I know! I get them in the mronings, and then after classes! And today, I nearly blacked out! They had to raid the teacher's lounge to get me something with actual sugar in it!
I've been good, except for the massive stomach cramps, swollen, sore chest, and morning sickness!
Thank you, Sir/Madame! Your message will reach <insert desired addressee here> safely!
Noted. Anything else?
Hello... It's me... EDWARD... Anyway, Dalk is gone, and can't get on for a while, so I'm his very own, personal messenger! If there's anything you want him to know, please look him up on MSN! If you can't find him, please relay to me your message, and I'll have it to him within 24 hours, at no expense to you!
We'd like to intrrupt this regularly programmed schedule with an important announcement...
*Pirouettes, leaps flamboyantly onto Stealy*
It WAS curry...
Critical hit! It's super effective!!!
Both~ *is catching up to you...Flamboyantly*
Average Doctor! I missed you! *GLOMP*
'Cause you know it'll be filled with wierdos? *Blows up another planet* Oh shi- That was the moon... Help me...
No you have revealed my Hello Kitty panties! You must pay! *Prances flamboyantly after you*
Like I said, not ALL... You're being mean... And anyway, why are we talking about this...
...Now I need a Jedite... That sounds an awful lot like Jedi... Anyway... Who wants to be my Jedite?
In Soviet Russia Spanish Inquisition doesn't expect you!
Nope... Nothing... Can I destroy more planets with my newfound Queen Edwardyl powers?
But I still have the... Le Grande Chocolate! *Dramatic music and giant chocolate*
Not all emo kids are fat! Just the girls...
*Picking ears* What was I s'posed to be doing...? *Destroys a planet* That was cool... I geuss...