Please? I has chocolate... And Whipped Cream... And Bananas... Stealy...
Momma! You gave fake birth to the Evil Queen Edwaryl! *Points to tags*
*Through headset* She's down the hall to your left, sir! Take 'er out with a hand grenade!
Already sent in mine... Daddy...
*Rips the lamp post in half* I'm a robot, Duh!
*is in Soviet Russia* Everything they said was true! The Kips DO Mud!
Hey! There's fifty bucks in here! *Drugs and Alcohol actually wore off hours ago* Who wants to get hammered?
43, 13, 31, 33, 23, /0 <--(divide by zero)
No! Come back to me!
I'll take a piece of that action...
*Drunk* Let's be naughty, Annabelle! *Glomps Stealy*
Stop struggling! *Boob pops out*
...Tell me how it goes...
I vote for Game-a-saur!
*Drunk, Licks lips* Stephanie! *Glomps Deathsight, shirt is unbuttoned* Let's be naughty!
Told ya...
You are forgiven... But I must cleanse you of your sins against Dalkism... *Beats senseless with Sailor Pope Bat*
Stephanie! *Glares at Deathsight44* That's a no-no! *Swings mighty Sailor Pope Bat*
Yeah, where's mommy?