It makes me want to tear out somebody's throat. And then fix them through surgery just so i can tear it out again. Sounds rather fun.
So, who wants to be my non-romantic partner? *has no "aussie charm"*
on League of Legends. They've been down for an hour and 45 minutes, and will be down for another 3 hours and 15 minutes, approximately. Come at me bro, i've got time to kill.
I honestly have no idea what this place would be like.
Is What? really on staff? His name's red and all, but i've heard nothing about what he actually does and the "Our Staff" section wasn't updated 'O'_'O'. If he is, good job to you What? You'll make an awesome staff member! If not, then who came up with the idea to troll the community? I totally want to be the next one troll-promoted
What the title says. What's the most views a thread you've started in the spamzone has had, before getting a response? I'm sitting at 40 views and no replies to a thread i started 12 hours ago. I think i've got a shot of winning it.
Well this seems to be getting more popular, so why the hell not eh? What were your first impressions of me? What are your current opinions of me? What do you think i could improve upon and how? Negative opinions are welcome, but please keep them somewhat polite. EDIT: Oh yay, well i can see now that nobody has any opinion of me. Makes me feel real good..
:xp:If KHV blacks out on the 18th, i'm going to turn off my computer as a protest against the protest
Seems tempting these days...
[video=youtube;_IM3z0dd5zw][/video] You'll soil yourself.
Is there a point to it all?
Mike is leaving in a month! :'(
Apparently things used to be crazy in the spam zone. What happened to them? I missed out! *cries*
Match of LoL, i was sitting on 6000 hp, had an absolute shiteload of armor so no physical damage can hurt me. Every physical damage character on their team targeted me. EVERY. DAMN. TIME. It was beautiful to know they despised me so much.
So, only 50 people were here for the anniversary of KH Vids 2011. Cool.
Found a video about "Akuroku", which is supposedly Axel x Roxas things...... HOW THE HELL CAN AXEL X ROXAS BE AKUROKU? Where does the u come into it? How about the k? This makes no sense. Can someone explain it to me? And no Autumn, simply "fangirls" isn't an acceptable explanation >.>
Where are my pins? I know i need the one for helping with the community (KHV Chorus) and the one for participating in the secret santa. Due to the amount of welcomes i've given to the people introducing themselves i should get friendliness too! WHERE ARE THEY? RAWR Just in case people can't tell, i know the staff have alot to do, and i expect them to take their time giving out pins. I'm just the KHV jester :P or one of them
I'm doing this peacefully guys, so no exploding people or whatever. What i have planned is, i'll approach all the world leaders individually and request they surrender any power they have and hand it to myself. If they do it, i'll move onto the next one until they're all been subdued. However, if they do not, i shall put them into an induced coma and never wake them. Sounds good and peaceful, no?
Well, i decided that, like the staff, i too would make a video wishing peoples a good xmas, because i'm totally original like that. Aaaaanyway, cringe in fear as my ugly face is on video. RAWR [video=youtube;zmObe7U3Acw][/video]
I think the picture speaks for itself. I hope you have a very merry christmas, have a happy new year, and yeah, just have a great time all around o.o