Your's dosen't suck, and thank you.
Alright, just busy. Did you know i posted 2 new chapters? And when i get 5 reviews i'll post another one!
Hello! I didn't get 5 reviews.... T-T So no chapter 8...
Got to go, see ya tommorow!
Well, here it is!!! Because I got at least one comment, I’m posting another chapter! Chapter Seven *The next morning* That was the best night’s sleep I have ever had! You just got out of the shower and had rapped one of these nice thick towels around yourself and had walked into your room to get dressed when suddenly the door opened.. “Hey Rimini! want some breakfa- oh I uh…” “GET OUT!!!!” “AHH!! SORRY!!!” and then Riku slammed the door shut..… typical morning… You got dressed and went down stairs and sat at the table with Riku while his mom made breakfast. You both looked at each other and turned your heads away embarrassed. “Breakfast!!” shonda said as she placed a plate of waffles in front of you and Riku. “I’m going on a business trip tomorrow and I won’t be back for 2 weeks. I assume Rimini is going shopping today?” “Yes. Kairi is coming with me.” “That’s great! When are you leaving?” “After I finish eating.” And with that you took your last bite and put your dish in the washer. “Bye!” It seemed like Shonda wanted to spend some time alone with Riku so you hurried out bracing yourself for the shopping trip with Kairi. RPOV “I’ll see you later mom!” “Wait Riku! I wanted to talk to you, it about Rimini and you alone while I’m gone.” “Aw mom you know nothing is going to happen.” “Well frankly I don’t, you two seem to like each other and as you get older your body changes..” “Mom! I already had that talk, and we are just friends!” Though I wish we were something more… “ Yes well, I think you two would make a cute couple. So, while I’m gone, I’m expecting you to try to win her over. I know you like her and I think she likes you. And besides, your 16 and you still don’t have a girlfriend, I do want grandchildren you know… just think about it please. Now I have some errands to run, I’ll see you when I get home. Love you.” And with that my mom left. MAN she can be pushy sometimes! That must be how she made it to the top and Why we are living so well! But she’s right, I do like Rimini a lot, I’m gonna do it! When she get’s back I’m going to ask her out! Ooohh cliffhanger, what will happen next? If I get 5 reviews by tomorrow or sooner, I’ll post another chapter!!
I did it! I like my profile right now, well, it needs inprovement, but it'll work for now.
I'm posting Chapter7 Right Now!
Yup!! I'm posting chapter 7 right now!
Since i got at least one comment on my thread, i am posting another chapter! and if i get three more comments after i post the chapter, i most...
I love houses like that! My brother dosen't though!
I hate moving!
Hello! How are you? You must be are new member.
Just getting back into it as well and i'm very busy.
So what's up?
Sorry!! I was busy!
Heya!! Haven't seen you in a while! I posted chapter 6 on my thread please look!
Awsome! I keep trying to change my profile but i change it back everytime becasue i hate it.
I like your user name how did you get in the colors? Chapter six is out on my thread!
Hey Bro!! I am back!!
yeah, i'm glad to be back!!