Project Description: This is planned to be sort of an animated episodic movie which will be on youtube and based upon the KH Class RP part 1 and Part 2, The New KH Class RP, Various Plots from the series represented, and some of the writing team's own plotlines Project Deadline: This will need to be done soon [For voices anyways] Recording Information: Send it to me either over Skype or my email Recording format: MP3 or WAV files will be accepted Saving Lines: Attachments plz Naming Lines: Lines should be named after Character, Chapter, Line [ex: Sora_Chp0_1.mp3] Contact Information: or NutheadBros [Skype] Characters: Please Note that since there will be alot of Series involved this will inturn mean alot of characters so the below info will be updated with character can also ask all of us about them..this will also tell you which characters have been taken and so on along with both the series represented going from Knowledgeable to Obscure and the Series Summon List [This having to deal with summons] NutheadBros: Kenneth [OC], True Kenneth [OC], True Dark Kenneth [OC], Lefty [OC], Righty [OC], Perv [OC], Steve [OC], L-Zero [OC], R-Zero [OC], Luigi [Super Mario] Dr.Wigglz: Glen [OC], Gexln [OC], Luxek [OC], Crypto [Destroy All Humans(ONLY A POSSIBILITY)], Minion [OC] Taylor: Timberwolf [OC], Tigermundo [OC], Gray Wolf [OC] Sabby: Alexis [Lexi] [OC], Lacus [Gundam Seed], Claire [OC] Dabeat: Daisuke [OC] KHmage1918: Mage [OC] TN13: Renee [OC], Xenree [OC] HotT: Trixis [OC] HR: Neku [The World Ends With You], Joe [Viewtiful Joe], Lelouch [Code Geass], Roxas [Kingdom Hearts], Ryann [OC], Shadow [Sonic the Hedgehog], Shadow Clones [Sonic the Hedgehog], Baron Ashura {Male Side} [Mazinger Z] Vidal: Kast [OC], Itachi [Naruto], Sasuke [Naruto] Slothy: Alissa [OC], E5 [OC], Gravity Vulpine [OC] Syd: Baron Ashura {Female Side} [Mazinger Z] Sammi: Kairi [Kingdom Hearts] Petter: Sora [KH], Mario [Super Mario] Updating Information: This will be edited with updates The below following is the series represented so far unless changed All Rareware Games [Banjo-Kazooie, Conker, and so on] Epic Mickey Disney Kingdom Hearts Final Fantasy The World Ends With You Original Characters Gundam SEED Naruto Full Metal Alchemist Ratchet & Clank Sly Cooper Big O TMNT [80's, 00's, and Comic] Resident Evil Marvel Astro Boy Soul Eater Rayman Shin Mazinger Z Code Geass Gurren Lagann Samurai Jack Dexter's Lab Powerpuff Girls Destroy All Humans .Hack Invader Zim Generater Rex Bleach Digimon One Piece Teen Titans Infamous Code Lyoko Zoids Cyborg 009 G Gundam Metal Gear Earthbound/Mother F-Zero Fire Emblem Kid Icarus R.O.B Ice Climbers Pokemon Zelda Kirby Mario Metroid Crash Bandicoot G&W Star Fox Viewtiful Joe Megaman [Classic, X, Zero, Legends, Battle Network, ZX, Starforce] Warioware Sonic the Hedgehog Team Fortress 2 Portal Bomberman Nadesico +others The Following is Series Summon List which can also change at Anytime God of War Assassin's Creed Fairly Odd Parents Danny Phantom Jimmy Neutron Jak & Daxter Devil May Cry Ben 10 Opening Post updated by Nutheadbros. Also, Series Summon List isn't finalised.
The amount of rep we can give is too small. What i mean by this is that the number of users that one can give reputation to in a period of 24 hours is too small. Increase it?
August 15, 2030 Professor Stevenson grabbed his keys and headed towards the door. “Where are you going, dear?” his wife, Julia, asked. “I’m just running to the lab to get something,” he replied. “Ok, but don’t be long. Dinner is ready in an hour” Julia said. Professor Stevenson opened the door to his house and stepped outside, but his wife’s voice stopped him from going any further. “Could you get some more solar powered batteries for the robot, please?” she asked politely. “Can’t you just do the chores yourself?” Professor Stevenson mumbled. “What was that?” she asked. “Oh…um…I said I’d be happy to do it for someone as beautiful as yourself” he answered quickly as he closed the door and started walking towards his laboratory. Of course, Professor Stevenson wasn’t really going to get the batteries. He had far more important matters to attend to. According to his death prediction instrument, his wife was almost dead. The death prediction instrument had been invented by the professor, and had the ability to reveal the exact time, data, and place of a person’s death. Professor Stevenson broke into a run. As he was running down the street, past the robotic contruction workers, and towards the laboratory, Professor Stevenson was repeating two sentences repeatedly. “Julia Stevenson…2:53pm…my house…August 15,2030. Must get to the lab” he said. As he arrived at the laboratory, he noticed the unemployment line as the ‘Jobs 4 u’ station was unusually long. I know that unemployment is very high these days….but this is ridiculous! Professor Stevenson thought. He pulled out his identification pass and held it up to the security camera on the wall. “Professor Carl Steveonson” he stated as the camera examined him. The electronically sealed doors then opened and the professor walked inside. “Good afternoon, Professor!” Perkins, one of the more promising young scientists, greeted. “Good afternoon” the professor replied. “Is there something I can help you with?” Perkins inquired. “No thank you, I’m just collecting something, and then I’ll be off” Professor Stevenson explained. Professor Stevenson walked over to his desk and approached the safe that was there. He quickly entered the 5-digit combination and opened the door. In all these years, the humble safe is still one of the most secure places ever, the professor thought. He grabbed the ‘Cure for Death’, a liquid that once injected into a corpses’ heart can cause it to start again, and immediately exited the laboratory. Once he got outside, he looked at his watch. It read 2:40pm. I have to get home with the serum before 2:53pm! Professor Stevenson thought frantically. He started sprinting towards his house, but tripped over on the footpath and was sent sprawling to the ground. He quickly got up and then continued running to his home. As he was running towards his house, he checked his watch. 2:46pm. I’m going to make it, he thought happily. He continued running. As soon as he got to his front lawn, the professor ran into an all-out sprint, desperate to get to his wife and save her before it was too late. The ‘Cure for Death’ had to be used before thirty seconds had passed since the person died, or else it was no use. The professor kept running, but tripped over on a tree root in the lawn and fell face first onto the ground, dropping the serum in the process. He looked at his watch. It was 2:50pm. I can make it if everything else goes right, he thought desperately. Suddenly a man, who was riding on his bicycle, came speeding towards the professor. “Watch out!” he yelled as he rode towards the professor. The professor rolled out of the way just in time and the man lost control of his bike and fell off. The professor got up and frantically looked around for the serum. And then…he saw it. Lying on the ground, just a few metres away from him, was a broken syringe. The professor looked at his watch. Ten seconds until 2:53pm, he thought sadly. Professor Stevenson picked up the broken syringe, and, unable to contain it any longer, he burst into tears. He cried so much that there was soon a wet patch of grass on his lawn. To everyone around him, it would seem strange that a grown man would be crying on such a bright, sunny day, but Professor Stevenson didn’t care. All he could think about was how he had lost the woman he cherished most, and all because of one man and his bike. The professor got up, walked over to the man, and grabbed him by his shirt. “Do you have any idea what you have done? Because of you my wife is dead! DEAD!” Professor Stevenson yelled, with tears flowing down his face. He looked at his watch. 2:56pm. Professor Stevenson wiped away his tears with the sleeve of his coat. He would have to hope the lab had another ‘Cure for Death’ somewhere, and that It would work. A small chance, but it’s the only chance I have, Professor Stevenson thought, still fighting back tears. Suddenly the professor realised the man was not looking at him, he was looking at something above him. Still holding the man, Professor Stevenson turned around, and realised immediately that he didn’t need the serum to be with his wife again. In shock, the professor let go of the man and stared at the gigantic object hurtling towards him. “What is that?” the man asked. “That…that is a nuclear bomb” Professor Stevenson explained in disbelief. “Oh…my…god” the man exclaimed. “Not even god can help us now” the professor said. The bomb had nearly reached its point of impact, and the professor spread out his arms to embrace the end. I will be with you soon…Julia, he thought as the nuclear bomb hit. Spoiler NOTE: This is an entirely original work, not based off any videogame or movie or otherwise. Criticism is appreciated.
I do not know what it is at all. I cannot tell if it was a dog or a bird,or something else entirely. It sounded just like a dog,but ALOT higher pitched,and almost echoing. I'm inclined to think i have an Ewok in my backyard.
about how great it would be to be a Nobody? I mean,sure you have the downside of not being able to feel, but imagine how good it would be not to worry about anything,not to feel bad feelings,stuff like that. I'd personally prefer it.
Chapter 1: Awakening Just for everyone's information,i'm not actually posting anymore of this story until i have AT LEAST completed half of it. This is purely a preview of what is to come. And when i DO post more, i will post it in a seperate thread. Though constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. The Nobody’s eyes opened. A deep blue colour, they were identical to his other’s. He sat up on the bed he had been sitting on and looked across at the mirror that was on his wall. He looked at his short, dark brown, slightly spiked hair and his pale skin. He also noticed that he was dressed in a long black coat, with silver zippers. Interesting design, he thought to himself. “You’re finally awake. Good, things were getting boring. We finally get a new Nobody in the ranks, and they decide to put me of all people on surveillance duty. I’m just not cut out for all this waiting†a voice said. The Nobody turned to look at who had spoken. The man had blonde, spiked hair, emerald eyes, and was wearing a black coat similar to his own. “Who are you?†the Nobody asked. “Name’s Demyx†Demyx responded. “Where is this place? Why am I here?†the Nobody questioned. “Slow down with the questions!†Demyx replied. He took a breath. “This place is the castle of boredom, meeting ground for all Nobodies. And you’re here because the big man decided that we could use you†Demyx replied. There was one further question that the Nobody felt he had to ask. “Who am i?†he asked. Demyx let out a small laugh. “You don’t know who you are?†he asked. The Nobody shook his head. “No, not at all†he replied. Demyx sighed. “Geez… well Xemnas said your other’s name was Glen†he said, letting his voice trail off. The Nobody stood up. “Then I’ll go see Xemnas to see what he can tell me†he stated. Demyx held out a hand. “No way,that’s a no go. You’ve got to be officially welcomed into the Organisation before you can even consider trying to see Xemnas. Oh that reminds me!†he exclaimed. “Reminds you of what?†The Nobdy asked. “No time to explain, just follow me!†Demyx said as he began running towards a large room.
Storyline: It is several years after Organisation XIII was destroyed, leaving the castle abandoned. Things haven't gone well for the keyblade wielders after that. Heartless grew in strength and numbers, gradually overwhelming them. Right now,the keyblade wielders, Sora, Riku,and Mickey, are trapped on Destiny Islands,unable to leave due to the masses of heartless that surrounds the world. Desperate for a chance of survival, a special group of warriors were formed at Destiny Islands. These warriors were not like most people. They were Nobodies, beings without a heart. They were the perfect candidates for the mission, as they would not be at risk of attracting the heartless,due to the fact that they have no hearts. Now, the Nobodies must push through the masses of heartless that have overrun each and every world,and find the source that is making the Heartless so powerful,and destroy it. But things are not as simple as they seem. As the darkness took over, certain individuals became corrupted by the darkness, losing almost all the humanity that they once had. These beings seek to destroy everything in their path. They are a much stronger version of a heartless than the standard ones, due to them once being people and creatures with hearts. The homeworld of the Dark Beings is the world that never was. Will the Nobodies succeed in saving the worlds? Will they be destroyed by the darkness? Could they even possibly side with the darkness? The answer lies with you. Objective: Well,as pointed out earlier, the objective for the Nobodies is to find the source of the Heartless' power, and destroy it. The objective for the Heartless and the Dark Beings that assist them, is to stop the Nobodies by any means necessary, and finish off the keyblade wielders once and for all. Rules: 1. Follow the forum rules. 2. 3 Characters maximum. 4. Yes,if someone wishes to control Sora,Riku or Mickey they are allowed,but keep in mind they are a few years older than what they are in KH2. 5. No god modding/powerplaying etc. 6. Swearing should be kept to a minimum. 7. In the first post, please post "Nobodies will fight" so that i know you have read the rules. 8. No killing characters off without permission from their owner. 9. If you have a question/plot idea,feel free to PM it to me. 10. Have fun! Character sheets: Nobodies: Spoiler Username: Name: Age: Element: Appearance: Personality: Biography: Weapon: Other: (Optional) Dark Beings: Spoiler Username: Name: Age: Appearance: Personality(They may have qualities remaining of their former self): History: Weapon: Other: (optional) Characters: Nobodies: Username: Dr_Wigglz Name: Gexln Age: 23 Element: Darkness. Appearance: Wears the cloak that he wore when he was once part of Organisation XIII. Has dark brown,short hair. 5"8 in height, slim build. Blue eyes. Personality: Aggressive, confident, vengeful. Biography: Gexln was once part of Organisation XIII. He left due to reasons unknown to many. He joined with the keyblade wielders, but that doesn't mean he wants to save the world. He joined the keyblade wielders for his own survival. Commanding the element of darkness, Gexln is a powerful warrior. Weapon: Darkness' Sorrow. Not a keyblade, but a powerful weapon nonetheless. Channels Gexln's dark energy. Pic is found here: Other: (Optional) Nobodies will fight. Dark Beings: Username: Dr_Wigglz Name: Shadow Glen Age: 23 Appearance: Pure black appearance of Gexln, with glowing yellow eyes. Resembles Gexln's dark form. Personality(They may have qualities remaining of their former self): Cold, ruthless, aggressive, murderous. History: Shadow Glen was created when Gexln's other, Glen, lost his heart. He is similar to Gexln, yet is more evil than the Nobody. Weapon: Completely black version of Darkness' Sorrow. Other: (optional) Nobodies will fight. Keyblade Wielders: LOL
My cat needs drugs to be injected into him to calm him down. About five minutes ago, he began running around frantically,crashing into walls, until we let him outside. Two minutes later, he crashed into the door, wanting to be let in. We let him in,and now he's dashing around inside again.
Just out of much do the actual organisation XIII cloaks look like they do in the game? Because i've seen a few pics of them..and in each of them they looked as though they were made out of plastic.
Classic story really. Boy meets girl. Boy falls for girl. Girl moves away. Boy pursues girl. But the thing is...i think the girl really likes me back deep down,but she just won't admit it..i just want one chance to be able to be with her..but nothing ever seems to go right for me..i just don't know what i should do..can anyone offer any suggestions?
IF i was to attempt to conquer the world through military domination,who would help me? lol
[video=youtube;FavUpD_IjVY][/video] It is so weird lol
If it came down to a fight to the death,who would win?
Does anyone else find wearing the 3D glasses that u get from the 3D movies addictive? o.o
Does anybody know how to get in touch with a large movie making company? Something like disney or pixar or somethin like that? Because i really want to suggest a movie revolved around Kingdom Hearts XD but i can't manage it
My friend has a knot on her's like a small bump on her head,small and hard. I read up on it and it may be cancer...what do the rest of you think?