With a shotgun
I don't remember you. What do I win? Welcome back though
Lexeaus or w/e he's called.
That you kill your posts
Next time you're going to bumb an old "news" thread warn us first.
Nah I don't believe you.
krayzie is a mother fucking killer
I don't think so.
OK if you want a new skin start making one.
I'm not sure that they wear cloaks. Ok the person in the left might be, but the person in the right has more lighter clothes from what I see...
vBulletin Skin Developed by: ULTRABILISIM Click on it and you'll see
In Namine's drawings, actually. And especially on this one: It's Axel and Roxas... but who are the other two? They're not org. members, they're not micey, donald, goofy, they're not Sora and Kairi. And of course not FF characters, even though they look like them. I have two thoughts: 1st, maybe one of them is either Xion or Riku. 2nd, they're Aqua and Terra. Thoughts? Feel free to discuss any drawing or anything in the white room. Also, there were some drawings on the floor, but I couldn't find them anywhere in high quality. If anyone could share those it would be great. I could take pictures of them, but they would be really low quality.
Still, Toshi haves no info about the storyline.
f u c κ
Eight months is enough for me to forget everyone here...
Don't know you sorry. But...
Rocky Balboa?