8D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRF28GvoL7M&list=FLNj2eB7o6ZQnkpYaEti_Bxg&feature=mh_lolz I never left, lol. I've just been lurking. XD But I...
A little early, but Happy Birthday! xD
OCC: Lonely and depressing. XD Though not horrible. I'm working on getting back into role-playing. x__x I miss it SO much. I also miss watching anime like a marathon everyday and reading an entire manga in just a few hours. So much to do, so little tiiiiiime.
OOC: WELL THEN. *flips hair* So...so yeah. 8D How is everyone's thanksgiving? IC: Melly slid the hotel room card through the slot and the door quickly opened after a soft click! As she stepped in, she knew the bathroom needed to be cleaned first. Then she would make the bed, throw away the trash leftover from the previous guest, wipe down the counters, sweep, mop... Melly's eyes scanned around the marble floor to see a few random m&m's scattered under the nightstand. The Inn didn't have any carpet, since apparently it can hold more bacteria, mold, and fungus then solid floors. It would also be easier to clean up spills, so it seemed like a good idea to go without carpet. She sighed, looking around the room once more before going to get her cleaning supplies.
I'll let you think that. :v SOOOOO BEHIIIIIND.
Oh wow. XD We never even got to finish it, but we both know who would've won. ;D Are you watching Mirai Nikki? I finished the manga before...
Yay! 8D butseriouslywhatisinthatbadlywrappedbox.
Okay. o: *pms*
I thought it was rude that I didn't say anything to you in awhile and the first thing I mentioned was a present. XD I was just...having a moment.
Hey, nevermind. I don't need that present, but I appreciate the thought.
Lol, I would love it! :'D You never told me what's inside~ I think I still have your address and stuff in my computer. Which...isn't weird at...
Oh, I totally forgot! o: Remember when you said I would get my Christmas gift during the summer earlier? XD Since you couldn't reach the post...
Username: Spaze **Alias: Melly Applying For: Maid Qualifications: I'm kind, calm, and I'm good at keeping things tidy and neat. *Rep-Card: http://i42.tinypic.com/119ngp5.jpg Anything Else: ~~~ Username: Spaze I am here to: Roleplaying, make friends, chat, and have fun. *Rep-Card: [Provided above] Anything Else: I hope to enjoy this roleplay/forum family. :>
I plan on creating that roleplay. XD *will pm you eventually about an idea*
; ; I was unmotivated to continue from the start. First of all, mostly everyone was a star. And then I guess I was expecting more people and... I...
I see what happened there. D: <_< Pleeeaase.
Are you happy now?
I will later on. c:
I miss that show.