    Derrick a short distance away. An inner sigh of relief calmed some of the fear in her body, though it wasn't completely stilled. At least I'm not completely alone. She walked quickly up to him, kneeling down when she came within distance. "Are you alright? What happened?"

    And his NPCs
    Group Alpha, made up of a scout, a hedgemage who could cast a reasonable shield, and a rogue that had worked in Bryce's court ran along the rooftops by the river. The city was a disaster, at best. What hadn't been destroyed by the fire had been ravaged by the marauding mobs of people left over from the battle, and what hadn't been taken or damaged by them was being corrupted by the necrophages that were taking over the city. The hedgemage wretched, but didn't stop to vomit, instead tossing his head to the side and leaving a trail along the shingles. There wasn't time, not if they wanted to be seen by the predators that prowled down below. They circled around and began to make their way back towards the edge of town.
    "We'll cross the river, fight off as many drowners as we can, and head for the hills to meet up with Group Beta!" The scout called back.

    Group Beta, on the other hand, had been circling around the burning Church. They had already lost their third member, a black smith apprentice, to an alghoul that was more agile then anyone had anticipated. The alchemist's apprentice and the scout were moving back through their original route towards the center of the city. It wasn't the safest, to come back the way they came, but as the apprentice pointed out, they could cross the town square and probably beat Group Alpha back to the meeting spot. That meant they would have to cross a swarm of drowners, but the scout decided that it was all or nothing, with a grim smile.

    Group Charlie had met little resistance in the garrisoned side of town, but no survivors. This appeared to have been the origin of the necrophage attack, as referenced by bodies of torn apart raiders that were left to rot. Hardened warriors, Group Charlie did not have a problem holding their stomach against the stench, though they didn't remain long. They had chanced their luck, and taken the much quicker route through the streets, looting supplies off the dead and keeping a wary eye for attackers. Skilled thieves, the lot of them could take to the roofs in an instant, should trouble arrive. They still had twenty minutes before they would meet up with Group Delta, and were using the time wisely.

    Group Delta was currently finishing off a group of drowners by the river on the other side of the city. One of the guards, a lieutenant, kept the creatures back as a small time mage dealt fire damage to the rotfiends that were circling from shore. The final member, an archer, was firing arrows from the far bank, providing support in order to let his fellows reach his position. They had arrived at the meeting spot early, and not a moment too soon by the looks of it. The area was crawling with necromorphs, and as the guard cut off another drowner head, he realized that Group Charlie might not make it here in time to meet with anything but corpses.

    Zack paced the campsite, watching the position of the sun as he waited for the groups. They were not due back yet, groups Alpha and Beta having set out before Charlie and Delta, but still, he worried. He knew they were going to lose people doing this, skilled fighters that should have lived longer, died in more glory, but it couldn't be helped. They had to know the state of their city before they could take it back. Zack straightened, knowing the burden of those lost lives would rest on his shoulders. He would gladly bear that burden if it saved the rest of his people.

    Tessa flushed, scuffling her feet against the floor as Matilda reminded her of her place. Yeah, not the best plan to invite her. She told herself with a sigh. A small tremor of tension ran through her when Seth offered to walk the girl and boy home, but she pushed it down. It wasn't as though Seth wanted anything like that. And he had promised he would always stay with her. She believed him. I have to believe him. She told herself, locking her hands together tightly in front of her as she sat back down on the bed. She would just wait up until Seth got back, that was all.

    I could always go with....But Seth would have invited me. And she was reasonably sure he would tell her to stay behind. Because I might get in the way. I can't run as fast as he can. Not now, anyway. She drew her legs up underneath her, settling in place to wait for Seth's return. I refuse to be the jealous....whatever I am to him. I trust him. I know I do.
    Post by: Magick, Mar 24, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Magick
    Ana jumped at the sound of the gunshot, trying to spring to her feet in reaction but smacking her head on the lowered ceiling of the limousine. She rubbed the spot with her hands as she sat back down, a little more warily. As the paperwork came flying at her, her reflexes forced her to catch it, the white pages filled tiny words and smelling like....she blinked, pushing it out of her mind for now.

    She couldn't help but smile as the
    strange man in front of her rambled on, claiming he didn't drink even as he downed the alcohol, before telling her to sign. "Here." She set the paper aside, stretching out her hand to shake his. "Normally when people toss paper at me it's with an offer to "make it rain". My name is Teliana Jereign. Pleased to meet you, Dr. Saturday. And I would be glad to help you out with your...inclinations." She leaned back in the seat, glancing at the tiny words once more. "What exactly is the nature of the "checking up on" that I would be doing? I don't kill people, and I don't intend on becoming an experiment, regardless of what kind of doctor he may be." She began to sign her name on the white sheets, biting her lip as she concentrated.

    "And I need a guarantee of payment. A reliable witness of your character, a check, cash upfront, however you want to work this."

    Alarick looked from Colton to Delia, then nodded. "Just tell me if I'm about to run into a pit of death, okay?" He asked Delia before turning, harnessing the energy from the air to create small sparks that crackled and snapped into seconds of light as they passed by. "And if Colton gets too heavy, give him to me. I can take him and run behind you." He instructed, exiting the training room and peering around the hallway before turning left. He hadn't been here as long as the others, and while he could take a basic guess which way they should go,he would have to rely on Delia's enhanced senses and perception in order to lead them out of here.

    "You know, a map would be great right about now," he muttered, calling electricity into his hand, and letting it run up his arm, crackling and spitting. There hadn't been an attack yet, but it never hurt to be prepared.

    Post by: Magick, Mar 24, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Magick
    Tessa turned and grabbed his arm, her eyes piercing in the near darkness. "Conrad." She whispered urgently. "Spiders are drawn to movement. If you throw that bone, and the web is real, then you call the spider directly to us. It'll stick to the web and the vibrations will tell the thing right where we are." Her hand loosened on Conrad's arm as she glanced at Rayyad. "Can you tell if it's real?" She asked quietly. The hissing hadn't escaped her notice, and she wasn't sure if whatever it belonged to had good enough perception to understand, much less hear what they were saying.

    "If you can't, perhaps I can get close enough to examine it without touching it." She suggested, her voice still nearly silent. She didn't want to make their already perilous journey any worse.

    Kara giggled as the spider shrugged, unused to seeing the very human gesture on an arachnid. She turned as the door swung open, her eyes softening as Laurentinus rushed through and hugged her. But her breath froze in her lungs as he spoke, her mind picking out words and somehow ignoring the rest. Allowed? Let me? She lowered her eyes as Ren pulled back to face the spider. "This is Shadowweaver." Kara introduced the spider to Ren as she stepped away from him, giving him a little space. Her mind and her heart tangled with what she felt and heard and wanted and shewasgettingreallyconfusedreallyfast. "Can you take us to our friends?" She added onto Ren's question, her confused eyes clearing as they returned to look at the spider.
    Post by: Magick, Mar 24, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Magick
    Titania watched Cináed go, her expression blank. The boy with the hourglass remained at her side, expression dazed. He probably thought he was home with his family, right about now. She tapped her fingers on the chair once more, the signal that she was thinking. The Court's chatter drifted into the background, never so much that she couldn't be called alert, but enough that it wouldn't distract her. Two fingers tapped, and an armor clad figure strode forward. "Send a reasonable amount of your forces to find the one they call Masque." She murmured, her hand raised against her lips to prevent her words from being read. "If the Shadowhunters have not yet executed him, then do the job for them. Make sure there are no witnesses."

    As the knight bowed and removed himself from her sight to do her bidding, she sighed once more, leaning back into her chair. It couldn't be considered an act of war if there was no one to report it. And since the Mortal Cup was missing, it could only be blamed on the other Downworlders. Her knights knew how to cover their tracks. There would be no mistakes on this one. And she would have her revenge.

    Morrigan bit back a smile as she watched Ash and Rhett interact. They family. Or what she had seen family look like. Morrigan herself had no siblings to compare what she was seeing to, but that was the what came to her mind. She blushed as Rhett looked back at her, and her reply was soft. "I see fire, and freedom." And blood. She shook her head, tangled hair brushing the skin along her shoulders and arms as he walked out the door. "I don't think Ash could stop worrying about you if she tried." She turned towards the mentioned warlock, a single eyebrow raised.

    "I never would have perceived you to be a romanticist." She commented, grabbing the strands of hair and quickly twining them between her fingers to create a messy braid. It was far from perfect, but it kept her vision from being obscured, and it would be harder to use against her when things came down to a fight. As she was assuming they would, given Ash's previous statement.

    "You don't know when to stop pushing me, do you?" She asked softly, her hands falling to the grip of her sword. "Asking me to rebel, then to aid you, and now to kill...." Her braid slipped over her shoulder, swinging slowly like a pendulum until it stopped in the middle of her back. "When does the fire stop warming and begin to burn?"

    Brianne turned from Vaslister to Jennifer. "I don't think the Clave would welcome the interference of a vampire, any vampire. And I can handle my own affairs well enough." She replied to the female, crossing her arms across her chest. "All I know is this; The Mortal Cup was stolen by one that has access to magic. There was more then one person involved, and as of yet the Clave has no answers." She bit the inside of her cheek. "If the person doesn't come forward soon, the Clave will visit wrath upon the Downworlders. If you have forces to protect yourself or your people, I would suggest pulling them together and preparing them. I have a feeling that this is all going to explode sooner rather then later."

    She paused before pulling out a piece of paper and quickly scrawling something on it. "My number." Once I get a new phone. "Should you receive any information." She wished she could promise assistance to the vampires, but if it came down to it and she and the others were caught in between the Downworlders and the Clave...she would always have to choose Nick and Roxanne and Hendrick over anyone else.

    "I wish you good luck and safety." She murmured to
    Jenny before turning, and with a flick of her fingers pulled down the barrier rune. "Come on, vampire. Let's go get you settled." She walked inside, turning to wait for the vampire before pushing the barrier up once more. To Jennifer's eyes, they would have disappeared, both sight and sound blocked from the inside and out. It was then she noticed Roxanne.

    "Hello." She said shortly, cautiously. "
    Roxanne this is Valister. He's going to be staying with us for a while. Please be nice to him." She hesitated. "I'm glad to see you back safe. I'll be right back, I just have to get him out of the way before Alarick gets back." She did not want to face her brother with a Downworlder at her back just yet.

    She led
    Valister up the stairs and down the long hallway, towards the elevator. To the right was a guest bedroom, normally used for Shadowhunters on temporary rotation. It was dusty, but comfortable. She led him inside, and then performed the sealing Rune that would only allow herself, or her brother to enter. That was the damning thing about being a twin. "Right. You should be safe here. I have to speak with my colleagues, but then I will be back to speak with you." She paused, her smile fleeting but genuine. "I appreciate this."

    Then she walked back out of the room and towards

    Post by: Magick, Mar 24, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Magick
    Name: Clarity
    Sex: Female
    Age: 96
    Species: Varuna
    Appearance: ~
    Rank: Lieutenant
    Division: Medical
    Bio: Clarity was born and raised on her species' home planet in a loving and peaceful environment. Despite the draw of the calm and tranquil, Clarity accompanied her Peras father off world in order to become a little less sheltered. The station they landed on was attacked by mercenaries, and while Clarity's father and other forces fought off the invaders, Clarity found she had a penchant for tending to the wounded.

    The desire to help save lives that were injured in battle only grew, and Clarity joined the Coalition in order to sate herself.
    Other: Goes by Clary.
    Post by: Magick, Mar 24, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Magick
    Ana sighed with relief as Derrick explained that Vyle could be hidden. Since he would insist on following her, his safety was paramount to her going along with Derrick at all. She hid a smile, turning. "This is Zephyr. He was captured with me and sold to the witch hunters. He managed to escape before they could harm him." This brought a small rush of relief as she considered what Zephyr had escaped. And I will make sure he continues to escape. After all, there was no council to keep them safe, or watch over them. No leaders among mages to turn to. They had to look out for each other in times of turmoil, and that was exactly what she was going to do.

    She frowned as she considered the
    other mage, the one who was still running amok. And then she felt guilt flush on her face as she realized she had forgotten something very important. She turned, the guilt creeping into her expression as she bowed her head. "Vyle, it's about Solomon..." She glanced at Zephyr. "He fought the bastard. That's why the witch hunters took him. They're hunting Solomon too." She bit her lip. Maybe we should go after him instead. There's no telling if the witch hunters would actually kill someone with his.....talents, or use him for their own foul purposes.

    She blinked quickly, staving off the wave of panic at the thought of both
    Solomon and the witch hunters coming after them. The need to get someplace safe intensified once more, and she stepped back towards Vyle, if only to remind herself that she was safe with him. That didn't mean there wasn't time for extra precautions.

    Veera raised an eyebrow, then sighed. "The day we start working with a High Vampire..." She shook her head. "Never thought I would see it." Frowning, she slowly got to her feet, keeping her weight off the knee. "I'm concerned about this Solomon, too. He knew me..." She glanced at Derrick, sorrow and grief flashing through her gaze for a moment. "And I agree we should not allow him, or the witch hunters to run unchecked." But you've got another thing coming if you think I'm going to leave Derrick or Veceslav alone. She would not lose any more of her family, not while she drew breath.

    "We were going to leave for the Kaer. You are more than welcome to join us. If
    Derrick trusts you then..." She swallowed. "I will too. However we've got to recover our horses, and prepare ourselves for departure." Hell, the horses might already be halfway back to the Kaer by now.

    Ana turned away from her....lover? Friend? Veera couldn't guess their relationship other then they appeared devoted to each other.
    "If it's transportation that's the issue, then," the mage paused, glancing back at Vyle before turning to Veera with determination in her gaze. "Then I can portal all of us there. It'll be faster and safer."

    Veera felt surprise, but as she considered the idea, it didn't seem half bad, considering that
    Veceslav was still sleeping, and she and Derrick would be a little less then helpful should a fight come about. "Thank you. That's kind to offer."

    She turned to
    Derrick, tilting her head. "Ready?" Her eyes begged him to accept the offer. They were tired, wounded, and their supplies had been heavily depleted. Their leader was passed out cold on the grass, they had the additions of a human girl and a bear school witcher that neither of them could handle, and now they were joined by two mages who might or might not be the subject of a witch hunt and a High Vampire. It would be best to get back to the Kaer, rest, and regroup as quickly as possible if they were going to save the civilians of this land from the evils that had sprung up.

    Treasa watched the conversation, adding little as Veera and Ana spoke. She agreed with Veera, even though she didn't like the idea of portaling, and to be honest had never used one. It would be faster, and well...She glanced at her uncle. Given that tensions had so recently exploded, it might be best to get them all to an area where they could work out their differences without the fear of being overheard, or attacked while distracted. They were a fair distance from Oxenfurt, but not that far, not far enough that it wouldn't be a stretch for the raiding bands to leave the city and attack them.

    Treasa got to her feet, shoving the sharpening stone in her pocket and tossing the half made arrows into her quiver. She had left off the fletching, for now. That way if she needed to draw in a hurry she would know which ones were finished and which weren't. "I'm ready." She murmured hesitantly, unsure if the invitation to go with was extended to them still. Her eyes rested on Veera, then switched to
    Derrick. With Veceslav still asleep, she wasn't sure if one, or both called the shots. "If my uncle and I are still welcome, that is." She added, running her fingers along the length of her bow.

    Zack was helping one of the healers splint a broken bone. It helped if he didn't stop working, if he continued on and on until he could finally drop from exhaustion. That way, he wouldn't have to think about the lack of laughter from Tessa at his side, or Seth rolling his eyes but helping regardless, or....he shook his head, clearing it of those thoughts before sitting back and offering the healer a smile. The captain was still getting his guards situated, but it had gone smoothly, so far. Zack knew that it wouldn't be too long before tensions broke out, and fights started, but until he was needed, he would remain here, helping those that had fought or couldn't fight. Next was an open wound that looked...infected. By the look of the healer's face, the arm would have to come off. As Zack helped hold the young man down, giving him a strip of cloth to bite on, he turned his eyes back to the young man's face.

    Gently he spoke to him, whispering one of the same stories he had told Tessa about a young, brave mouse that had crossed fields and rivers to find the one he loved. It wasn't until he had reached the middle of the story that the screams began to drown out his soft words.

    Tessa smiled a little as she wiped tears from her eyes before kneeling down in front of Greg. "I love my brother very very much." She told him gently, hugging the offered teddy bear before handing it back. "But I'm sad because I can't be with him. You would be sad if Matilda had to go away for a while too, right?" She hesitated, then rested her hand on the young boy's head for a moment. "Your sister is very good at making people happy. You should listen to her." She said. "She knows what she's talking about."

    Turning back, Tessa's eyes flicked over
    Seth's face. He looked distressed, but not unreasonably so. She knelt down in front of him, her gaze questioning as she took his uninjured hand. She wondered how much of her story had bothered him, if his hand hurt too much, what he thought would happen now, and why had Sigmund pulled him aside? Would they send her away after all?

    Too many questions to ask, and so Tessa simply let them show through her eyes before turning. "It's too late for you to walk home alone. Perhaps you two should stay the night, just to be safe." She suggested, blushing as she realized this was quite rude of her, to offer two
    strangers lodging in a home that wasn't hers. " you can be safe." She repeated.
    Post by: Magick, Mar 23, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Magick
  15. Magick

    The Seelie Queen tapped her fingers against the vines that made up the left side arm of her chair of roses and thorns, looking at the
    knight before her. Cináed had been loyal, and true, but something had changed, these last few centuries. She had thought, perhaps even hoped that the knight had become interested in someone. Any children of the Coldsprings was liable to be a powerful asset to the court, and thus herself. Even after so long, he still had not brought forth anyone to ask for her blessing.

    She leaned back in her chair, eyes cold and unforgiving. "What
    Masque has done is unforgivable. His transgressions against our kind have gone above and beyond what is acceptable. If the Shadowhunters do not bring justice to our people, as I think they will not, then we shall do it ourselves." You may want to try and save Morrigan from the wrath of her parents, but you are miss-stepping, Cináed.

    "Give her twenty four hours to return. If she does not, well..." her hands once more tapped against the chair, this time in displeasure instead of mild curiosity. "Then you will take twenty knights of the court, and you will drag her back here. We cannot have the fey fraternizing with the...lower races." Her disdain was clear in her voice as she turned her eyes away from the
    fairy in front of her. "You will inform me if she is reminded of her place and returns before the time limit without delay." A snap of her fingers, and a small human, once a boy but now something more....tree-like, hurried forward, carrying a large golden hour glass. Titania turned it on its head, and watched the sand begin to slowly dwindle down. To someone who had lived nearly two thousand years, twenty four hours was little more then child's play.

    "You are dismissed,
    Cináed." His name came out in a drawl as her cold eyes found his once more. She knew that he was hiding something from her, and she allowed it. For now.

    Alarick glanced at Nick, his eyebrows raised slightly. "You're driving too fast. And keep your eyes on the road." He responded, turning to stare at the dashboard. "Sien is a contact of mine. As I am of his." Speaking of...he pulled his phone out of his pocket to text Brianne, and sighed when he saw Roxanne's message pop up as "Last Received." Right. Brianne doesn't HAVE a phone, because Brianne BROKE her phone.

    He typed back a message to
    Roxanne, ignoring the winky face, whatever that meant, and informing her, civilly, that they were en route to the Institute with Masque in tow. It was a courtesy he didn't have to extend, given that they didn't necessarily need her, or Hendrick, or Brianne's help in placing Masque in the detainment room. Which was hopefully clean. He didn't need, or want Brianne to be involved in this, but she would insist, as Head of the institute, to know what was going on. And she had that right, he just wished he could circumvent it.

    Nick slammed on the brakes beside him, and the phone flew from his hand as his fingers wrapped around the bo staff clipped to his waist. He heard the screen crack as it smacked against the dash, but refused to pay it any mind. "Nick, you shouldn't-" He sighed as the other Shadow hunter stepped out of the car, proceeding to order him to stay in the car with Masque. Clearly, Nick needed a lesson in the chain of command. One that Brianne hadn't apparently decide was necessary. He sighed, letting go of his staff to retrieve his now spider webbed phone from the floor of the car as Masque began to complain.

    "You're important,
    Masque." He looked in the rearview mirror at the warlock, who was busy staring down at his page. "We've all felt like giving up. But you only get one life. Most of us try to make it count before we disappear into the dark." He continued, staring out the windshield. "Do you have another name?" Alarick asked, turning his gaze back towards the occupants in the back seat. He didn't like referring to the individual as a moniker that had meant the death of so many.

    Morrigan took her blade, the familiar weight erasing a little of the doubt and fear in her mind as she traced her hands over the metal, pleased to see it had been cleaned of blood. You can't have this both ways, Luaith. She kept the thought in her mind, having no desire or intent to speak. She was took shaken by Cin's words, by the silent thoughts that wormed their way into her head. You can't expect me to become independent and strong, yet order me around like a child. Ash's words were interrupted by the subject himself, as he entered the room. She buckled her sword to her waist, her hands clenching and unclenching as Rhett struggled to cross the room. She wanted to help him, but if the werewolf was anything like the warlock who now looked at him with concern, Rhett would take the offer with offense.

    She waited until
    Rhett was busy pulling plants and the like from the shelves before approaching Ash. "Let me see your hand, before we go." She murmured, taking the warlock's bruised hand in hers. She dropped it like she had been burned when Rhett's voice pierced her concentration. He was looking from her, to him, to her, to Ash again, eyes incredulous. She met his gaze evenly ignoring the flush that crept up her bruised neck and cheeks before opening her mouth.

    "Unless you're planning on poisoning Grayson Kellar's corpse, nightshade is not a good plant to be mixing with peppers." She told
    Rhett, her face completely serious. She had no doubt that it was not to the adversary that Rhett intended to go, but it would hardly be beneficial for the werewolf to accidentally poison himself or someone else after he'd just gotten back from the nearly dead.

    Speaking of Grayson....she wanted to find the
    fairy who had saved her. He had not been part of the Seelie Court, and his face and tactics had been unfamiliar. If nothing else, she needed to at least thank him. She would mention this to Ash, after Rhett had been corrected.

    Brianne instinctively reached for her phone to text Hendrick and Roxanne, and to see if Paragon had kept his word and left his contact information. This action was met with some choice words when her fingers found an empty pocket, and her mind recalled that her phone currently lay in several pieces on the floor of the Institute infirmary. Whatever. I'll get there when I get there. They better have stayed out of trouble.

    She wasn't even sure how to deal with
    Roxanne, the horrible crying of the werewolf penetrating her conscious mind as she recalled the horrific sight. It would be best for everyone, especially Roxanne, if she could be sent back to Alicante and hospitalized until they determined whether rehabilitation was possible or not. But Brianne wasn't sure this was possible, even at the best of times and with the Institute fully staffed, it would take half an army to put Roxanne somewhere she did not want to be, much less keep her there.

    ~Timeskip for Magick's sake because she doesn't want to describe a city she has never seen~

    An hour later, Brianne had managed to make it back to the steps of the Institute with the two vampires in tow. She halted in front of the ward, frowning slightly. She could sense that it had been passed through, so either
    Hendrick had come back with Roxanne, or Alarick with his group. In either case, she wouldn't rest easily until everyone was safe and inside those walls.

    "So." Brianne turned to
    Valister and Jennifer, crossing her arms over her chest. "You both probably know the Mortal Cup was stolen. I don't know anything more then that, and if you do, I'm sure we could work out an exchange." She sighed noisily, shaking her head. "The most I can offer you is a small tidbit of information, that we are just as much in the dark as you, but we want nothing to do with any war. We just want the Mortal Cup back. And yes, things are bad for Downworlders and they do need to change but forcing them to change this way will only lead to bloodshed."

    She waved her arm. "You're both welcome to stay here, however you will be barred from leaving your room with a barrier Rune. You will not be allowed into the Library or other rooms except by leave of my own person, and I cannot promise or guarantee your safety from your own people. However you will be safe from my own. The other option is that we can stay, and talk here, but I expect the favor to be returned for each answer I give" The Clave would be another story, but Brianne was desperate for all the allies she could get. If the Clave wouldn't send her more help, she would find it on her own.

    "So what's your choice?"

    Grayson's teeth were chattering as his muscles contorted and writhed under his skin, reacting to whatever had been poured into his body. Truth be told, he didn't want to think abut it. The werewolf had a feeling he was going to develop an intense dislike of hospital rooms, and especially syringe wielding mad doctors. "I was pretty young..." He gritted his teeth to stop the chattering, pretending to consider the doctor's question.

    "I was possibly when I was....oh yeah!" He tilted his head up, or as far as his head would go, being strapped down to a gurney and all. "It was when I was banging your mom!" Chuckling to himself, Grayson let his head collapse back onto the hard surface, ignoring the pain as best he could. Like I'm going to be anything close to helpful for you. He didn't even help out his own father when the son of a bitch was dying, why would he help out his own

    Post by: Magick, Mar 22, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Magick
  17. Magick
  18. Magick
    Tessa smiled with relief. "Yeah, she's with us. Or well...." She wouldn't call Kara a packmate, necessarily. Though the girl had done nothing to exclude herself from being named as such. "She's one of us." She decided firmly, glancing at Conrad. "If she's okay with following a giant spider, I'm sure she wouldn't mind helping." She smiled a little at the man next to her. "You should have more faith in her. She named you truly, after all." Tessa didn't elaborate on more then that as she turned back to Rayyad.

    "Could the spider bring her here to help us? Or else..she should just stay where it's safe." The girl had already been bitten by one spider today, and without Tessa there to heal her, she shuddered to think what kind of trouble Kara could get into on her own. Plus, it might be better if
    Rayyad was introduced to their group one at a time. If Kara's presence was any indication, the others were looking for them now. Perhaps she shouldn't have been so hard on Conrad. Another time. Focus on Kara.

    Kara leaned forward, a little more comfortable with the spider now that she knew its name. "That's lovely. I wish my mother had been that creative with her names. Kara's so boring, isn't it?" She paused, tapping a finger to her cheek. "Do you mind if I call you Shady? Just for short. And it'll be between us." She laughed a little before turning her head to the side as the spider pointed to where she had come from.

    "Oh, that. That's
    Ren." She turned a little, looking at the door with a slight frown. "Well, that's the door, but behind the door is Ren. The one who told that beautiful story." She turned back to the spider. "He's my...." Did spiders have relationships? Was she even in a relationship? Best keep it simple for now. "He's my friend. We stay in a group together. We were going to come through here to look for our other friends who seem to have gotten a little lost, but then the door closed and well, then I met you!" She shrugged. "It's so good that I was the one who came first." She leaned towards the spider a little conspiratorially. "Between you and me, men are more likely to attack first and ask questions later. Such silly creatures!"
    Post by: Magick, Mar 21, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Magick
    Zack raised an eyebrow as Adelina went off, presumably to get something for Gale to eat. "You're doing fine. She's just protective." Zack replied to Chrono as he took another bite. "If Adelina didn't think you were capable she would have had mice break into the flour by now." He refrained from telling Chrono about the time he had left his dirty clothes outside of the laundry hamper. Adelina was never cruel; he wasn't sure she possessed the ability to be, but she did have her ways of making her feelings known.

    "Sit wherever you like." he told
    Gale, refusing to move over despite the pleading looks Tessa was sending him. He quickly gulped down the rest of his food before turning to Tessa with a wicked grin. "I can take my children now. You should eat, add some conversation, be social." He pulled Zelina out of her arms before she had a chance to protest, and Zarron was surrendered soon after. Both children stirred, not quite on the verge of waking yet. He turned so his back was resting against the table as his arms gently cradled the sleeping babies.

    Tessa glared wordlessly at Zack before pulling the plate of food towards her. She could see what her two friends were planning, and while it warmed her heart to see their concern, it frustrated her that they thought her too timid to go out and find someone on her own. You're too shy to even tell Zack you're mad at him, right now. She shushed the voice in her head and focused on her food, leaving enough room at the table for Gale to sit on her other side, since Zack was refusing to move over.

    "At least the kitchen's got good shift hours." She spoke quietly to
    Chrono. "Veera's taking me out on another scouting run." She didn't disagree with the Scout Leader that something was amiss, but why did it have to be her? Because Zack has children and you're too timid to speak up. She sighed and picked at her food, not as hungry as she had been. "I don't mean to complain." She amended her earlier statement. I'm just tired of always working.

    She nodded to
    Gale, her inner voice quiet, thank God. They hadn't spoken much beyond friendly terms in the last two years, after he had pulled her through her first titan battle. He had been reliable, and she thought maybe, just maybe, he could partner with her. Never the same as Zack, who had been her friend for years, but perhaps in a different sort of way. After a time, and they didn't say more then the occasional "Hello", or "how are you?", she thought perhaps he had been annoyed with watching her back. It didn't change that each time he was with her, she felt safe. Not protected, like with Zack. Just safe.

    Kala hugged Galadorn, hiding the disbelief in her eyes. Use this? Responsibly? Can you use heroin responsibly? Still, she didn't say this, offering a small smile when Galadorn pulled back to look at her. For some reason she could never understand, he had a fascination with her eyes. Ugly, freakish, alien. She had never heard nice things about the blue irises that seemed to glow with an otherworldly light, until she had met the centaur.

    "Do we have to leave the house today?" She whispered, her fingers gently touching the lines of
    his face, memorizing each detail with her sense of touch. "Can't we just stay here?" Stay and treasure this. She knew that it might not be today, or tomorrow, or the next ten years, but it would come eventually. We shouldn't leave.It was a foolish notion, and she knew it. Trouble would find them whether they slipped and fell and broke their necks on the door mat, or were torn to pieces by a titan. They couldn't hide from it, and yet she wanted to. She knew this peace would never last. Even if it wasn't them, it would be someone, or something.

    Can't we stay?
    Post by: Magick, Mar 21, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Magick
    Ana heard someone call after her, but she ignored it, picking up her speed instead. Usually people either catcalled, shouted about destruction of property, or complained that she was being a nuisance. She couldn't see how, when she was there and gone in less then a few seconds. Perhaps it was boredom, or jealousy. Whatever the case, she paid this voice no mind, and darted around a corner-an intense case of nausea rolled through her body, and Ana stumbled, or moved to stumble.

    She never completed the act as she merely blinked, and found herself sitting in a car. The sickness intensified, and she clapped a hand over her mouth as her body adjusted, too slowly for her liking, from moving at top speed to keeping completely still. Her legs were shaking, her arms as well, and she was glad for the comfort of the seat behind her as she leaned back, not at all enthusiastic about the way her body reacted to...whatever this
    masked man had done.

    "I don't drink on the job." She managed to reply, her hand going from her mouth to her stomach. "And if you had wanted to hire me, you could have just said so, instead of doing....whatever you did." She waved her other hand in the air as she spoke. She was unnerved, not so much by the mask but by the loss of motion. "It isn't exactly easy to get to that speed." She continued, a little morosely. She had been so in the moment, too.

    Alarick acknowledged Colton's words with a quick nod before gently setting the other man down, propping him up as best as he could before turning to the destroyed robot. With one quick movement, he shoved his hand inside the destroyed plates, grinning as the electricity ran up his arm, dancing along his skin. "My old friend." he whispered before curling his fingers around his free palm, a small ball of lightning beginning to gather just a few centimeters above his skin. It felt glorious.

    Delia, move!" he called out, flicking the ball with his thumb and sending it flying towards a robot that was creeping up behind her. It froze, twitching as the electricity overloaded its circuits. Grimly smiling, he yanked his other hand out of the robot that had provided him with the power, pulling out sparking wires as he did so. The lightning filled him with a primal kind of joy, one he had dearly missed not indulging. The gentle prickles over his skin felt like the kisses of a lover, whispers in the dark that excited him far more then any other kind of affection ever could. He spread his arms wide, becoming a conductor for the electricity, drawing it in.

    He couldn't show off all of his abilities, not in front of the
    doctor. No, he would save that for when it came time to jump to Colton's defense. Speaking of....he turned, directing the flow of electricity with his mind towards a second robot that had been creeping up behind Colton. This one exploded, a little too close for his liking. He stepped back towards Colton, determined not to let it happen again.
    Post by: Magick, Mar 20, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home