For all you cosplayers out there, when constructing some kind of weapon (keyblade/sword/something like that) what materials do you usually use? I had the idea of making my OC's weapon tonight but I lack experience making anything like that, so I figured I'd ask the professionals :P
Do not like one bit. It's just another reminder that I'm yet to hit prem because of rp posts not counting :(
What are some of the funniest jokes you've personally ever heard? Trying to cheer up a friend and figure since a lot of things said on here crack me up, I might be able to use some of them to help someone not on this site.
I am aware that it was posted in the RP Arena news, but that was in December last year. I know that all staff members are busy, and I'm not demanding an instant fix for the lack-of-post-count thing, but is there any kind of update on the situation that could be given? I know I, and probably many other members of the forum, get a lot of their posts towards the post count from the rp arena itself, and it just really sucks that it's been taken away so long without so much of a scrap of feedback, is all.
Whilst wandering around in a dungeon in Aion, we discovered Nomura. If we kill him, we will loot Kingdom Hearts 3 from him, I'm sure of it. Spoiler: The Guardian of KH3 With any luck we will also free Ventus, because i'm sure he's in looks like a place worthy to be called "Castle Oblivion". EDIT: Nomura is dead. I repeat, Nomura is dead. We have looted not KH3, but Nomura's Key instead. I am the open the door..
This is less of a request for assistance (although if you have any idea how to help fix it i'm all ears) and more of a notification I suppose. Lately I have been trying to use the search function for searching the role-playing arena, key word being trying. Whenever I try to search for something, it takes about 5 minutes to load and then when it does it's not what I expected; an internal server error message appears. I have not tried it in any of the other forums, but I do know for a fact it constantly happens in the RPA.
A few days ago, my skype updated itself. On the day it updated, as well as three days after, skype would be super delayed in sending messages (most would take 20 minutes to send just one thing), and the issue would eventually be resolved by having skype open for around three hours, at which point it would resume functioning normally only to have the same issue when I started it up again later. It's been fine today (hasn't updated itself either, which confuses me a lot), but I was wondering if anybody had an idea as to why it was like that, and how I can prevent this from happening in future.
Just a quick question. Who on this website has a crush on Maka?
That's right people you could pre-order KH3 right now for either Xbox One or Playstation 4 for $60! How awesome is that?! ALL THE PREORDERS
An introduction... Magic. A term that is both not commonly used, or heard of.The general people live in fear of it, but what many of them do not know is that some of those that walk among them are magic users themselves. These users,if they were to be found out by the general public, would be shunned and rejected out of fear. In the kingdom of Rivelle, in the capital city of Corvus, City of Nobles, led a great and wise king. He led his people justly and as well as any single man can. However, his rule was not to be a lengthy one. Merely two years after the king was crowned, a truly terrifying thing happened.The highly infamous, and extremely dangerous,assassin known only as Vex breached the walls of the great castle that the king resided in, and ended the once great ruler's reign. Vex took over the throne, ruling with an iron fist. Anyone who dared to oppose or question him was met with a punishment of extreme severity; the death sentence, given to them by Vex himself. All of the people gradually gave in, many of the guards and people in Rivelle not wishing to oppose such a mighty villain for fear of themselves or their loved ones being slain. All, that is, except for a select few. These few people, each of them knowing how to use magic, started up the Resistance. They fought back, stopping many of the guard posts and people that assisted Vex from doing their jobs, and slowly but surely people began to join them. The Resistance had few conditions for allowing someone to join. The person wishing to join had to be dedicated to stopping Vex, yet at the same time needed to be somewhat competent in combat. Naturally, some exceptions to the combat rule were made, such as people that knew how to heal or had great diplomatic skills to help infiltrate certain positions, but they had created what Vex had feared most; an army of the people that had been hurt by him. Vex, recognizing this threat, began to hire mercenaries, thieves, and other murderers themselves, or really anyone that would assist him. He made his own army of magic users and warriors alike, calling them The Passing. Now, the Resistance has gathered up enough courage and people willing to fight for the cause to oppose Vex directly. They believe that they are in a position to overthrow Vex and end his cruel tyranny. Rallying up their forces at the main base of operations in the town of Balmar, a town that was several weeks of travel away from Corvus, they embarked on a perilous quest, one that would change the fates of themselves and all of Rivelle forever.. Rules 1. Follow the rules of both KHV and the role-playing section rules. 2. You may have a maximum of four characters. 3. Please no one liners. This is more of a guideline rather than a rule, but I would prefer if there could be at least two paragraphs in your post. 4. No god-modding. 5. If you do not post within one week, I will send a pm to you. If two weeks go by without a post, your characters may be killed off. PM me if you have to go away somewhere or am having difficulties posting and I'm sure we can work something out. 6. Try to have fun with it! You don't have to follow the exact storyline I've set, I've only given you the tools to begin with! If you wish to journey to the mystical land that is known as the OOC thread, click meeeeeee! Caleb Stitem stood up from the chair he had been sitting on. He had called all members of the resistance to the meeting hall of the resistance base. The base itself was a large building with many rooms in it, one for each member and then there was the dining area, and finally the meeting hall, which contained the board of which many notes about objectives and next moves were pinned to. Looking around at all the people, Caleb couldn't help but feel happy and, to an extent, proud, at just how far he had come. No, not him. How far they had come, all of them. They were as close to a family as he had ever known. "Friends, today we take the next stepping stone into a journey which will make this world a better place. For quite a long time we have sat by, doing a little work here and there to help people, and slowing the progress of that scoundrel that calls himself king. He is no king of mine, and he never will be, and today we begin making plans to remove him from his throne and restore peace!" Caleb said to everyone, upon the stage that he stood. "Vex's army is strong indeed. Both him and his army has an endless source of wealth with which they may bribe people, they have powerful weapons, the most experienced soldiers.." Caleb began. He took a step closer to the small podium that had been made for him to put notes of what he would say there. He did not need notes though, what he said came from his heart and he meant every word. "But there are some things we have that they can never have. They will never know remorse, they will never have the bonds that we share, and the thing that they will never take from us is our freedom!" Caleb shouted that last part, raising his hand in the air as if to show that there was nobody to stop him. He was met with a loud cheer from the crowd of which he spoke to. Caleb turned and stepped down from the podium. He allowed himself a smile as he walked down the very small set of stairs that had been crafted to get up and down the stage. That sounded far better in my head, but It should show them that I am with them he thought to himself calmly. He hopped off the last step, and took a seat next to the stage as he waited to see just how his speech would be taken. Meanwhile, in a castle located in Corvus, the city of Nobles.. "Just WHAT are you doing sitting around here? While we sit here the weak plague the streets, contaminating my city! You should be out there, killing them in any and every way possible!" Vex yelled angrily to the small group of people he had called to the throne room earlier, the group known as The Passing. He said nothing after that, because despite being incredibly strong Vex was also no fool. He knew as well as most that The Passing could very well turn on him in an instant, any one of them deciding the throne was for them. He pointed in an easterly direction to the hall that led to The Vault, where the kingdom's fortune lay. "The first one of you that brings me the head of the Resistance leader will be rewarded handsomely, now get to it! Those rats must die" Vex said. If there was one thing Vex was constantly thinking about, it was all the "weaklings" that lived in Rivelle. He had a simple view, but one that to many would be considered wrong; anyone that is weak must be killed off. He would tolerate nobody that would slow him down, nobody that would stand in his way, and the sheer fact that anyone had actually listened to him for whatever reason and actually gone to the throne room as requested infuriated him. Yes, they had listened to him (or so he assumed), but he had hoped they ignored him and went after the Resistance as he wished. He knew that crushing the resistance wasn't a force to be underestimated though. During his two years of reigning, the resistance had built up quite the reputation; something he despised. Just outside of Balmar, in a small cave in The Wasteland, the vast area that was southern of Balmar and plagued nearly half of Rivelle, sat a boy with a Falcon resting on a small rock next to him. The boy's name was Zane, the exile of the resistance, and his friend was Ace. The two were very close, as close as a boy and his bird could be, but Zane was doing nothing to show it at that point. He was leaning forward, stoking the small fire he had made out of some kindling from the dead trees and then using friction; a task that wasn't as easy as people made it seem. "You ever wonder what things are like back home, Ace?" he asked, directing his question towards the Falcon. Of course the bird didn't understand the question, but it happily chirped back anyway. This caused Zane to chuckle a little bit. "Yeah, me too" he said. He stood up, making sure to pick up the huge buster sword that lay next to the fire as he did so. "Maybe we should go take a look" he said, holding out his arm to the right, horizontally. Ace quickly flapped his wings and flew to land on Zane's shoulder, being careful not to grip with his talons too hard.
An introduction...Magic.A term that is both not commonly used, or heard of.The general people live in fear of it, but what many of them do not know is that some of those that walk among them are magic users themselves. These users,if they were to be found out by the general public, would be shunned and rejected out of fear. In the kingdom of Rivelle, in the capital city of Corvus, City of Nobles, led a great and wise king. He led his people justly and as well as any single man can. However, his rule was not to be a lengthy one. Merely two years after the king was crowned, a truly terrifying thing happened.The highly infamous, and extremely dangerous,assassin known only as Vex breached the walls of the great castle that the king resided in, and ended the once great ruler's reign.Vex took over the throne, ruling with an iron fist. Anyone who dared to oppose or question him was met with a punishment of extreme severity; the death sentence, given to them by Vex himself. All of the people gradually gave in, many of the guards and people in Rivelle not wishing to oppose such a mighty villain for fear of themselves or their loved ones being slain. All, that is, except for a select few.These few people, each of them knowing how to use magic, started up the Resistance. They fought back, stopping many of the guard posts and people that assisted Vex from doing their jobs, and slowly but surely people began to join them. The Resistance had few conditions for allowing someone to join. The person wishing to join had to be dedicated to stopping Vex, yet at the same time needed to be somewhat competent in combat. Naturally, some exceptions to the combat rule were made, such as people that knew how to heal or had great diplomatic skills to help infiltrate certain positions, but they had created what Vex had feared most; an army of the people that had been hurt by him.Vex, recognizing this threat, began to hire mercenaries, thieves, and other murderers themselves, or really anyone that would assist him. He made his own army of magic users and warriors alike, calling them The Passing.Now, the Resistance has gathered up enough courage and people willing to fight for the cause to oppose Vex directly. They believe that they are in a position to overthrow Vex and end his cruel tyranny. Rallying up their forces at the main base of operations in the town of Balmar, a town that was several weeks of travel away from Corvus, they embarked on a perilous quest, one that would change the fates of themselves and all of Rivelle forever..Rules1. Follow the rules of both KHV and the role-playing section rules.2. You may have a maximum of four characters.3. Please no one liners. This is more of a guideline rather than a rule, but I would prefer if there could be at least two paragraphs in your post.4. No god-modding.5. If you do not post within one week, I will send a pm to you. If two weeks go by without a post, your characters may be killed off. PM me if you have to go away somewhere or am having difficulties posting and I'm sure we can work something out.6. Try to have fun with it! You don't have to follow the exact storyline I've set, I've only given you the tools to begin with!7: I don't expect people to post everyday, that would be unreasonable to ask. All I do ask is that you make a commitment to the Roleplay to an extent, try not to be a repeat offender with the 1-week rule, or else I'll have to think of something to do to change that.OOCSheetUsername:Name:Age:Side (The Passing, The Resistance, or in between?) :Appearance:Personality:Brief Bio:Magic/Powers (Does not have to know any magic if you prefer that) :Weapon (Again, optional) :Additional Information:Take this link to get to the main RP threadAcceptedCharacters Spoiler: Dr_Wigglz Username: Dr_Wigglz Name: Zane Age: 20 Side (The Passing, The Resistance, or in between?) : The resistance Appearance: Personality: Cool, calm and collected most of the time unless a friend is in danger. Somewhat upbeat, and loyal to The Resistance. Brief Bio: Spoiler: Bio Zane was one of the original founders of The Resistance. He was the original founder's best friend, and he fought hard and strong to make the world a better place until one day the unthinkable happened. Vex attacked one of the resistance's smaller places with a group of powerful people, and he managed to catch the original founder. Zane gave chase to Vex only to be stopped by the murderer. Vex gave Zane a choice. Tell him where the main base of the resistance was and spare the founder, or watch the founder die there and then. Zane, viewing his friend as more important than the resistance, chose to spare the founder. He began to tell Vex where the base was, and the founder was indeed spared. However, this resulted in Vex attacking and killing several of the other members of the resistance, setting the resistance back several months at least for Zane's choice. The founder saw what Zane had done as an act of treachery, and banished Zane from the resistance indefinitely. Zane took his things and left quickly, his head hung in shame, and he set off to change the world in his own way, and do whatever it took to help undo the damage he had done. Magic/Powers (Does not have to know any magic if you prefer that) : Has the power of Time Manipulation. He can speed it up and slow others down, making himself appear to move faster and the enemy slower. To an extent, he could also freeze time, but if he does he begins losing energy rapidly, and can only do this for three seconds at most. Weapon (Again, optional) : Buster sword Additional Information: Is an exile, and treated as an enemy to the resistance, although he does help them. Username: Dr_Wigglz Name: Boris the Magic Mirror Age: 6003 Side (The Passing, The Resistance, or in between?) : In between Appearance: Personality: Rude, extremely non-serious, usually very selfish, a regular comedian. Brief Bio: Nobody knows who created the magic mirror, or even how, all that is known about the magic mirror is that Vex found it buried in the ruins of a home that he ransacked and took it for his own gain. The mirror did not like this one bit, and made a mental note to drive Vex insane to the best of his ability. Magic/Powers (Does not have to know any magic if you prefer that) : Has the power to look into the past, present, and future, as well as identify the truth in peoples' words. Weapon (Again, optional) : Sarcasm and general smart-assness. Additional Information: His favourite pastime is annoying Vex, and he likes bunnies. Username: Dr_Wigglz Name: Vex Age: 24 Side (The Passing, The Resistance, or in between?) : The Passing Appearance: Muscular. Bald, red eyes. Has several scars on his torso, and one very deep scar on the left side of his face, in the shape of a long, straight line. Usually wears black pants, and a gray shirt with a black cloak on. Carries around a large battleaxe. Personality: Overconfident, aggressive, doesn't take thing as seriously as he should. Sees the people around him as being worthless and a waste of space. Brief Bio: Spoiler: Backstory Vex's parents were both compulsive gamblers. One day their habit caught up to them. In serious debt, a gang of thugs tracked them down and killed them. Vex, witnessing the crime as it happened, felt a wave of fury rush through him that he had never felt before. As the fury occupied him, lightning left his fingertips and killed two of the three thugs in front of him. The third, suddenly scared of this child's power, fled for his life, only to be killed moments later, a feat both impressive and frightening, considering that Vex was only three at the time. Vex continued practicing his magic in secret, partially scared of what would happen if people knew of his power. Day after day, he got bullied and picked on by the other children of the orphanage he had been sent to, and he could not fight back for fear of his secret being discovered. Eventually, he couldn't take it any longer. At the age of 17, he snapped, killing the other children that had bullied him for all the years. He found that he liked the sounds of screams and blood being shed, and more than anything; power. He set his eyes upon the throne of Rivelle, and made it his mission to kill the ruler. He snuck inside the palace, taking out several guards on his way to the throneroom. Inside there, he confronted the king of Rivelle and killed the king. He staked his claim to the throne, and killed any and all who would oppose him. Magic/Powers (Does not have to know any magic if you prefer that) : Lightning Magic and manipulation over electricity. Weapon (Again, optional) : A large battleaxe. Additional Information: This guy is the original antagonist, but that doesn't mean there can't be more main ones okay? XD Username: Dr_WigglzName: Caleb StitemAge: 19Side (The Passing, The Resistance, or in between?) : The Resistance (one of the original founders)Appearance: Spoiler: appearance Personality: Heroic, Courageous, quick to act, confident in his ability. Has a strong sense of justice.Brief Bio: Caleb has always, and hopes to always be, a defender of the people. If someone needs help and genuinely has good intentions, you can be assured Caleb will be there. This thought process is why he started up the resistance, after seeing so many people hurt by Vex. He was one of the do-ers, always leading raids on important positions and freeing those that Vex kept as slaves.Magic/Powers (Does not have to know any magic if you prefer that) : Summoning (Object Type)- Caleb has the ability to summon any object he can imagine, provided it is not living, to use.Weapon (Again, optional) : Any weapon he can summon, although he is most proficient with swords.Additional Information: One of the original founders of the resistance. Spoiler: ~Phoenix~ Spoiler: -Xero- Spoiler: Lord-Insan-E-O Spoiler: Beucefilous Spoiler: **Blizzard** Spoiler: EgoGrumptor Spoiler: Lucy♥Heartfilia Spoiler: Moksha Any questions? Feel more than welcome to PM me with them!
Happy birthday to Dr_Wigglz, have a good one bro Thank you Wigglz, you have a kind heart.
Just the Prologue for now. I may post more of it later. Had the idea bubbling around in my head for a while but i'm going to do a little bit of it each weekend when I can. CnC would be greatly appreciated. I will go back and add more description-wise into the prologue, but i'd like to give everyone a chance to voice their opinions first. Spoiler: Prologue Prologue: To Kill a King Corvus; the city of Nobles, capital of the country Rivelle and led by the king. In a world where magic is extremely rare and feared everywhere, it is on a dark night like any other that the story unfolds. A lone figure approached the castle wall, having gone unnoticed by the people he had walked past. A muscular man with a linear deep red scar on the left side of his face and completely bald along with red eyes, this man was the murderer Vex. He was wearing black pants and a gray shirt, and also had a black cloak on. He looked up at the wall. He dug his fingernails into the small crevices of the wall and began his ascent. Slowly but surely, he began climbing the wall. Once he climbed to the top, he pulled himself up. The guard that was supposed to be on watch had not noticed him, but this was to be expected; Corvus was one of the few cities in the world that had nearly a zero crime rate. At least, zero crimes that were reported. Vex snuck over to the guard and quietly hit him in the back of the neck swiftly, knocking him unconscious. Usually he would have preferred to simply kill the guard, but the guard would be needed later. Vex walked along the wall, repeating the process to the other three guards that were on the eastern side of the wall. If he were to complete his plan, he would need to be quiet and quick; something he himself hated. Vex came to the tower. Not just any tower, but the tower that the king resided in. Once again he would need to climb. Placing his hands in the small crevices, he pulled himself up about a metre before he heard an angry shout. He figured that the remaining guards had probably stumbled upon the unconscious guards, he probably didn't have much time before they realized what was going on. Vex picked up the pace, pulling himself up with a slight struggle before he reached the window into the king's room. Vex reached his arms through the window and held onto the side of the window edges. With a heave he pulled himself in through the window and into the room. He landed on the floor with a soft thump. The king was sitting in his bed reading a book, and was clearly shocked to have someone climb through his window. The king opened his mouth, presumably to shout for help. "I wouldn't do it if I were you, little king. You may not like the consequences" Vex said coldly. The king eyed him with suspicion. "You carry no weapon, what are you going to do from all the way over there? My guards will be here before you can get to me, they're stationed right outside my room" the king responded. Vex smirked and held out his right arm. Focusing for a brief second, sparks of lightning started flowing around his arm as though his arm was an electric circuit. He waited for the king's response. The king's skin turned a very pale colour as fear set in his heart. "Magic.." the king stated. "This throne is mine, little king. Your reign is over, and mine is about to begin. The strong will rule with an iron fist, and the weak will die out like the scum they are" Vex declared. The king opened his mouth once more to call out but was silenced by an arc of lightning that flew into him. The king's body began shaking violently, being electrocuted with the force of ten thousand volts, before dying altogether. Vex walked over and sat down on the king's bed. Tomorrow he would move into the throne room, and anyone that dared to oppose him would be killed. He fell back and layed down on the king's bed and stretched out. "Ah, it feels good to be the king" he said with a cruel laugh.
Was having a discussion with a few friends, and figured i would ask for everyone's opinions on this matter if you wish to provide it. How long in general in your opinion, if a person has every opportunity to post, should a person have to post? From what i've seen, the standard amount is 24 hours in most cases before people are given permission to move on, but what's your opinion on how long they should have? Also sorry if this is poorly worded (i feel that it is), i'm having trouble thinking clearly as of right now.
I'm sure some of you have heard of a project that's being worked on by some of the members of KHV, in case you haven't here it is: Now, these people while they seem to know what they're doing, can't do everything alone. I've been asked to make this thread in an attempt to reach out to all you musicians/composers in the hopes that you could assist them with creating an OST for the game. Are you interested? Just send a message to one of these guys if you want to know more information, or you could post it here!
Spoiler Puppies too stronk
For xmas, i got given a puppy :D She's a cattle dog x kelpie, loves biting my toes, and she seems pretty interested in my laptop charger too! She's only 5 weeks old, her name's Holly Spoiler
Alright, i've been friends with this person for about a year, was really close with them but now it seems like i only argue with them constantly, but i still feel as though there's some hope for them, that deep down "the real them" is still there and i really hope that one day i get to see them like that again.. On the other hand, two friends that i've been friends, one of which that i've been friends with for a couple of years now, are really nice to me and pretty much always have been. The first friend i mentioned HATES the other two, and has now told me i have to choose between the first friend and the other two. I have absolutely no idea what to do, i really really don't want to make this choice. Any advice?
As some of you may know, i'm heavily into League of Legends, a RTS game similar to things like DoTa and HoN. I've just started streaming, any advice that you could give to a fellow gamer? :)
I think i might be gay. I've been having these....urges, lately, never realy had them before. How should i explain this to my girlfriend? Or my parents even? I don't even know where to start..any advice?